PRE Site Rules | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.

PRE Site Rules

Mr T.

Staff member
Aug 11, 2007
Below is a COPY of PRE Site Rules. It can also be found here.

Specific PRE Site Rules & Registration Agreement
Updated: July 2019

These rules are subject to change without notice.

Posting on message boards is a unique way of communicating and as such acceptance of certain guidelines will make being a member of this board more enjoyable for everyone.

Anybody is welcome to join Punt Road End and post. It’s not necessary to be a Richmond supporter; in fact opinions from the other side of the fence can be quite interesting. Blatant stirring from opposition supporters is not welcome though (ie. NO TROLLS).

Please remember this site is intended for family use and as such posts should be suitable for any age group to read.

These rules are to protect PRE and to keep it going long into the future. Please adhere to them and if we think that you are trying to get around them we will be in touch and may attract moderation, suspension or even banning.

For our previous and current sponsors of the site, we thank you but this doesn’t entitle you to special treatment.

If you are not sure about a certain rule, please ask us.

Membership of this site is subject to the following rules:
General Conduct
  • As part of the hosting agreement swearing isn’t acceptable and there is a swear filter in place. Posts that try and get around the swear filter by using symbols and asterisks will be removed and a warning given.
  • Messages shouldn’t threaten or humiliate any other person or contain personal insults. There is a zero tolerance policy for flame wars, baiting, and malicious personal attacks on all forums. Such activity will result in posting rights being suspended/banned -- without warning.
  • Brief replies that add nothing to the discussion but to denigrate or bag a situation/event/player/official/poster, or hijack a discussion will be deleted and the poster banned for repeat offences.
  • Avoid quoting and then adding a “x 2, or LOL” - we now have a like feature, that is enough.
  • Please don't quote an image(s) if it is already posted in the thread.
  • This site shouldn’t be used for advertising or political soliciting.
  • Please don’t post in capital letters to try and gain attention.
  • It isn't acceptable to post in foreign languages.
Don't be a pest, spammer or stalker.
  • We’ve mentioned this before, but some people need reminding that you are chatting with real people. Your interactions can be reported and moderated, so avoid baiting etc.
  • Report any posts or members that you feel are Trolling the site.
  • Multiple accounts to be used in bullying other members will be removed and both accounts that share the same IP address will be banned.
  • Posting the same post across multiple threads, just no.
  • Having a whinge about moderators or the Admin publicly will not be taken lightly. Engage with each privately, see more on ‘Moderating PRE’
  • Redirecting members to other sites to increase readership, registrations for commercial or non-commercial purposes is not allowed. This is tested by whether a member is contributing to the community or their intent is to increase traffic of their own or affiliated content.
  • Do not track down or post to social media images, names, addresses etc. except if information is obtained from publicly listed information, but even so this is weird and get some help.
  • Do not cyberstalk, following people from board to board to harass them, seek help.
No illegal content; respect copyright owners.
  • No sexually explicit images, racist material, torrent or file swapping links or requests. Links to other websites with illegal game/match streams or downloads.
  • No drug use chat or any mention in context in relevant discussions.
  • No breach of copyright regulations. Article links can be posted with the source named, content from the links cannot be posted into the forum. If you are quoting a paragraph in your comment, a link must be provided and the source and writer included.
  • No libellous or defamatory content which may result in the risk of legal action.
Moderating PRE
Moderating decisions won't be discussed publicly and posts questioning things considered to be confidential are likely to be deleted. Forum staff/moderators have the final say and majority vote doesn’t always count. Staff seek to make the community enjoyable for as many people as they possibly can. They do their best and if you disagree with a decision, contact them via personal messaging, rather than airing complaints in public. Keep in mind it's not appropriate for them to discuss other posters so please don't ask.

We also ask you that you report a post using the ‘report post’ link under each entry and add a reason to help us determine the appropriate action.

Note, creating a new account to bypass any bans is not possible as we have IP address alerts to prevent this.

If you get a warning or a suspension, keep calm, and clearly communicate and be respectful when talking with moderators. If you are not happy with the decision or discussion or response contact the Admin.

How do moderators decide?
Moderators (Behavioural Awareness Officers) will look at the reported post or member and consider the intent of the content or member and deem if it is trolling, seeking attention/reaction or just being annoying.

All warnings attract points.

Think of these as Demerit points. Collect many of them and you can earn yourself a suspension or a ban.

Warnings: 0 points; Low Impact: 1 point; Medium Impact: 3 points; High Impact: 5 points.

If you accumulate enough points in a 12 month period:
  • 5 points - 1 week account suspension.
  • 10 points - 2 weeks account suspension
  • 15 points - 3 weeks account suspension
  • 20 points - You are gawn. Permanent ban.
Points expire after a period of time.

Moderators can also give you a ‘day off’ from a thread or the whole forum if they think you need to calm down.

Here are the main four warnings, note we are still refining the process:
  • Inappropriate Content
  • Inappropriate Behaviour
  • Inappropriate Language
  • Inappropriate Advertising / Spam
In reality they are common courtesy rules and shouldn’t be too difficult for anyone to adhere to. The best way to look at it is if you were face to face with someone would you talk to them like that… apart from all that post hard and often and more importantly have fun.

Enjoy the forum and go the Mighty Tigers!
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