your/you're | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.



Tiger Superstar
Aug 6, 2004
NOW, I am not trying to make people feel silly here, I'm not out to hurt anyone, or point out mistakes, because I know I make my fair share goshdarnit, but can I just say, as a matter of public record, that I have had it up to here (indicates a space above his cyber-head) with people substituting " your " for " you're ". They are not the same thing. And I know it is "just a forum" (DMX's words, not mine) and I also know that people are often in a hurry, but really, it's not hard.

It's simple folks, really really simple
your= ownership
you're- short for "you are"

Therefore, YOU'RE going to the football to watch YOUR team.

I don't get angry often kids, but some things just get my goat.

Too harsh?


PS: I am prepared to sacrifice PREnder of the year votes over this issue. Although really I don't think people should refuse to vote for me just because of this thread, in actual fact they might even be proud that I am taking a stance.
I will back you up 100% on this Clay, as long as you also rail against the use of the possessive apostrophe to indicate plurals.

Let's all get pedantic!
Let's all get pedantic!
Nah, nah, nah, HEY!

(and, yes)
Let's go mental!
Let's go mental!
Nah, nah, nah, HEY!

Continue to discuss.

ClayBevan said:
NOW, I am not trying to make people feel silly here, I'm not out to hurt anyone, or point out mistakes, because I know I make my fair share goshdarnit, but can I just say, as a matter of public record, that I have had it up to here (indicates a space above his cyber-head) with people substituting " your " for " you're ". They are not the same thing. And I know it is "just a forum" (DMX's words, not mine) and I also know that people are often in a hurry, but really, it's not hard.

It's simple folks, really really simple
your= ownership
you're- short for "you are"

Therefore, YOU'RE going to the football to watch YOUR team.

I don't get angry often kids, but some things just get my goat.

Too harsh?


PS: I am prepared to sacrifice PREnder of the year votes over this issue. Although really I don't think people should refuse to vote for me just because of this thread, in actual fact they might even be proud that I am taking a stance.
There, their & they're is pretty annoying too(to?). Don't you think? ;D
If I read someone write loose instead of lose my day is never the same. :'(

Just joking. I care more about what people have to say than how they spell it.

Yes to too harsh indeed CB. It's a pity I don't have any votes left to do the talking for me. ;D
CB you could be head of the official PRE grammar police but Tiggy's already claimed the spot.

If you see someone right write something incorrectly you could contact Tiggy and discuss the best way to write right the rong. ;)
Tiggy, as in Tiggy who hates the Three Amigos? Wow, her and me working together, after all we've been through? I'd be happy to, as soon as she apologises.

There- over there on the fence
Their- If people wish to spell incorrectly, it's their loss
They're- .... but they're going to be ridiculed for it.
I'm also not a fan of the Americanisation (AmericaniZation) of spelling. I hate seeing a z (zed, not zee) in words likes authorisation/ authorization. It's an ugly letter, and it sticks out like a sore thumb.
ClayBevan said:
but some things just get my goat.

Too harsh?


I don't want to appear pedantic(well I do actually). But the term is actually get on my goat

Which reminds me of a Melbourne band.Maybe you saw them at the Metro Clay..Nah probably not,they were a bit too cool for a place like that. Lubricated Goat. Great name for a band,they were under rated.A bit like Chris Hyde.
Good thing you didn't make a big deal of that point EVO. I always thought the term was 'gets my goat', and because I disagreed with you, I thought I'd find some 'evidence' on the Internet, which I hereby table

I implore ye to check it out.
I suggest you're both correct, CB and Evo, and tender The Dinkum Dictionary, A ripper guide to Aussie English, to enforce Evo's argument.

Quote: get on one's goat/nerves/quince/wick; to annoy, irritate, anger, upset.

So, one (1) point each!

p.s. CB: I once started a thread on the same subject - the correct spelling not the goat - and my nerves have not yet recovered from the retorts I received. I know/now just except/accept others' spelling and punctuation as is. So their/there/they're! :D
Ah fine work roar.I was about to concede defeat till I read you're fine post.I think we should call it even.
I was just thinking,does anyone else find it strange that Clay used the English version of the saying while Roar and I automatically assumed the "Aussie Dinkum" version.

Is it possible Clay in fact lives in England?

Tom Bosely also lives in England.

Ray Charles is getting a litte suspicious ( 8) hmmmmm.)

Consider it then
