Neil Balme | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Neil Balme

It really is an extraordinary experience listening to Neil Balme speak compared to the rest of the morons on the AFL media landscape. He just talks with such an aura of common sense. I mean, even if you don't actually agree with something he says, he talks with such balanced reason and logic, that you just have to give it credence. Not like the drivel you normally have to contend with.
And this coming from a bloke who I dare say a fair number of AFL (mostly Cartoon) fans despise for how he conducted himself on the field.
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Balmey in discussions for a contract extension. ...:)

Also adding some or should I say, a lot of sense to the madness of the current game!

I said this in the Marlion thread. Balmey was looking for a knockout punch. He was subtly throwing jabs and right hooks at the AFL and big haymaker towards SHocking for introducing a rule that makes zero sense.
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Balmey in discussions for a contract extension. ...:)

Also adding some or should I say, a lot of sense to the madness of the current game!

Just said what we wish many others could say. Was sublime on the stand rule, just doesn't understand where the idea for it came from, simply nonsensical.

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We know where it came from - Hocking/AFL
And we know why - to disrupt our defensive structures and give others more chance of beating us

But I’m very happy with Balmes response , in a public forum , it challenges the rule in a clever way which doesn’t sound like one eyed sour grapes
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Balmey in discussions for a contract extension. ...:)

Also adding some or should I say, a lot of sense to the madness of the current game!

great stuff, thanks for posting. Loved his take on why the AFL wouldn't want Benny as CEO, basically said because he's not a *smile*. DR was too dumb to pick up on it of course.

Went hard on the AFL, in his velvetty style:

If the league wants to make it better for umps, stop bring in stupid rules that make no sense.
Why should a couple of league powerbrokers be able to bring in dramatic changes that most people hate.
What are the league trying to achieve with the stand rule? Whatever it is, its not working

Loved it
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Just read that there’s a biography written about Balmey, A Tale of 2 Men by Anson Cameron , due out in August.
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Just read that there’s a biography written about Balmey, A Tale of 2 Men by Anson Cameron , due out in August.
Think the age did an article on it a week ago. Sounds like a good read
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It really is an extraordinary experience listening to Neil Balme speak compared to the rest of the morons on the AFL media landscape. He just talks with such an aura of common sense. I mean, even if you don't actually agree with something he says, he talks with such balanced reason and logic, that you just have to give it credence. Not like the drivel you normally have to contend with.
And this coming from a bloke who I dare say a fair number of AFL (mostly Cartoon) fans despise for how he conducted himself on the field.

Every time I listen to Balmey I imagine how great our game may have been had he ever been in charge of footy ops at the AFL.
Think common sense may have been his thing way before the knuckleheads running the show dragged it out as a last resort!
Before anyone says we never would've had our recent success without him . .... well, we'll never know will we!

Anyway, Balmey on SA radio earlier today.
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Balmey has a book that hits the bookshelves today, A Tale of Two Men.

I know what I'm doing today.
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Balmey has a book that hits the bookshelves today, A Tale of Two Men.

I know what I'm doing today.
Neil and the book’s author Ansom Cameron will be hosting a Footy Almanacs lunch at the Nth Fitzroy Arms hotel next Friday.
3 courses for $50 plus drinks at pub prices.
Call the pub to book your seats.
Should be a ripper
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So Barrett's only question completely ignores what everyone else is talking about and asks about Dusty. What a sad excuse for a human being.

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I downloaded the Audible version of Balmeys book this morning and will give it a listen today.
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