Talking Politics | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Talking Politics

I've often wondered how that works. Does every booth sit down at the close and go through and tick off every person that voted to make sure they haven't gone twice?

And what happens if people do vote multiple times? Not like they can take the extra votes out after all.

Have you noticed how they mark your name on the roll? They put a line between 2 solid arrows and the rolls from each booth are read by a computer to see if anyone votes more than once. Now, occasionally they do find people who vote more than once, but mainly they find that there was an error because the next voter on the roll looks like they didn't vote.

The reality is that so few people even attempt to vote more than once that it is inconsequential.

However, if an electorate goes down to very few votes, then this would become a factor. If, for example, an electorate was won by 6 votes but they found 10 voters who had been marked as voting on the roll more than once, then the losing candidate would challenge the result and likely win the challenge. Then we would get a bye-election. With a a secret ballot you can't pull the votes back and work out which are which, so a bye-election it is.

Just as an aside, secret ballots were once called the Australian Ballot because we were the first country in the world to have a secret ballot.

Plus, another aside, before the AEC had the current system of marking voters off with a line which can be read by a computer, they would have had to do this by hand, people employed to check the rolls manually from each booth to detect multiple votes by the same person.

All the votes will also be re-counted over the next few weeks and then the electorates are formally declared.

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Well that was quite an underwhelming election really and with an underwhelming result to go with it.

Except, PHANTOM WILSON IS NO LONGER MY LOCAL MEMBER :rotfl2:rotfl2:rotfl2:rotfl2:) :) :) :)

Wow, an election where my vote actually counted, living in a safe seat is no fun at all. But we're no longer in a safe seat - woohoo!

Interesting result, we won't know for a while whether the ALP will govern with a majority or as a minority government. However, even a minority government will be quite safe as they can rely either on the Greens or on a few independents to get legislation through as they will only be a couple of seats short of an absolute majority (every piece of legislation has to pass the Senate anyway). Worth remembering that the LNP only had a majority of 1 in the last parliament - they had 76 seats so a bare majority even with both the Libs and Nats added together.

The Libs look likely to lose Frydenberg so that leaves Voldemort as the front runner for their leadership. He may look unelectable but don't write him off, remember Abbott got elected PM and he's a nutcase.

The larger number of independents is great, more variety of voices in parliament is a good thing. If this continues we will all have to get used to minority governments. Not a bad thing.

The primary vote for the major parties is an interesting one. Was just under 68% earlier tonight which is stunning. When I was a kid the usual estimate was that 70% to 80% were rusted on voters for one or the other major party, and most swinging voters also gave their primary vote to a major party. This is a huge change in politics and hopefully makes the pollies more accountable as they can't really take any seats for granted (applies to both sides too, Frydenberg, Wilson gone, but looks like Kennealy gone too).

Add in a second lower house seat for the Greens, in Queensland too, and politics is opening up a bit.

The other factor which is not mentioned often enough is the appallingly low membership of both the major parties (the Nats have retained their numbers better though). It is simply amazing how the major parties, which many years ago had reasonable numbers of members, can remain major parties given hardly anyone joins them any more.

Well, now we can watch the failings of the ALP government, but very happy to see the back of ScoMo, a completely incompetent and horrible excuse for a human being. Albanese should be a big improvement on that idiot. Also I reckon the ALP front bench has a lot more talent that the LNP.

Hoping for some progress on climate change, on women and on indigenous affairs. Oh, and an anti-corruption commission would be good too.

If the independents and Greens have the balance of power we can expect them to push Labor on all of these issues and I reckon we will get better outcomes than we would with a majority ALP government.

Here's hoping anyway.


PS: good to see the UAP went nowhere and got nothing.
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surely this is irrelevant for you given they are all the same
How is this comment relevant to me hoping " someone wins ?" At least once it's done n decided all the media dribbling ends n we get a spell for a couple of months from all the *smile*.
As for them being all the same, yeah they're pretty much all *smile*, it's just that sometimes the depth of the *smile* might vary drastically at times. Reckon we might get to find out by Xmas whether it's ankle deep, waist deep or swim ya bastards.
I've often wondered how that works. Does every booth sit down at the close and go through and tick off every person that voted to make sure they haven't gone twice?

And what happens if people do vote multiple times? Not like they can take the extra votes out after all.
Not 100% sure but I believe the multiple voting comes in where one person votes under multiple names at various booths as no I.D's required. Get rello's or friends to stay home n not bother, then do a quick lap around the block or do some early voting under a dozen different aliases. Target some very marginal seats n 50 to 100 votes might just make a difference
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How is this comment relevant to me hoping " someone wins ?" At least once it's done n decided all the media dribbling ends n we get a spell for a couple of months from all the *smile*.
As for them being all the same, yeah they're pretty much all *smile*, it's just that sometimes the depth of the *smile* might vary drastically at times. Reckon we might get to find out by Xmas whether it's ankle deep, waist deep or swim ya bastards.

I am actually a little emotional and it's not just the scotch. Thank Christ we did the right thing. This is a good country full of good people, and we're on the way back from some dark *smile* days. C'mon Aussie! :love:

Not gonna lie I teared up a bit when Anthony Green called it. What a great night with Dreamtime then this.

With our media, any Labor victory is a f*cking landslide. 2025 margin will be bigger. Shitweasels in the wilderness for a decade or more.

Yep media influence plus the United Australia Party combined to curtail the result. And how great is it that Craig Kelly lost his seat.
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Is this the only country in the world ,were the party who gets the most votes don't win.
Seriously 3 years of these idiots running the country ,we should be worried.

I just hope people wake up to Mr Bean Andrews ,otherwise watch out for more taxes.
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What’s Keneally’s future ?

sitting on the board of The Minerals Council, or a Bank, or just prostitute her address book as a lobbyist 4 hire

for $1m/year

Good election though; Liberals got their arse kicked; Labor didn't get their arse licked; Greens will turbocharge climate policy and ICAC

and Palmer blew $100m

the only way it could have gone better, was if Dutton and Joyce lost.
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Welcome to a Dud-mo free country everyone !!!

And now, let’s cue all the right wing whinging, especially in the Murdoch media.

A great day for Australia !!!
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I am actually a little emotional and it's not just the scotch. Thank Christ we did the right thing. This is a good country full of good people, and we're on the way back from some dark *smile* days. C'mon Aussie! :love:

yep, we'll be able to bulk-bill the monkeypox pills,

,the apocalypse evacuation palliative attendants will be on $23/hr

and we'll be able to blame black fellas voice in parliament.

happy days :cool:
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Well that was quite an underwhelming election really and with an underwhelming result to go with it.

Except, PHANTOM WILSON IS NO LONGER MY LOCAL MEMBER :rotfl2:rotfl2:rotfl2:rotfl2:) :) :) :)

Wow, an election where my vote actually counted, living in a safe seat is no fun at all. But we're no longer in a safe seat - woohoo!

Interesting result, we won't know for a while whether the ALP will govern with a majority or as a minority government. However, even a minority government will be quite safe as they can rely either on the Greens or on a few independents to get legislation through as they will only be a couple of seats short of an absolute majority (every piece of legislation has to pass the Senate anyway). Worth remembering that the LNP only had a majority of 1 in the last parliament - they had 76 seats so a bare majority even with both the Libs and Nats added together.

The Libs look likely to lose Frydenberg so that leaves Voldemort as the front runner for their leadership. He may look unelectable but don't write him off, remember Abbott got elected PM and he's a nutcase.

The larger number of independents is great, more variety of voices in parliament is a good thing. If this continues we will all have to get used to minority governments. Not a bad thing.

The primary vote for the major parties is an interesting one. Was just under 68% earlier tonight which is stunning. When I was a kid the usual estimate was that 70% to 80% were rusted on voters for one or the other major party, and most swinging voters also gave their primary vote to a major party. This is a huge change in politics and hopefully makes the pollies more accountable as they can't really take any seats for granted (applies to both sides too, Frydenberg, Wilson gone, but looks like Kennealy gone too).

Add in a second lower house seat for the Greens, in Queensland too, and politics is opening up a bit.

The other factor which is not mentioned often enough is the appallingly low membership of both the major parties (the Nats have retained their numbers better though). It is simply amazing how the major parties, which many years ago had reasonable numbers of members, can remain major parties given hardly anyone joins them any more.

Well, now we can watch the failings of the ALP government, but very happy to see the back of ScoMo, a completely incompetent and horrible excuse for a human being. Albanese should be a big improvement on that idiot. Also I reckon the ALP front bench has a lot more talent that the LNP.

Hoping for some progress on climate change, on women and on indigenous affairs. Oh, and an anti-corruption commission would be good too.

If the independents and Greens have the balance of power we can expect them to push Labor on all of these issues and I reckon we will get better outcomes than we would with a majority ALP government.

Here's hoping anyway.


PS: good to see the UAP went nowhere and got nothing.
Tim Wilson’s interview on the ABC last night was disgusting David. What a nasty little twerp he is.

He is gone for good, there is no way the liberal party will pre select him again
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Tim Wilson’s interview on the ABC last night was disgusting David. What a nasty little twerp he is.

He is gone for good, there is no way the liberal party will pre select him again


You could show the video to Uni students who don't understand what



the unfortunate reality about our democracy/society,

is the underwhelming *smile* will quadruple his pay,

selling access to government to anyone whose prepared to pay
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Wilson is a disgrace. A total loser and symptomatic of a backward, divisive and chronically out of touch LNP. A bottom feeder.
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