Good Luck Phantom | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Good Luck Phantom

At 8:15 tonight SEN spoke to Greg Miller who was in the Phantom/Miller meeting.

Greg said that they tried to impart to Michael that it is a very difficult job running a footy club, and that the ball was now in his court.
Michael is in another meeting currently.

Hope we get word from him soon.
Saw Phantom on the ABC news and he was still on his feet. Came up pretty good, actually.

So CC had a backup, eh? So much for Michael going it alone - face to faces!

Eat 'em alive, Pahoff!
TrueTiger said:
jb03 said:
Casey seems to have a regular comedy spot on TFS.

Yeah so my bet is that there is a good chance he could be on a few more times before the season is out.

Hopefully introducing the successor to the presidency of the club with any luck,and seen walking out the door with Beck under his arm as well.