Superb fitness could aid recovery | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Superb fitness could aid recovery


Tiger Legend
Dec 18, 2002
By Peter Brukner
March 13 2003

Until last weekend, Brad Ottens assumed that his low back pain was a minor problem. On Sunday morning, after a practice match against Carlton, he was examined by club doctor Chris Bradshaw, who noted some muscle weakness in his leg.

An MRI scan confirmed that Ottens had ruptured a disc in his lumbar spine and that the ruptured disc material was pressing on one of the nerves to the leg.

With hindsight one could assume that his low back pain of the previous weeks was due to an internal tear of the disc and at some stage during Saturday's game the disc ruptured, extruding the thick gelatinous material into the area where the nerve exits the spine.

Usually, a wait-and-see attitude is adopted in the hope that the disc material will be gradually resorbed and no longer press on the nerve. But with the season starting in two weeks, the Richmond medical staff decided surgery would be a better option, and the extruded disc material was removed in a relatively simple procedure.

The damaged nerve will slowly recover its full function and Ottens will continue to work on a program designed to improve the strength and stability of his low back and pelvic region. The usual time to full recovery is 12 weeks. With intensive physiotherapy and bearing in mind his excellent physical condition, the Tigers would be hoping to have Ottens playing in eight to 10 weeks.

Peter Brukner is Associate Professor in Sports Medicine at the University of Melbourne.
Its just a stunt by the club to keep supporters happy so that they rejoin. He will not play in 10 weeks. He will not play until next season. Pins and needles in the feet is a serious problem that just doesnt go away in 10 weeks.
Doctor Diggler
Dr Diggler, for once I agree with you. If we get a fully fit Brad Ottens back this season, we should thank our lucky stars. But I wouldn't bank on it. Our membership seems to have stalled if the number on the RFC website is anything to go by, and news like this is a real dampener. Bet the phones are slow today.
A good performance in round 1 is now an absolute must.
Diggler you could be right but so could the club. It depends on how much they have to cut away and how quickly his nerves can recover.

I know someone who a few years ago had what turned out to be part of the actual L5 disc pressing on their spine . Due to the lateness of the diagnosis by certain doctors (X-rays didn't show it up) at a Melbourne hospital, she developed severe nerve pain in her ankle and loss of feeling in her lower leg. Finally she had an MRI and they found the problem and they had to cut quite a bit of bone away during the microdesectomy. She still now gets slight pain in her ankle (but nowhere like before) but the feeling in around the ankle hasn't returned as the nerve was permantly damaged and the operation has made her back weak so she can't walk more than say 200-300m. If they had found the problem straight away it could have made all the difference.

I glad for Otto's sake they found it early. If everything goes as planned his back should feel fine once the anaesthetic wears off. Sounds like he'll be back to normal in a few months touchwood.
Even though we'd all love to have Brad back as quickly as possible, what is more important is that he takes his time to ensure he is fully fit and the back is 100%. Football is no excuse for being a cripple or even just having a bad back for the rest of your life.
Take it from someone who knows first hand about back pain, Ottens should not play again this year.
Lets just let the doctors decide what is right for OTTO.

A certain person on another forum who just happens to be a Doctor has stated that the time frame outlined by the club is not unrealistic.

I agree that we need to let Brad recover fully before rushing him back and I like everyone else wish him a speedy recovery, but lets let the experts decide when he is ready to return.

Good Luck Otto
Just get in the swimming pool Brad and start walking up and down up and down - will be cured in no time - best thing for disc problems.

And stay away from mum's diet tablets.