Push off Pahoff | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Push off Pahoff

Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

Why the secrecy?

Its pretty obvious. I would imagine if I was managing a ticket to replace Casey, I would take every second of time I could to prepare a plan and to gather the best recruits I could to my cause.

No doubt, this is why there is secrecy. They are preparing. When their preparations are complete, then no doubt they will step forward.

Bare in mind, another benefit of the Phantoms work is bringing forward the timeline. Without doing this, it could early next year or later before the new board is organised. The tigers simply cannot afford another year like this one.
Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

Great point tigertime.....

Question: If Pahoff doesnt continue, will the board be spilled? Or will we have to wait until Jan until elections?

Tick tick tick tick.....when do you want change?

To those who hurled non-related abuse to Pahoff, are you the same idiots you blindly throw your support behind Dud just because he is a good guy? Seriously guys, grow up and let the man be. I regret not taking the time to walk to the other side of the ground to sign that piece of paper.
Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

Young Tiger

Yep I would agree there is a definite advantage to the EGM as a means of profouond change - I think I am just getting a little jaded by the whole chicken and egg argument that bounces back and forth here.

I have rested on the side of if you have got a decent ticket then 100 signitures will come in a flash but I fully recognise that this may be viewed as passivity.

Just as forcing an EGM at cost without a plan may be viewed as churlish.

I guess my point is whether the Pahoff thing was required - whether he has initiated something other than derision in the media or whether the challenge would have happened in due course without the necessary negative publicity in a timely fashion.

If a suitable tickets does not emerge then we have lost out - and the lack of transperancy in actions taken to date does not engender confidence in the waiting fans. If a suitable ticket does emerge then ask would it have occured in anycase.

I dont know the answer to these questions but my final thought is this - the signitures are collected, the meeting will I imagine be forced, hopefully the debate fades a little here till we know more facts, and alot more in the media till something factual happens.
Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

My understanding is that Phantom's actions in collecting the 100 signatures to force an EGM were done so on his own accord, totally independent of the alternative ticket. Since that time (last week), the proposed new Board has been in contact with Phantom and asked him to continue on with his campaign.

Regardless of Phantom's actions an EGM would have eventuated but Phantom has made things alot easier for the alternative ticket, basically doing there dirty work, even though he didn't know who he was doing it for in the first place!!

The time is fast approaching where the alternative ticket will reveal itself and can take things further. Hopefully then Phantom can move aside, because as I posted last week, I'm not sure that he is the right person to continue leading this push for too much longer and he can stopped being used as a little pawn for this long awaited event.
Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

Food for thought:

There is every chance that someone at the club reads these boards, especially regarding this issue. If we dont stand behind the Phantom or at least HIS OBJECTIVE then we may give that clown called Casey the self-confidence that he has some support.
Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

om21 said:
Food for thought:

There is every chance that someone at the club reads these boards, especially regarding this issue. If we dont stand behind the Phantom or at least HIS OBJECTIVE then we may give that clown called Casey the self-confidence that he has some support.

Everyone knows Corn Chips is gone, apart from himself because his big ego wouldn't allow it.
Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

om21 said:
Food for thought:

There is every chance that someone at the club reads these boards, especially regarding this issue. If we dont stand behind the Phantom or at least HIS OBJECTIVE then we may give that clown called Casey the self-confidence that he has some support.

I can almost guarentee that someone at the club sees a lot of PRE posts, but I'm not sure if any overall message derived from them that supported Clinton Casey would be passed on to him........    ;)

BTW, anyone see the news articles today that if Essendon needed an EGM (to have an alternative jumper), it "might cost up to $30K.....".

How come Richmond - with less members - needs to spend a reported $50K on our proposed EGM when Essendon can do it for almost half that amount?

Are the Tiger members being misled, or are we just financially incompetent compared to them?
Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

Blaisee, while I dont fully support Phantom, there's no need to be childish and vent a personal attack on the poor guy.

Everyone has the right to believe in what they want to.  This is a free country after all.

Please grow up and act your age.

It's very easy to be so macho behind a keyboard.

Your not going to win many people over acting like a 2 year old. 
Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff


Act your age?

WHat makes you think I am trying to win winanybody over I am not. The peitition has been signed and 100 signitures are on it. Its all over unfortunately. However instead of supporting your buddy why dont you concentrate on the issue. Sorry I forgot its above your head . Act your age and and clean up the crayons off the floor

Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

The Boss said:
My understanding is that Phantom's actions in collecting the 100 signatures to force an EGM were done so on his own accord, totally independent of the alternative ticket. Since that time (last week), the proposed new Board has been in contact with Phantom and asked him to continue on with his campaign.

Regardless of Phantom's actions an EGM would have eventuated but Phantom has made things alot easier for the alternative ticket, basically doing there dirty work, even though he didn't know who he was doing it for in the first place!!

The time is fast approaching where the alternative ticket will reveal itself and can take things further. Hopefully then Phantom can move aside, because as I posted last week, I'm not sure  that he is the right person to continue leading this push for too much longer and he can stopped being used as a little pawn for this long awaited event.

Yep !

Phantom initiated the petition on his own accord because he had lost faith in Casey and utilised the clubs constitution to express this point and make it public. He was then approached by the alternate ticket after he gained media attention and was then told to continue with the petition. He has never said that he has intentions to be involved with the new ticket.
Pass on Pahoff

Irrespective of his so called "noble intentions", the message was clear to me that he is an anathama to most members as it took one game of football with around 10,000 members present to get a whopping 60 signatures, and now he won't disclose how many signatures he had from last Saturday's game.

Always be suspicious of "white knights" who won't be named, of "back room" deals and tickets that "will be revealed".

Pahoff is either misguided or stupid - you be the judge!
Gday Pharace and welcome to PRE.

Clinton supporter are you??

For those talking about waiting for the election at the AGM.
At that AGM (in Jan I think) we will get to vote for 2 or 3 board positions.
From what I remember Casey himself isn't up for re-election until the following year.  :eek:

Still think the EGM is a bad idea?

Casey won't give up power, and whoever said the board will tip him out are kidding themselves. He has all but handpicked every member of that board with the exception of John Mathies and perhaps one other (if he hasn't resigned yet!)
So you believe that those people would tip him out?
I doubt it.
Casey says that if a better alternative to run the club is presented to him, then he would hand over the reigns to them.
But I ask you this. Why is it,that a man who has brought this club to its knees gets to decide who will run the club next???

As if.  Bring on the EGM and let the members decide his fate. ;)
pharace said:
Pass on Pahoff

Irrespective of his so called "noble intentions", the message was clear to me that he is an anathama to most members as it took one game of football with around 10,000 members present to get a whopping 60 signatures, and now he won't disclose how many signatures he had from last Saturday's game.

Always be suspicious of "white knights" who won't be named, of "back room" deals and tickets that "will be revealed".

Pahoff is either misguided or stupid - you be the judge!

The alternative ticket will emerge Pharace. ;) It is just a matter of time.

The only questions that remains are whether
1) casey will give up his leadership role when the challenge is announced and whether he will be accountable and explain to the members what happened to his financial predictions of a break even result at the EGM?

As members we are still waiting for some form of logical explanation as to the forecast losses!
blaisee said:
I am sick of this menace.

Hiding behind an imaginary group of famous backers that he thinks will show their face. Well I have news for you Pahoff , if they were so popular, talented and succesful they wouldn't need a publicity seeking person like yourself to change the board.

The board will take care of itself. I don't nessasirily back CC either but there is a right and wrong way of doing things and this is the wrong way. A bloodless coup is the right way.

How exactly are we going to attract a good coach and admisitration to this club when we have people like yourself in our membership base who with 100 signitures out of 28000 members can throw the club further in turmoil.

.................. leave running the club and changing the board to the professionals .

G'Day Mrs. Casey.
Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

Young Tiger said:
In the time that I was there, I heard the following abuse directed towards him -
"You are a disgrace"
"Get a hair cut"


This manner of vitriole is plain unacceptable.

I don't agree with aspects of Pahoff's petition and won't sign, but I certainly wouldn't resort to such attacks.

No doubt there was spitting and threatened violence directed at Pahoff as well :mad: . My sympathies if that was the case Michael.

It's very sad that certain RFC fans are stooping to Collingwood fan tactics to, supposedly, support their Club :mad:
To all the supporters of Pahoffs petition why do you automatically accuse anybody who is against it of being a Casey support. You only detract from what you are trying to acheive and it comes across as very childish.

I Undertsand where blaisee is coming from and have argued similar points, (not quite as aggresively mind you). However, just because he has a differnt point of view to yours doesn't put him automatically in Casey's camp.
That must be as frustrating to you as it is to us that have faith that better people are getting things organised and to have faith.

If you don't honestly think that there are 10 men capable of doing a better job then the present bunch (John Mathies excluded) who also have the Tigers best interests at heart, then just sit tight and wait until they do emerge. ;) And they will. And whatever plans they have for the club cannot be any worse than what is currently in place.
Re: Pi$$ off Pahoff

blaisee said:

Act your age?

WHat makes you think I am trying to win winanybody over I am not. The peitition has been signed and 100 signitures are on it. Its all over unfortunately. However instead of supporting your buddy why dont you concentrate on the issue. Sorry I forgot its above your head . Act your age and and clean up the crayons off the floor

There's be personally attack someone because you dont agree with what they are doing.

You'll gain more respect by viewing your thoughts in a constructive way.
OK then Tigerdog, if you had a business and were looking to do business with a company who had a board that had gained control of the company through deceitful means, would you deal with them ?

Thats the way the reputation of the RFC is heading.

Wether you like it or not this alternative group hasn't or wont reveal themselves. To me that is incredibly devious and and morally lacking. I would be just as dissapointed with this group getting control of the club as Casey and Co.

For God's sake this is so bloddy simple. The alternative group simply stop the cloak and dagger crap and reveal yourselves and your plans. If you are as good as the rumours make you sound you will gain overwhelming support.

In not revealing yourselves you promote suspicions of your motives.

It takes a bit of time to organise the right team with the right mix of skill sets to take over from the current Board.
It doesn't just happen overnight and Phantom did commence the action independent of any alternative.

All will be revealed in time and if it does come to an EGM, you will know who the alternatives and the challengers are ;).