Bowden Must Go | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Bowden Must Go

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Tiger Legend
Dec 18, 2002
Tel Aviv
Joel Bowden has got to be traded at the end of the year come hell or high water.

Anyone who was at Friday nights game would have seen, once again, the reasons why.

In the first quarter I reckon he put in what I could only describe as two of the most insipidly weak efforts I have seen on a football field in years. The first, a pathetic limp wristed, head ducking effort to spoil a mark that should have been executed with relative ease. The second, the most absurdly uncourageous effort to go back under the ball on the Southern Stand wing. He cowered underneath the ball putting up a one handed effort because he thought he was going to get crunched from behind when quite easily he could have backed back and taken the mark. At that point in time I think nearly 5000 Richmond supporters around me went off their brains at him. He set the tone for the night. Just as well we werent playing West Coast because Ben Cousins would have had a field day with him !

Some people point to his tackle count. Garbage. He s collecting stats for in-effective tackles i.e. weak, one armed , non-aggressive attempts that are broken by the opposition with ease. When was the last time Bowden ran at an opposition player (rather than waiting for the player to come to him) and ruthlessly grabbed him and threw him into the ground at 100 mph ? Answer: never.

Some people point to his skill level. Garbage. Have a look at his ineffective kick stats. Too high for a supposed “silky left footer.” Incidentally, he has no right foot at all. And he misses heaps of goals from set shots as well.

Anyone can run around the ground on their own picking up cheap possessions like him.

He is setting an incredibly bad example for an established senior player. He s always been like this and he will never change. How he looks Coughlan, Newman, A. Kellaway and Chaffey in the eye is beyond me.

In a team that already lacks aggression, his lack of physical effort is just soul destroying.

I’ve heard that RFC has been shopping him around and that Sydney are interested in him.

Good. Get rid of him.
Redford, your knowledge of the game and insight is second to none. Joel Bowden is a coward, pure and simple. Always has been, always will be. He is a cancer that must be surgically removed from the Rabble Football Club before it manifests and infects the few good cells we have such as Coughlan, Newman, Rodan, Chaffey.

That "effort" on the Southern Stand wing was a disgrace. It was cowardly, insipid, mediocre and weak. This bloke has a heart the size of a pea. The club will never improve whilst he is on our list. If he has any value, which he probably doesn't, he must be traded. I don't care what we get, just get rid of him!

I totally agree. DROP HIM

Frawley should at least drop him to Coburg as punishment for his insipid performance.

He gets a lot of easy possessions.
He doesn't chase
He has no right foot
He gets knocked over by the wind
His Dad use to be a great handballer. Joel doesn't use his hands, only to complain about how the opposition are giving him a bath.
He is the most hated player at Richmond
Socially he is arrogant too, I will never introduce a young child to him again.

Do us a favour Committee, SEND HIM TO THE VFL this week and let him work on becoming a footballer again, not someone who believes he is untouchable
He'll definately be put up for trade at the end of the season. Let's hope we can get a first round pick or a suitable swap for him.
Start by dropping him this week, it is no good keeping at senior level with these performances no will want him come years end.

At least if he gets dropped and comes back with an improved attitude we might fool somebody.
I'd love to see Joel given an opportunity to play as a free running wingman which is what he came to the Club as. In the last 2 years he has been used to fill every hole that injury has dealt us, from full back to full forward and everything in between. He has never had an opportunity to settle into a singular position.

May be he should go for his own sack if for no reason than to get away from the constant barrage he gets from Richmond supporters.

With supporters like you lot, who needs opponents!!
Maskedman, your loyalty IMO is misplaced. The club is greater than any individual(player or member). Any player that gets the money that Joel receives and is elevated to a position in the leadership group, should lead by example. Unfortunately, his performances this year and last, have not warranted such recognition. He has continually made bad decisions, his disposal gets worse(he was mr. reliable at kicking for goals) , his attcak on the ball and opposition has been soft. Not what I would call a good example for our younger players.

Also, any paid member has every right to vent their disappointment and anger, at a player that has all the ability and skill(not displayed often enough) and who more often than not, lets both himself and the team down. How much of it has do to with the game plan or what he is asked to do by the coach, who knows. We can only judge by what we see on the field. I am sure we would love to see Joel fulfil his potential and play to a level(continually) that supporters have all thought he is capable of.
I totally agree with you untamed tiger.
We will not win a flag in the future with players who duck there head or who are scared which is what happened on Friday night.
I dont think Brisbane has any chickens playing for them ,do they ? Every Brisbane player is very hard at it ! Something we desperately need at Tigerland. Joel has a few mates I might add.
Bowden is just one spoke in a wheel thats in need of a major alignment,we need to change a dozen players and make Mark Coughlan Vice captain to Campbell so he will be ready to take over in a year or two,the way i look at it we can build a great team around this bloke the way Essendon,Brisbane,Collingwood and Hawthorn have done,all their captains are champions who lead with courage and guts,the team see,s this and lifts.But i believe we have the best one of the lot,this guy breaks walls down and gets up for 2nds and 3rds,what a player.With a major rehaul which includes the coach and 11 players put Mark coughlan as captain in a year or two and we will be back to the glory days.

Welcome to PuntRoadEnd lotus2. :)

Glad your password problems are finally sorted out. Perseverance pays off eventually, ha.
It's good to see that Richmond supporters are realising that Joel Bowden is a completely lost cause.

I've noticed since 2001 that he is the softest player in the league - bar none. From the time I saw some of his gutless efforts during that season I've been loathing his presence in the side and waiting for the day when the club drops him or better yet, trades him.

I was near that pathetic "effort" he did on Friday night when he went back in a pack with only one hand up - I was annoyed but not surprised considering who was responsible.

My favourite weak effort from Bowden was in a 2001 match against Essendon when he was heading for a physical clash with an Essendon player on the wing for the ball. Instead of taking the hit and fighting for the ball, he fell to ground deliberately so that he wouldn't have to take a physical battering and just gave up the ball as the Essendon player remained on his feet and took the ball away unheeded.

He is a complete waste of space as a player.
MackTiger said:
He gets knocked over by the wind

Are you talking bout Bowden or Fiora there? ::) ;)

MackTiger said:
He is the most hated player at Richmond

Thats just stupid, Richo is easuly the most hated. :)

MackTiger said:
Socially he is arrogant too, I will never introduce a young child to him again.

:mad: That is the most idiodic thing i have ever heard. Have you ever actually spoken to Joel? He is one of the nicest players at that club to talk too. I talked to him the longest out of any of the players, and that was because he kept talking to me! Joel was happy to sign anything for anyone that approched him, and he was especially nice to all of the little kids. One lady came up to him asking if he was Andrew Bowden (she had know idea about the RFC, and was being directed around by her 4 y.o kid) Joel was happy enough to point her in the direction of AK after signing the football. He was also out on the field the longest (along with Cogs and Otto) at the May training day.

After my experiances i am curious as to why you would never introduce a yound kid to him again. ::)
So u think Joel must stay because he gave you the time of day ??? He is as weak as ps !!!!! Always has been.
Wake up to yourself.We don't want nice boys off the field, girls on the field.We need young men on both fronts - a criteria he (and others) do not meet. If there is a God he will drive Bowden from Punt road season end !
Hallelujiah Lord !!!!!
Did i say that you idiot??? No i didnt i said that i didnt think Joel was arrogent, its not my fault if you read stupid things in to what i say.

Wake up to yourself, youve been here what all of 2 seconds and youve managed to *smile* 3 ppl off already.

if you have read any of the posts, you would have known that i have always stuck up for Bowden agaisnt ppl on this website, but even i can see that bowdo is playing weak crap footy, i think he should get dropped back to the 2s, and i wouldnt care so much if he got traded but while he is still at the club, i will still stick up for him against drop kicks like you.

Wake up and get a life.
Now,now,now little one,no need to use the F word(unless it's part of your every day vocab)
Seems that you not backward in being forward.
If things aren't as you envision them (and they aren't)
just keep on punching.You'll eventually work it out.
U can put your dole form in 2morrow and feel that fortnightly sense of acheivement you obviously are yearning !!!!
Ever considered anger management classes?At least it would get u out of the house !!!!!!!!!!!
Valium Poppa said:
Now,now,now little one,no need to use the F word(unless it's part of your every day vocab)
Seems that you not backward in being forward.
If things aren't as you envision them (and they aren't)
just keep on punching.You'll eventually work it out.
U can put your dole form in 2morrow and feel that fortnightly sense of acheivement you obviously are yearning !!!!
Ever considered anger management classes?At least it would get u out of the house !!!!!!!!!!!

First of all dont call me little one ok?
2nd of all, my dole form would be 2nd in line behind yours wouldnt it??

im in school, See unlike you, im trying to make something with my life.

you must lead a really sad life if you all you do is go on to forums to stir up *smile*.
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