Concussion | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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year of the tiger

Tiger Legend
Mar 26, 2008
New guidelines being considered. I can’t see the AFL not accepting these and think this might be a new rule change for 2024.

21 days - 3 weeks seems a lot of games to miss but I think this is needed and where the game is headed.

The only way this could work is by taking the concussion test out of the club hands and giving it to a truely independent medical authority to administer on game day and at club land during the week.

Massive impact on player availability, particularly if some one is concussed say the first week of the finals.

I worry now re Vlas and the Dangerfield knock. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has permanently damaged his brain and he has never really been the same player since - and Dangerflog represents the player’s interest shows how messy this all is.
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Missing three weeks for a brain injury is problematic for teams.

If the AFL is serious about reducing concussion they'll need to find creative ways to reduce speed & congestion which result in collision injuries.

As I have said before I think it's time to consider removing two players from the wings to open the game up so there's more room to execute , more fatigue & less heavy contact. I'm happy to have 4 on the bench if that happens. All players can run marathons in this professional era. It's not how the sport was designed.

Concussion poses a real threat to the future of the sport. Whatever they do it's going to have to evolve...
Missing three weeks for a brain injury is problematic for teams.

If the AFL is serious about reducing concussion they'll need to find creative ways to reduce speed & congestion which result in collision injuries.

As I have said before I think it's time to consider removing two players from the wings to open the game up so there's more room to execute , more fatigue & less heavy contact. I'm happy to have 4 on the bench if that happens. All players can run marathons in this professional era. It's not how the sport was designed.

Concussion poses a real threat to the future of the sport. Whatever they do it's going to have to evolve...

I actually don’t think it’s that complicated Tigers of Old. If the AFL just implemented / enforced the existing rules then the Maynard and Danger examples would be dealt with………because I thought incidental impact was the same as deliberate under the rules, any head high contact is an offence.

if they had to change the rules then I think a simple mandatory send off rule for any contact to the head, accidental or deliberate will make a massive difference to how players approached a contest and would certainly take out the sniper element to our game.

But again, I think I am introducing a change to the game as you are also.
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I reckon the AFL will definitely accept this as a new rule and it's going to upset teams a lot. 21 days is too long for 1 player to not play.
Having suffered multiple concussions myself over the years I have experienced all sorts of symptoms.
Whilst the initial recovery was rapid in the beginning it's lasting effects are not.
It's sort of like a build up and a residual type of thing.
It gets to a point where concussion can occur through the smallest of actions.
Mood swings and built up anger etc, Deep , dark thoughts etc. Not nice
What Dangerfield did was despicable and the lasting effect it will have on Floss will not be nice.
I shudder when I see such acts and the way the AFL handled it was disgusting.
I have two boys that play and love watching them and their mates but I
I'd hate to see them be the victim of such a deliberate act
I think the time in recovery should be assessed on the individual and maybe some thought given to the history of the individual. As mentioned I believe it will be twenty year down the track that the effects will be realised
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I guess delaying a players return after a concussion is largely because the player is less able to anticipate a further incoming collision, until he is fully recovered. I also would guess that after each such injury the recovery time is both slower, and less likely to be complete, depending of the severity of the new injury and the number of previous injuries.

If all of this is right it seems the number and the severity of each earlier concussion should help dictate how long a lay off should occur in each particular case, and that hard rules like 10 or even a 21 day rest are likely to be wrong.

Love to hear from someone who actually knows what they are talking about?
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New guidelines being considered. I can’t see the AFL not accepting these and think this might be a new rule change for 2024.

21 days - 3 weeks seems a lot of games to miss but I think this is needed and where the game is headed.

The only way this could work is by taking the concussion test out of the club hands and giving it to a truely independent medical authority to administer on game day and at club land during the week.

Massive impact on player availability, particularly if some one is concussed say the first week of the finals.

I worry now re Vlas and the Dangerfield knock. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has permanently damaged his brain and he has never really been the same player since - and Dangerflog represents the player’s interest shows how messy this all is.
These guidelines are not recommended for, nor will they apply to the AFL, or any other professional sporting body.
They are explicitly for junior sport- for growing bodies- and for community sport- where players do not have the professional medical oversight AFL players do.
Having suffered multiple concussions myself over the years I have experienced all sorts of symptoms.
Whilst the initial recovery was rapid in the beginning it's lasting effects are not.
It's sort of like a build up and a residual type of thing.
It gets to a point where concussion can occur through the smallest of actions.
Mood swings and built up anger etc, Deep , dark thoughts etc. Not nice
What Dangerfield did was despicable and the lasting effect it will have on Floss will not be nice.
I shudder when I see such acts and the way the AFL handled it was disgusting.
I have two boys that play and love watching them and their mates but I
I'd hate to see them be the victim of such a deliberate act
I think the time in recovery should be assessed on the individual and maybe some thought given to the history of the individual. As mentioned I believe it will be twenty year down the track that the effects will be realised
Absolutely right on Danger and I suspect the rest of it as well. The AFL could actually get something right here and take the responsibility for these decisions away from the clubs, and give it to a panel of neurosurgeons.
If you get knocked out it takes months to be fully right. A lighter concussion? Dunno, but erring on the side of giving them more time off is not a mistake imo.

If the AFL were really serious about it they'd stop incentivising leading with your head.
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Will Pucovski missing shield game this weekend, due to concussion, (again), apparently got a minor blow on the helmet at training earlier in the week, felt dizziness 2-3 days later. He must be well past a dozen such incidents now. Time to give it away, surely.
The cumulative effects worsening, he can't change his mind now without getting a headache.
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Will Pucovski missing shield game this weekend, due to concussion, (again), apparently got a minor blow on the helmet at training earlier in the week, felt dizziness 2-3 days later. He must be well past a dozen such incidents now. Time to give it away, surely.
The cumulative effects worsening, he can't change his mind now without getting a headache.
I hope he is ok but it staggers me how many times he gets hit in the head, what is wrong with his technique ?
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I hope he is ok but it staggers me how many times he gets hit in the head, what is wrong with his technique ?
He can’t see the ball coming. Just leaves his head in the way. If he was a boxer he would get punch in the head non stop because he can’t defend himself with movement.
A bit like with Paddy McCartin, there is an element of negligence on behalf of his family, manager and coaches. For everything we know about concussion and long term affects how do they let him go back out and continually get more concussions on top of his mental health issues which must be interlinked. If he was my son I wouldn’t let him play again.
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I hope he is ok but it staggers me how many times he gets hit in the head, what is wrong with his technique ?
He can’t see the ball coming. Just leaves his head in the way. If he was a boxer he would get punch in the head non stop because he can’t defend himself with movement.
A bit like with Paddy McCartin, there is an element of negligence on behalf of his family, manager and coaches. For everything we know about concussion and long term affects how do they let him go back out and continually get more concussions on top of his mental health issues which must be interlinked. If he was my son I wouldn’t let him play again.
It's not that he can't see it. It's his footwork. His trigger is the forward press but when the short ball comes he needs to get back and across and he doesn't. Gotta get inside the line if you're going to hook. It's why good hookers almost never get hit, like Ian Chappell says if you're moving to hook you're getting out of the way. Puc's coaches should be shot.
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I hope he is ok but it staggers me how many times he gets hit in the head, what is wrong with his technique ?
All batsmen lost the art of watching & avoiding the bouncer due too what they think is their safety net.The Helmet.
If they go to 3 weeks, list sizes become a real issue. You could have a handful of players sitting out at any one time, plus usual injuries. Perhaps they could look at being able to use VFL listed players as a supplementary list if/when needed?
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