Squads for Sydney practice game | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Squads for Sydney practice game

With a shotened list, two long term injuries (there is more to Holland than what we are being told), there is not much light at the end of the tunnel. I hate the whole negative thing, but are we becoming the new St.Kilda or even worse the new Fitzroy!! :(

God help us if Collingwood embarasses in round 1.
anyone remember anthony banik?a very talented player who was thrown to the wolves.finally got the better of him.
sure their are kids who can cope with the bigtime almost straight away but who,s the best judge of this us or the FOOTBALL DEPARTMENT?
Diggler and Harry are spot on.

Besides the fact that Beckwit recruits absolute duds half the time, its made all the worse by the fact that whenever the percentages end up eventually producing a young kid who shows a bit (e.g. Rodan & Coughlan), Big Kev Frawley ("I'm so excited") chooses to ignore them in favour of the tired old names who keep letting us down season after season e.g. Cling-on King, Dog Rogers, Foolihan, Sh*t Truck Holland etc. etc. Past coaches have been the same.

Look at Malthouse and Sheedy. They give young kids much more of a go, and thus maintain the pressure on the playing list. Hence their constantly competitive teams year after year. Even if they make a couple of mistakes, Sheedy keeps them on. He ends up either getting a kid to reach most of their potential quickly, or finding out who is not up to scratch quickly and moving them on to make way for others.

Can someone explain to me why Big Kev insists on taking young kids - who are just starting to find their feet in a game - off the field all the time ? It drives me crazy. If there is one sure fire way to destroy a kid's enthusiasm, it is to be constantly benching them throughout games for a couple of weeks, and then dropping them back to the reserves afterwards.

I remember watching Coughlan make his debut down at Unskilled Stadium. My friend and I were ropable. Coughlan would come on for 4 or 5 minute bursts, and just as he would get a couple of quality in and under possessions (in a game where the usual suspects were shirking it), Big Kev would drag him.

And what about Rodan ? For heaven's sake ! Even the tv commentators highlighted a number of times throughout last season that they thought he should have been getting more ground time and couldn't work out why he was getting dragged so much.

This stuff about "easing them in" and "protecting their young bodies" is garbage as well. Have you seen the bodies on Coughlan and Rodan ? Geez. They are extremely well built ! I feel sorry for Sargent Schulz, Moore & Sipthorp already.....

The whole recruiting of young kids and their development at RFC is a real sore point with me. I remember asking Big Kev one day, why, in a two week period he had chosen to play Ezra Poyas for only 8-10 minutes each game, before dropping him back to the reserves - when each time he had come on to the ground he would take him off just as he would get a touch or two. Of course, Big Kev went off his brain, asking me if I had watched the games properly and said that Ezra had played 18-20+ minutes in each.

I went back and watched the video tapes. He was right. I hadn't watched the games properly. In game one Ezra played 5 minutes and in game two he played about 12. He Big Kev lied his ar*se off.

Big Kev is out of his depth as an AFL coach. Clearly.

Secure Wallace now and clean out the garbage that exists on our playing list - even if it does mean going backwards for a while before we go forward.

Big Kev's incompetence is unbearable.
I remember asking Big Kev one day, why, in a two week period he had chosen to play Ezra Poyas for only 8-10 minutes each game, before dropping him back to the reserves .

I didn't watch the WizzFizz game, did Ezra play? I'll be following this kid closely this season and see if he comes along under another coach, or if he wasn't quite up to it after all.
I hope he gets bog in a losing team when we meet.
Good luck Ezra.
Some good points Robert.

Giving the young'uns 5 min stints on the ground and then dropping them back to the magoos does nothing but foster the mentality that they will never be up to scratch. If they were actually given some time on the park we'd discover rather quickly who was up to it and who wasn't, rather than giving them the usual 3 year tenure, 6 games per season in the firsts, 5 min per game and then giving them the arse.

Perservering with the likes of Houla-hoop, King-hit, Bodgers, Killaway, run-of-the-Mills, pitty-scum and Vardy-tricks is as useful as tits on a nun.

I also agree that "easing players into it" is utter *smile* when you are dealing with well built players. If Frawley had a 15 year old Tim Watson on his hands, he'd probably leave him in the reserves until he was 20 years old before giving him his five minute run. If a player is physically mature, put him in with the sharks, no matter how young he is. As for mental maturity, what a joke, who is going to tell me that Martin Pike and Jarrod Molloy are mature? Most footy players are numbskulls anyway, and anything a young player hears on the field he's probably heard before in the school yard. Hardly psychologically scarring stuff. Seeing the likes of Mick Martyn's head close up may however cause some sleepless nights, but that can't be avoided.

No matter what Casey says, Frawley's head is on the guillotine and the calls for a revolution are growing louder and louder.
The home and away games haven't started yet and people are already whing about giving young players a go.
For what its worth i would like to see the younger players given more time but in general our approach is ok.
Forcing younger players to gradually work their way into the team and improve their game at vfl level is actually a good thing. A player like McGrath is nowhere near afl level yet and is better served playing at coburg where he can better develop.

If our approach was resulting in these players not becoming regualr senior players until 24-25 then yes it would need changing but the decent young players we have drafted over the last few years have become good senior players by 20-21.

Where the problem lies at richmond is that where not too hard on young players but too soft on the senior players.
Where are the youngsters McGrath, Sipthorp, Shir, Moore etc.  Why arent these kids given a run

McGrarth - a very laid back young man - maybe that's the attitude thing everyone is talking about. But from what I have heard nothing fazes Marty.

Shir - is suffering from mild OP
Moore - been injured
Sipthorpe - I think has been playing for Coburg. Remember he has just turned 18

Koalalill - Chief Patron of the Matt Shir Fan Club
If I see Dudgers, Dudcan and Fling all in the midfield rotation at the one time, I promise you I will streak onto the MCG in the middle of a game and burn an effigy of Danny Frawley in disgust ;D
Hey Diggler - I'll keep you to that. I expect it will make great footage for the 'footy show'.

(NB: Whilst posting this - Torney nails a past ot Perry for a crow goal :()

Another thing - to bad we don't have McKee to fill the Otto shoes. McKee / King swap - thanks Danny.
Banik was too slow that's why he didn't make it! Not because he played too young.How old was Timmy Watson when he debuted against us 15??
Harry, Diggler, Redford and Damnfine all make good points also re the development or lack thereof of our young blokes.
And Diggler if I was you I'd be well advised to find a picture of one Garry O'Donnel (former bomber premiership player and Leigh Matthews current apprentice) Then you will finally have a picture of the next coach of the Tigers ;) ;)
And Diggler if I was you I'd be well advised to find a picture of one Garry O'Donnel (former bomber premiership player and Leigh Matthews current apprentice) Then you will finally have a picture of the next coach of the Tigers ;) ;)

You mean like mine Tigerdog?? ;D
You mean like mine Tigerdog??  ;D
Haha when I saw the message under youravatar I was thinking I needed an explanation TF.
Might be time for glasses I think, I didn't have a clue who it was.
Thanks for the clarification. :)
TigerFurious you have hit the jackpot!! ;D
However like Rosy until you said something about who it was I was a little confused...... so much so that I thought you may have been having a light-hearted dig at our new ruck coach! :eek: ;D
Makes me wonder how many other clubs have an eye on O'Donnel?(Don't know how to spell it sorry)
TF Like the rest of the group I had no idea who your avatar was.

Maybe we should go one better an recruit lethal himself (two flags at two clubs is not a bad record)

The only comment I have is that we need to be very sure of our position before we enter the coaches merry go round again. My view is let Greg MILLER make an assessment of our year and see where we are at. After all he has the runs on the board.
The only comment I have is that we need to be very sure of our position before we enter the coaches merry go round again. My view is let Greg MILLER make an assessment of our year and see where we are at. After all he has the runs on the board.

Totally agree, if that means Danny has to be paid out so be it.However he may do ok and look better with Miller and Brits and co there.
Time will tell!!
Where the problem lies at richmond is that where not too hard on young players but too soft on the senior players.

Tend to agree with you here damnfine. That has been my opinion for some years now and not just since Danny has been at the Club. I don't know how we expect to get anywhere the way we manage our players? Why is it so obvious to those outside the Club and not within? I wish people would open their eyes.

Redford, I'm not sure if I can go anywhere near to answering your query, but my view is that Danny is focusing on everything except what he's supposed to be doing - coaching. To me, it seems like he's worrying about the result, the scoreboard, the supporters, his job, everything but what he needs to be focusing on. The fact that Danny has been loathe to change the side too much, even after a shocking loss (what other sort is there), is an indication that he's not looking at the big picture (IMHO) or focusing on what he's there for. Instead of coaching like he's there to develop and promote players, he's coaching like every game is all there is and everything hinges on that game and result.

He sticks with what he knows, even if that has not worked in the past and is the reason why the young players seem to get a raw deal. Under pressure, we all tend to fall back on what we know, regardless of whether it's the right way or not. If he wants to do his job better he needs to learn to hold his nerve in the crunch situations. Teams tend to mirror their coaches. If the coach has a bad day at the office, so will the team. Brisbane is cool under pressure because their coach is.

Matthews, Sheedy and Malthouse don't weigh themselves down with all the concerns that Danny seems to have. Ok, they've got lots of experience behind them, but there's something to be learned from the way they go about things. They just concentrate on getting the best out of their players, developing a team and not worrying about things that will ultimately look after themselves.

As I've said on other threads, the added pressure from we supporters is hardly helping anyone. But I guess when we eventually find people who can handle that pressure, then we'll know we can finally go places.

Even though I may sound like I've done a complete backflip that is not the case. I haven't given up on Danny, but I'm not gonna take it easy on anyone if things aren't right. I'm interested to see how Danny and the Club handle this season.

If we can see the signs of a 'real' team emerge, by the end of this season, personally, I would be more than happy with that. Some progress is better than none.