Enough! | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.



Tiger Legend
Mar 2, 2003
I know that we have been winning a few games lately but there are a few posters on this board (and they know who they are) that have nothing but positive and optimistic things to say about the tigers. No topic can be introduced without rantings from these posters about how good the side is and how good looking dunc is. I'd go as far and say that these are the bullies of the board in that they hijak every topic in order to express their positive outlook on the tiges and how we are gonna win the flag. I've also no doubt that they are putting off others from posting. If any of this group tries to respond to this post to justify themselves, I don't care I've heard it all before, we all have, so why don't you try and form your own little board so you can talk about a tigers premiership in 2003 and the spunky dunc and dragga. ;D ;D ;D
Tell us who harry? or are u afraid of a little confrontation.

Just because people have things to say that you dont want to know about then dont read them.

as for talking about how spunky draga and dunc are (and this is presuming) if you were a girl and liked the look of guys running around in footy shorts you'd comment to.

And if the guys are playing good footy of course people are going to comment and have hope about a premiership, some of us aren't old enough to have seen the tiges win one yet. so dont burst our bubble yet it is only round 7

What is wrong with a bit of peace, love and brown rice on a typically negative site.

If you are joking you are *smile* funny ;D ;D ;D

If you being serious, and you really want to indulge in some negative post bagging players, coaches etc.. feel free to go to Bummer, Cats, Hawks fan sites and post your little negative heart out ;D ;D

And what is wrong with Dunc ??? Given the chioce to look like either Brad Pitt or Dunc for a night with the ladies I would choose Dunc every time ;) ;) ;) and I would struggle to keep my shirt on with the muscles he has ;) It would be like a Ricky Martin film clip ;D ;D
They can talk as long as they like about how spunky Dunc and Dragga are. This is no harm. The only harm will be if these two crocks are given senior games.
I can understand your frustration Harry. It must be like being in no man's land for some, with all this winning going on.

Maybe that article in the paper on the weekend suggesting that Richmond's critics might need to find another job was right.

Maybe we need to start some counseling for those Richmond supporters who are suffering from withdrawal symptoms. What with the team winning and actually looking like something resembling a team and gaining a bit of respect on and off the field, it's just not fair.

What's the football world coming to? It's not like it used to be in the good old bad days. Doggone it, there's just nothing to get frustrated, angry or annoyed about.

It's just not the same watching a game without needing to chuck a 'nana every few minutes and having to listen to a disgruntled Richmond supporter within earshot doing a running commentary of every mistake for 3 ½ quarters.

Football's just not what it used to be!

Thank God for that. :D
Once upon a time there was a girl with a dream.
Her fantasy was endless talk about Richmond on tap whenever she felt like it..
She spent hours pouring over Dummies manuals learning to make a website in the hope of fulfilling her fantasies. She almost resorted to The Dummies Manual for Dummies who can't follow Dummies manuals.
A nasty person or two came along and tried to shatter the dream, but good prevailed over evil.
The Mighty Tigers started winning games and the baddies retreated.
Some were banished, some went awol, one even went to PommyLand to escape the happiness that ensued.
Maybe one day some of them will grace us with their presence again.
Meanwhile the Tigers are premiership bound so everyone on PuntRoadEnd will live happily ever after.
Harry said:
there are a few posters on this board (and they know who they are) that have nothing but positive and optimistic things to say about the tigers.

My hand is up Harry.....Positive and proud of it. Better still is the fact that we're gradually winning you over to the good side, ha. Go on admit it, you're finding it harder to stay negative so you might as well stop fighting it. ;D
Something tells me the level of positivity may shrink with regards to a certain inclusion this week ;).
I take it this would not be a good time to mention how good looking Cogs is? :rollin
Harry if you just tried you might see how wonderful posting positive is. You can do it come away from the darkness and join the light ;D
Tiger Goddess: cogs needs a good Victorian Richmond supporter girlfriend to keep him in Melbourne and at the tiges and not go back to WA. I am hoping you girls are onto it.
Harry said:
... so why don't you try and form your own little board so you can talk about a tigers premiership in 2003 and the spunky dunc and dragga. ;D ;D ;D

What about Richo? :-* :-* :-*

What a pity tight shorts aren't back in fashion!
julzqld said:
What about Richo? :-* :-* :-*

What a pity tight shorts aren't back in fashion!

Yeah they might have helped keep his hammies intact.

And also a nice tight head band to restrict him from trying to think when taking shots at goal would be nice.

Hahahah, Harry, I for one am having withdrawal symptoms. It's become second nature to be negative, lol, all this winning has shocked me out of complacency.
shawry said:
Tiger Goddess: cogs needs a good Victorian Richmond supporter girlfriend to keep him in Melbourne and at the tiges and not go back to WA. I am hoping you girls are onto it.

i'll put my hand up for that one, but don't tell DF he might get jealous
tiga chikk said:
shawry said:
cogs needs a good Victorian Richmond supporter girlfriend

i'll put my hand up for that one, but don't tell DF he might get jealous

Why is that tiga chikk? Does DF want to be Cogs' girlfriend, ha. ;D
rosy3 said:
Why is that tiga chikk? Does DF want to be Cogs' girlfriend, ha. ;D

you better believe it Rosy and i'm sure he may not mind a date to the brownlow either ;)
Goodness Gracious me.

Gee Harry I thought Digglertiranasaurus had finally got to you.

Anyone who aint happy with a 6-2 scoreline at this stage of the game aint serious and should get on the cats. At least then they would have something to whinge about.

With the likes of the players to make a comeback we should just be running into form around Round 18, just in time for the finals.

Oh by the way I am not predicting a premiership just yet, but at least we are moving forward.

I just hope this flows on to our membership as we want to be in a position to fund some of the changes everyone wants at the end of the year.