Can't open a file | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Can't open a file


Tiger Legend
Mar 27, 2003
Our accountant has e-mailed me our cash-flow manager file but I can't open it.

The details say Type: Unknown File Type.

When I click open I get a message "This file doesn't have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an assoiation in the Folders Option control panel.

Can anyone point me in the right direction how to do that please.
hey rosy, what is the extention of the file your accountant gave you?

if it is a .cf5 or .cf6 then it relates to cash flow manager v5 and v6 respectively, and should be opened via the 'open' function which i'm sure you tried.

however if the file your accountant sent you was in the .bc5 or .bc6 format then he has sent you a backup file. You have to open this by bypassing the initial 'welcome' screen (u can do this by clicking 'open existing file' when cash-flow manager starts, then clicking cancel. Once you get into the program u click on File>Restore and then search for your backup file there.

I hope the solution is as simple as this because i hate CashFlow Manager.

Thanks Otis The file is .bc6.

It's not the actual CFM program I want to open, it's all our figures for the year. My computer carked it and I lost our records and need to get to onto this computer somehow. (am wayyy behind with our BAS ::) )

I've installed CFM. Do I need to open it to open the file I was e-mailed?

The acct said he'd talk to me tomorrow. Maybe he's going to explain then. All double dutch to me.
yeah u need to start CFM and then get past the initial 'welcome' screen (usually a black screen with a hand and some gold coins)... just click on 'open' and then cancel out of that screen which should take you into the program itself.

Once you're in the program just click on File, then Restore and select your .bc6 file. This .bc6 file is a backup of your data. I think the .bc6 is associated with Cashflow Manager 2004.

Don't attempt to 'open' this bc6 file because it's a backup and can only be 'restored' within the program.

If your version of CFM can't restore this bc6 file then you probably have the wrong version of CFM.

The strange thing about CFM is that each version has different file extentions which aren't recognised by any older versions of CFM. This is why it's a real pain in the backside dealing with this program. Once the file is restored/opened then all the hard work is done and the rest is a breeze :p
Thanks heaps for explaining that Otis. Greatly appreciated. :hearton