Talking Politics | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Talking Politics

Legends of 2017

Mar 24, 2005
Hi all. Just thought about starting a thread just about politics. I noticed a few other threads sometimes get hijacked to put across political views, so why not have a thread dedicated to politics. It could be about federal, state, local or even international politics. It could be about specific topics, specific politicians. You could say how much you despise someone and why or how much you admire a politician ( :rofl :rofl :rofl) and why. Basically this is just 'Talking Politics' (I'll talk to Bruce, Mike and Parkin about getting a couch ;D). You could have right wing views or left wing ones, or even be wingless for all I care :)
I personally am neither a staunch liberal or labor person. To me all sides of politics have flaws. Lately it seems that both labor and liberal are stuffed. Labor suffers from incompetence after their second election (Victoria) while the libs suffer from arrogance after being voted back in (howard and kennett).
At both state and federal levels at the moment, the only reason the current parties are in power is because of the uselessness of the opposition.
The only politician I had any real respect for during his whole career (I usually have some respect for politicians at the start of their careers but they gradually lose it the longer they are in parliament and lose touch with reality) was Ted Mack, and he wasn't eve from my state! If more pollies acted like him, the way people perceive them would be enhanced. From memory, I think he twice walked away from politics when he was due those extravagent super payouts the privileged few (pollies) receive. He was in it for his constituents, not himself, a party or the money.
Anyway, have to be off. Please feel free to rant and rave on this thread about anything political guys and girls.
What about the minority Parties, Greens, Democrats etc, Is there really a place for them in Australian Politics, or are they time wasting?
tigericho said:
What about the minority Parties, Greens, Democrats etc, Is there really a place for them in Australian Politics, or are they time wasting?

Time wasters and bludgers....keep the bastards honest? ::)
What a joke!

Should ne just Labour .v. Libs...thats it!
Anduril said:
Legends of 1980 said:
Anduril said:
Legends of 1980 said:
Labor suffers from incompetence after their second election (Victoria)

You must watch Channel 7 news.

I don't actually. Why is that?

7 have an anti State govt story on every night, some of the stuff they dredge up is amazing.

Ok, didn't know that. I watch a range of news shows,and find that, yes, some do have bias, both for and against, (both at state and federal level), and after getting past the headline, you sometimes wonder "Is that all?". It gets frustrating trying to keep a balanced view after hearing so-called facts by biased commentators and journalists.
I stand by my original comments, though, about both labor and liberals after being elected to their second terms (incompetence and arrogance). I was very disgusted with the way the bracks govt lied about the toll way (I live in the south east). And before anyone jumps down my throat about the previous liberal govt and city link, I was against that as well. To me, the tollway issue pointed to one of two things about bracks and his govt, both of which I don't like in any govt. 1. They knew that it would be a tollway before the election and before they promised it would be a FREEway, therefore they lied on an election promise (surprising from politicians, I know ;D ). or 2. They didn't do their sums or did them wrong about the cost of the project, therefore being incompetent IMO.
Another thing that really annoyed me about both federal and state governments in the past few weeks was about health. The state government telling hospitals to charge sick kids families for life saving foods for intravenous use, when they have enough to worry about, then backing down after it was reported in the media, saying it wasn't what was intended, yeah right!
At the federal level, it's the availabilty, or non-availablity, of the drug Herceptin, used to fight breast cancer. If I read this right (I am confused because it doesn't make sense to me), it's available to women in the terminal stage of the disease, where it does least good if anything. But women in the early, most treatable stage, where it's most effective, have to pay upwards of $50,000 to get it for treatment!
The most annoying thin to me about these 2 subjects is the fact that both governments are sitting on huge surpluses, doing nothing. You could say they are careful with their our money, but that idea is thrown out the window with the obscene amount of cash thrown around in government advertising. Stop using our money to promote yourselves, we know who you are, we know you are in government. Stop adverising yourselves and put the money towards what you are being paid, and elected, to do. That is look after the people, your constituents!!!!
Talking Politics this is my opinion on the state of play.

Bracks - biggest imbecile in politics is a puppet and run by his wife. The man has no leadership qualities for mine. Yeah Nah ( we are looking into it or we will have an enquiry) :p Rivals Spuds Yeah Nahs and Cherry Ripes. :p

Doyle - Equal imbecile to Bracks no idea and a tool. No personality. DUD :p

well looks like ive got no one to vote for cos i have no respect for either of these buffoons.
craig said:
Talking Politics this is my opinion on the state of play.

Bracks - biggest imbecile in politics is a puppet and run by his wife. The man has no leadership qualities for mine. Yeah Nah ( we are looking into it or we will have an enquiry) :p Rivals Spuds Yeah Nahs and Cherry Ripes. :p

Doyle - Equal imbecile to Bracks no idea and a tool. No personality. DUD :p

well looks like ive got no one to vote for cos i have no respect for either of these buffoons.
That's the state of play imo as well. Frustrating when there's no better alternative.
At this point of time the most relevant politics for us is local.

I live on the fringe of the boundary of the City of Glen Eira, and some of you may know that our council recently was sacked by the State government. They got sacked for all the usual reasons, infighting, pocket filling et al.

Some of the old council are seeking reelection. One or two have been valuable supporters of the sporting clubs in the area. There are also new candidates promising the world too. The city staff themselves, outside of the council, work pretty well. Rates & charges have been OK, the City has supported & refurbished its amenities, and gives good support to its residents, businesses & local clubs.

So where to the voters go from here?
Legends of 1980 said:
(I usually have some respect for politicians at the start of their careers but they gradually lose it the longer they are in parliament and lose touch with reality)

Having worked around the political and bureaucratic circles here in Canberra for over 30 years now I fully understand your statement.

Young politicians - elected for the first time - come to Canberra full of enthusiasm & zest to do the right thing by the people of Australia - the political machine on both sides of the house soon sucks them in - repackages them and spits them out to become party "clones"! With the media and its 30 seconds of political grabs shown to every mum and dad at 6pm on the nightly news - the real power in Australian Politics lies with the people who manipulate the party machinery. They do this by instructing those in their party who are in the news for that day - what to say for the "good of the party" and with the next election firmly in mind. Whilst I am not a fan of Mark Latham - his book elucidates this particularly well!

The more constituents like you stand up and say "I see through you - I have little or no respect for you" the quicker the "industry" of public life will get someone who will change the political scene through strong leadership. Oh the other thing that needs to happen also is for people like you to stand up and say to the media moguls we do not believe the lopsided *smile* you are feeding us - it is all designed for the betterment of your media position not the truth in political news.

IMO we are rapidly becoming the 51st state in the USA - the greatest democracy in the world - where the truth and very foundation of democracy - the peoples voice - is never found - due to the *smile* - party machines and a manipulated media.

In Politics Australia has lost its century earned identity of being fair to all especially the underdog - we strut the world stage as a snivelling little George Bush puppet!

All this because the very foundations of our constitution are being quietly eroded - by very poor leadership, political machines and the media. Ministerial accountability went out the door the day this Federal Government took office - State Governments are now following this curse on true democracy - When a crisis occurs - the Minister is not responsible that his laws are at fault and were the very cause of the crisis - it is in fact the bureaucrats and the police and the SES and the people of Australia who are at fault - but it is not the minister.

Mark-these-words - the Australia we are setting up for our kids and grandkids will not have as its foundations those values we are so proud of today. A fair go (except for Collingwood, Carlton and Essendon supporters) - the ability to better oneself through hard work to own your own business (because big business supported by Government will kill you off) - education for all - health facilities for all - peace and prosperity for all. We are in an era of pitting Australian against Australian and may only the biggest and the best survive - that is not the Australia I grew up in! But it certainly is the America of today.....................
RT when you get people saying things like "Bracks is a puppet and is run by his wife" you realise things will never change and only get worse.

Agree with you 100% RT, but until we get
a] a media not accountable to big business, but one that keeps govts accountable
b] we lose our commonly accepted rights to the extent that ordinary Aussies REALLY hurt
things can only get worse.

Have been to the left of politics most of my adult life, yet I could still admire politicians like Fraser, Hewson and true 'liberals'. Even Jeff was true to himself, but with this adminstration in Canberra at the moment only one word comes to mind and that is 'obscene'. And I truly mean that.
Terror Australis.
RemoteTiger said:
Legends of 1980 said:
(I usually have some respect for politicians at the start of their careers but they gradually lose it the longer they are in parliament and lose touch with reality)

Having worked around the political and bureaucratic circles here in Canberra for over 30 years now I fully understand your statement.

Young politicians - elected for the first time - come to Canberra full of enthusiasm & zest to do the right thing by the people of Australia - the political machine on both sides of the house soon sucks them in - repackages them and spits them out to become party "clones"! With the media and its 30 seconds of political grabs shown to every mum and dad at 6pm on the nightly news - the real power in Australian Politics lies with the people who manipulate the party machinery. They do this by instructing those in their party who are in the news for that day - what to say for the "good of the party" and with the next election firmly in mind. Whilst I am not a fan of Mark Latham - his book elucidates this particularly well!

The more constituents like you stand up and say "I see through you - I have little or no respect for you" the quicker the "industry" of public life will get someone who will change the political scene through strong leadership. Oh the other thing that needs to happen also is for people like you to stand up and say to the media moguls we do not believe the lopsided *smile* you are feeding us - it is all designed for the betterment of your media position not the truth in political news.

IMO we are rapidly becoming the 51st state in the USA - the greatest democracy in the world - where the truth and very foundation of democracy - the peoples voice - is never found - due to the *smile* - party machines and a manipulated media.

In Politics Australia has lost its century earned identity of being fair to all especially the underdog - we strut the world stage as a snivelling little George Bush puppet!

All this because the very foundations of our constitution are being quietly eroded - by very poor leadership, political machines and the media. Ministerial accountability went out the door the day this Federal Government took office - State Governments are now following this curse on true democracy - When a crisis occurs - the Minister is not responsible that his laws are at fault and were the very cause of the crisis - it is in fact the bureaucrats and the police and the SES and the people of Australia who are at fault - but it is not the minister.

Mark-these-words - the Australia we are setting up for our kids and grandkids will not have as its foundations those values we are so proud of today. A fair go (except for Collingwood, Carlton and Essendon supporters) - the ability to better oneself through hard work to own your own business (because big business supported by Government will kill you off) - education for all - health facilities for all - peace and prosperity for all. We are in an era of pitting Australian against Australian and may only the biggest and the best survive - that is not the Australia I grew up in! But it certainly is the America of today.....................

And the goal umpire doesn't have to move! :clap :clap
listening to AM on 774ABC today and interviews with Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser regarding 30 years since "THE DISMISSAL"

I just love the spin by the two sides, and that Whitlam refused to speak to John Kerr for the rest of Kerrs life.

Whitlam is now 89 years old.
I heard on AM that the opposition and other parties were critical of the Govt calling a special sitting of the Senate last week claiming they were playing politics with our security and trying to scare us.
There was also question that it was to take attention from the IR legislation.
How sad that opposition governments, no matter who, are always so negative.
The legislation that was changed resulted in the arrest of 15 suspected terrorists in Melbourne and Sydney last night.
Previous to the amendment the police had to know the intended target to make the arrests but because of the change they have stopped a probable terrorist attack.
Well done.
Opposition are not always negative Rosy, it just seems so. For example the current Lib Govt policy on Bird Flu was originally a Labor initiative/policy, Howard and his cronies often gazzump the Opposition in that way, it's just that you never hear about it.
Some so called 'negatives', eg Politicians' Super become Govt policy too.
OK if you want to be pedantic Anduril substitute often for always. ;)

The opposition are always often on the news bagging what the government is doing rather than saying what they'd do themselves.

That's what the general public hear and I think it's a large reason Labour can't knock the Libs off their perch.  I voted for Labour myself, but I think all opposition parties including the Libs on the odd occassion they are opposition, are guilty of it.

What do you think of the opposition parties criticising the government over the sitting to alter the terrorism laws especially seeing the amendment resulted in the arrests?