Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Release the name of them. There are so many rogue removalists out there that impact the market negatively.

The more people that actually used reputable removalists (that are legitimate members of AFRA) rather than randoms that just have a truck and some muscle, then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation. People always looking for the lowest cost unfortunately.
Agree 100%. If they have completely flouted the regulations, which appears to be the case, then I could care less if they go about of business. No one to blame but themselves.
In a statement, NSW Health said Sydneysiders should stay at home “unless it is absolutely necessary to leave”.

“You should only be shopping for essential items and only leaving the house for as short a period of time as possible,” it said.

“We encourage people to shop online or use click and collect options. If you do leave home for an essential reason, remember to check in anywhere you visit.”

So Gladys, if your message is to only shop for essential items, WHY AREN'T THE REST OF THE *smile* SHOPS SHUT YOU IDIOT. Victorians stayed at home in our lockdown, some doing it for the right reasons, others doing it because there was literally no place for them to go.
She's got no idea.
3 x Tier 1 and 3 x Tier 2 exposure sites at Highpoint. A Tier 1 site in each of Eaton Mall in Oakleigh, Young & Jacksons in the city and Maribrynong Aquatic centre. Tier 2 sites in Members Stand at MCG.

We have lift off...........................
You're probably right. And whilst we're in lockdown the authorities should review this clusterfuck of a permit system that is allowing so many people to return from red zones everyday. As well as reviewing how these lying *smile* removalists were allowed to stay in Melbourne and do another job to SA. If this permit system wasn't so idiotic we wouldn't be in this position.

They can start with actually enforcing the conditions of the permit system where their are punitive measures for people that deliberately breach them like the Craigieburn person that went to Coles. Instead of giving them a *smile* cuddle.
Not saying it is right or wrong, but they are clearly reluctant to punish people who admit to doing the wrong thing for fear that others, apparently like the removalists, wont be open about their movements, which delays contact tracing, which delays contacts going in to isolation which risks more cases.
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I know the feeling, just booked tickets to go to Perth at the end of the month for my father's 90th. Hoping it will still be possible. I can't spend 14 days in quarantine when I get there and coming home has to be possible too.

The whole thing with quarantine is a balancing act. I reckon throw the book at those removalists if they were not meant to pick up another load and go to SA, mind you, they may not have needed a Vic permit to do that, just a permit to enter SA, and I doubt they told the SA authorities that they had started the trip in Sydney. But, if you throw the book at them, you risk others who are breaking the rules being even less forthcoming about their movements. Not easy.

I think you have a mild fine.

Then if it is later found out you lie on your responses you have a very serious consequence and this is made clear when getting the original information.

Create a massive negative for lying. But still have a consequence for not following the rules.

this should be made clear / flashing lights on the permit too. Along with a call for caring for your fellow human being.
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I think you have a mild fine.

Then if it is later found out you lie on your responses you have a very serious consequence and this is made clear when getting the original information.

Create a massive negative for lying. But still have a consequence for not following the rules.

this should be made clear / flashing lights on the permit too. Along with a call for caring for your fellow human being.
Spot on. It's not that hard.
Not saying it is right or wrong, but they are clearly reluctant to punish people who admit to doing the wrong thing for fear that others, apparently like the removalists, wont be open about their movements, which delays contact tracing, which delays contacts going in to isolation which risks more cases.
Yeah I get that. However, the current situation is unacceptable IMO. It's like "yeah I'll just come back from a red zone. I know I'm gonna be at home for 14 days but really they're not gonna check on me every minute of every day. And if I do get caught so what. I'll just fess up and won't even cop a slap on the wrist. What's the big deal; apart from the fact that I may have COVID and spread a rampant strain throughout the community and force even more lockdowns on that already struggling community. But who cares? That's their problem not mine. I got to have my half strength almond milk moccachino at my favourite cafe and that's all that matters."

If people knew there would be serious penalties for an unabashed breach of quarantine then they may just think twice. Or stay where they are in the first place. Our permit system is as loose as a goose and we're all gonna pay for it again.
Fines must stand as a deterrent. If lying or refusing to assist , then the fine is to be doubled. That will encourage up front admissions.
I think we are looking at a short lockdown very soon.
Don't think either Ian or David will get to travel unfortunately.
The cause of this problem is once again a combination of human behaviour AND beaurocratic failure.
No way should removalist have been given a permit to leave Sydney red zone to come to Melbourne, especially as they are not required to wear a mask. This is a terrible failure of the permit providers. Point the finger at the removalists but they were given permission to come and not wear masks....stupid! A certainty to bring the virus.
Each and every case has been due to stupid behaviour or lax rules.
Each outbreak has been entirely available.
I predominantly blame the beaurocrats making flawed decisions or in many cases, no decision at all.
Add the lousy vax roll out to that.
Would we have this situation in Victoria if Berko had of implemented a quick 5 day PROPER lockdown in NSW earlier on in their outbreak e.g. after a week or so ?

Would we even have a situation at all anywhere, if this totally ****'ed Federal Government had the country fully vaccinated to the rate that it was supposed to have had it at by now ?

Fully vaccinated by October. Yeah. Morrison and Hunt should resign in shame what they're doing to this country.
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Well we’ve learnt we have spectularly bad leadership at all levels of government. I think we already knew this, but no doubt in my mind any more.

Making the same mistakes gets you fired / off the team in almost any context except politics.
Its not that they didn't have to wear a mask - they did. They just chose not to because they either couldn't be bothered or thought they would get away without it.

People take shortcuts like this all the time, just like how i see people every day ignoring the QR code scanning and just waltzing into a shop. Just like you see people wearing a mask under their chin, or with their nose exposed.

I was a Officeworks on Friday last week when I overheard a bit of a barney between two customers. One told the other she should be wearing a mask inside. The non-mask wearer put on her most consdcending voice and replied "Oh sweetie...don't you know? You don't have to wear a mask inside anymore, the rules changed today and masks are no longer required". Maybe she construed masks no longer being required "in the office" meant they weren't required "in Officeworks" :rolleyes:

People cannot be trusted to do the right thing and when things go wrong, we all suffer the consequences.
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Spot on @BT Tiger Generally us Aussie’s have a ‘what can I get away with’ attitude. Vs a ‘what’s the right thing to do attitude.

maybe it’s global human nature. Who knows.

I have plenty of my own moments in this space. Not sharing any though.

but rather than preach I think you can always ask another person the what do you think is the right thing to do question and even better a synthesis question. (And why do you think that?…. And genuinely listen / be curious)
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Spot on @BT Tiger Generally us Aussie’s have a ‘what can I get away with’ attitude. Vs a ‘what’s the right thing to do attitude.

maybe it’s global human nature. Who knows.

I have plenty of my own moments in this space. Not sharing any though.

but rather than preach I think you can always ask another person the what do you think is the right thing to do question and even better a synthesis question. (And why do you think that?…. And genuinely listen / be curious)

We're all guilty of this sort of behaviour at times mate, I agree its just a trait of humanity. I've had my moments too, although i like to think that i always do the right thing, in reality I'm not infallible and can be quite selfish.

Yes preaching is not the answer, no one likes being told their wrong and more often than not will stubbornly dig their heels in.
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Wht is the point of Victorians making all this sacrfice when we have that *smile* in Sydney not locking down similarly?
Every State in Australia is at the mercy of one rogue Premier backed by the Prime Minister of NSW.
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So the man in his 60’s in the apartment block that has tested positive and passed it on to his 89 y.o. parents.

Have he and his parents been vaccinated ???
Removalists don't have to wear masks while working. ..stupid to allow them in from a red zone. Stupid.
They infected the apartment people for this reason.
Stupid to permit them.
So the man in his 60’s in the apartment block that has tested positive and passed it on to his 89 y.o. parents.

Have he and his parents been vaccinated ???
I read that one of his parents has had one shot of AZ. I assume that means that neither the man or the other parent have had any shots.
