China | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Jul 26, 2004
I don't trust them at all. Never have.
History shows they are self serving invaders & one of the most racist countries on the planet.
Australia needs to be very careful going forward with that country in the wake of the coronavirus disaster.
A conscious uncoupling would be good for our nation. Make it very hard for the Chinese to invest or buy here. Stop buying goods made there too.
It's well time the rest of the world turned the spotlight on the CCP.
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People say this, but China is our number one trading partner. We also export way more to China than we import to the tune of about 50 billion a year.

Not disagreeing about the CCP, but we will need to restructure our economy totally away from iron/coal and other commodity exports if you seriously want to stop trading with China.
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British empire achieved what China is trying to do now. USA is everything you said China are. And worse. African Americans will gladly debate you on who is more racist.

There has always been a dominant civilisation in history. You just have to see what the US are doing to themselves to realise there is a void to be filled and China are the only nation with the power to do it.

You can fight it, or adapt to prosper within it.
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British empire achieved what China is trying to do now. USA is everything you said China are. And worse. African Americans will gladly debate you on who is more racist.

You need to read more Chinese history. No country will be safe from the Chinese invasion that's coming.
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China have got us over a barrel, literally bent over a barrel.
We have gone from "riding on the sheeps back", when we also had a very good manufacturing industry, to now being snookered if China were stop buying our resources.
Australian Governments to their eternal shame have let our manufacturing industry wither on the vine.
We have got all our eggs in the resources basket, hang on to your hats if China starts to play funny buggers and cuts back on importing our resources.
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Oh, they'll still import the resources they know own in Australia. We sold off a fair bit to China and enjoyed spending the cash.
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Reckon the Uighurs might argue differently, Baloo.

Sure, but my point is China isn't doing anything new. All the powerful civilisations throughout history were brutal in their charge to power. Pretty sure Australia's own indigenous races would have a fair bit to say about the British too. Shame there's no Tasmanian indigenous race left to hear their take on it as well.
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Sure, but my point is China isn't doing anything new. All the powerful civilisations throughout history were brutal in their charge to power. Pretty sure Australia's own indigenous races would have a fair bit to say about the British too. Shame there's no Tasmanian indigenous race left to hear their take on it as well.

Yep, plenty of horrible examples throughout history but China is making a case to be up with the worst of them.
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Yep, plenty of horrible examples throughout history but China is making a case to be up with the worst of them.

Maybe, or maybe we're just way better informed these days and pretty much nothing can happen like this without the world knowing.
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I don't trust them at all. Never have.
History shows they are self serving invaders & one of the most racist countries on the planet.
Australia needs to be very careful going forward with that country in the wake of the coronavirus disaster.
A conscious uncoupling would be good for our nation. Make it very hard for the Chinese to invest or buy here. Stop buying goods made there too.
It's well time the rest of the world turned the spotlight on the CCP.
You should work in the commercial building industry. Nearly everything is now made in China. No idea what is going to happen with building costs if the companies have to start sourcing locally again
You should work in the commercial building industry. Nearly everything is now made in China. No idea what is going to happen with building costs if the companies have to start sourcing locally again

Lots of industries will be affected by price in the short term. I'm guessing they'll just have to pass the cost increases on to clients & profits may be affected.
Longer term it may be better though. Certainly better than being owned by the CCP who are playing the long game.
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I don't trust them at all. Never have.
History shows they are self serving invaders & one of the most racist countries on the planet.
Australia needs to be very careful going forward with that country in the wake of the coronavirus disaster.
A conscious uncoupling would be good for our nation. Make it very hard for the Chinese to invest or buy here. Stop buying goods made there too.
It's well time the rest of the world turned the spotlight on the CCP.
Crazy talk
Lots of industries will be affected by price in the short term. I'm guessing they'll just have to pass the cost increases on to clients & profits may be affected.
Longer term it may be better though. Certainly better than being owned by the CCP who are playing the long game.
The end user pays. The nations standard of living will effectively need to be reduced to accommodate your wishes.
They also massacred hundreds (probably thousands) of their own people in Tiananmen Square. All because they were protesting in favour of democracy.

Their own people....................

This happened in 1989; not much more than 30 years ago.

And people complain about our governments issuing fines to those flouting the physical distancing requirements designed to stop the spread of a deadly contagion originating from China :rolleyes:
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They also massacred hundreds (probably thousands) of their own people in Tiananmen Square. All because they were protesting in favour of democracy.

Their own people....................

This happened in 1989; not much more than 30 years ago.

And people complain about our governments issuing fines to those flouting the physical distancing requirements designed to stop the spread of a deadly contagion originating from China :rolleyes:
You think we should use tanks on Bondi?