You've hit the nail on the head,
@Number8. You've said what many people have been thinking for some time. That it's somehow a failing of RFC or other clubs that Twomey can find out who they are taking. This is a widely held view. I'm not sure exactly why but people believe this.
I guess that many of us don't want the mystery to evaporate. Don't want to find out that what we thought was unknowable is actually just another earthly matter. Don't want to see the workings of the magic. Particularly with football which is an entertainment, an escape from the mundane and the brutal.
I could put a poll up about it but my guess that >70% of PREnders don't want to know who we're taking at the ND.
One factor in people not wanting to know who RFC was taking was that many PREnders were wedded to prospects very early,
smitten, and were finding out that say Jagga Smith was not coming to RFC. So the facts were unwelcome at the time. Albeit that the information might well have softened the inevitable blow.
In the end the analysis/prediction of the ND requires the use of complex truth values such as - True. False. Both true and false. 73% false. True IFF. False unless. That kind of thinking hurts. We're all more comfortable in a world of good or evil, true or false. A world of black and white and magic. And simplicity. Football is entertainment.
* * * * *
The draft is a complex process and subject to study. It has little at all to do with morality, to what ought happen. It's observable. Measurable. And predictable to a large extent.
It's knowable.
Twomey's MO was widely considered magical at the onset of this draft period. Unknown and unknowable. A cluster of Poirots mimicked it and got a few right (even before Twomey) right here on this thread. Knowable. Who wants to know? Who wants to believe?
It's only football.