Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


13,100 cases in the US in 24 hours alone. Now officially a higher rate of infection than China & showing no signs of slowing. Disaster.:eek:

i've said this before... but their health system - where the poor are highly disadvantaged - makes them one of the most vulnerable countries in the world. they may even end up being the worst hit.

when this is all over, I wonder if they will finally accept universal healthcare?

Its ok, Trump says it'll all be over by Easter.

he's said a lot of dumb things over the years, but this one takes the cake. although the Texas governor has him comfortably covered.

This aint stopping/slowing for a good 12 months until a vaccine comes out are leysy's thoughts/fears.

I'm a bit more hopeful than that. while i distrust the figures coming out of china, it does appear that they have seen the worst of it. and there are even slightly positive signs coming from Italy.
Up to 17,000 now. The whole country is going to get it. Short of a medical breakthrough, it's hard to see how millions don't die without total shutdown.

I suspect the US Economy and infrastructure is big enough that if they go into war mode and dictate production, they can get through this. It really depends if the leaders can act quick enough.
Having to move a position in company A to company B involves costs, you can't just pretend this doesn't exist. You can't just white wash the whole issue facing super either, your advocacy of price floors will lead to these outcomes directly.

Clearly you don't understand how superannuation funds work. That's OK we'll agree to disagree.

You said you don't want utilities to be profit focused. If they aren't focused on this, then they will for sure go bankrupt unless taken over by the government in which case the tax payer will fund the losses. If you want utilities to help, then you should look to reducing the burden on them by the government's myriad of regulations so they can reduce their costs.

Correct, many essential services have become far too profit focused. I'm not sure you're understanding me. Utilities have become too profit focused, not to stave off bankruptcy but to pay their investors more and more. Some utilities in Australia are close to half internationally owned. Where do you think the profits are going? This is a topic for another thread. Right now, utilities need to give a bit back at this time of need just like many other businesses are. It's up to government and business and people to help each other.
when this is all over, I wonder if they will finally accept universal healthcare?

They can't even act on gun control despite mass murder after mass murder. What hope on their health system? US is rooted.
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Clearly you don't understand how superannuation funds work. That's OK we'll agree to disagree.

Correct, many essential services have become far too profit focused. I'm not sure you're understanding me. Utilities have become too profit focused, not to stave off bankruptcy but to pay their investors more and more. Some utilities in Australia are close to half internationally owned. Where do you think the profits are going? This is a topic for another thread. Right now, utilities need to give a bit back at this time of need just like many other businesses are. It's up to government and business and people to help each other.
You are saying that re-structuring holdings won't incur costs. Agree to disagree indeed.

On the contrary, companies aren't profit focused enough, they have been sucked into all sorts of nonsense like "soclai licence to operate", gender equality of outcome, renewable energy boondogles, etc. Profits are going to investors or re-invested directly by management into capital projects , and a lot of these investors also re-invest their dividends back into these organisations as well, which means more jobs for workers and better pay, better deals for consumers, etc. We need more profits, not less.
Up to 17,000 now. The whole country is going to get it. Short of a medical breakthrough, it's hard to see how millions don't die without total shutdown.
America's evangelical fanaticism is going to do some damage to that county. As much i hope this kills or severely dents the anti-vaxx movement i hope also that it does the same to blind religious faith and fanaticism.
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You are saying that re-structuring holdings won't incur costs. Agree to disagree indeed.

Correct. Relatively very little cost across the board as funds are always adjusting their holdings across many stock holdings. They do this to increase their returns so adjusting a utility holding might even end up more beneficial to the grandmas and granddads you refer to.

On the contrary, companies aren't profit focused enough, they have been sucked into all sorts of nonsense like "soclai licence to operate", gender equality of outcome, renewable energy boondogles, etc. Profits are going to investors or re-invested directly by management into capital projects , and a lot of these investors also re-invest their dividends back into these organisations as well, which means more jobs for workers and better pay, better deals for consumers, etc. We need more profits, not less.

Wow? So you think utilities haven't focused enough on profits? I beg to differ. Basically you're arguing the poor should be charged even more (to the already massive yearly increases for energy) to pay for the predominantly on average much better off investors. I'm all for profits for investors, I am a significant investor myself, but when it comes to essential services I definitely do not think they should be focusing EVEN MORE on profits. Essential services should NOT be focused on profits for investors as their primary goal. That view will never change for me. Poor people should be able to heat their house in winter.
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It will most likely be the employees of said companies that will be cut to reduce costs. These companies can't afford to have the shareholders take the hit, their share prices have already plummeted and their debt costs have risen as a result. If they still can't make this work, then they will have to declare bankruptcy, which will reduce supply and increase prices as a result.

And who do you imagine the shareholders are? Plenty will be retired folk through their super funds, so now grandma and grandpa will have less income.

Yes the shareholders are sacrosanct. If their profits reduce we'll just need to look the other way while some predictable corporate socialism comes to their rescue, as usual, as happened for the banks in the GFC. As for the employees, well screw them, they just lose their jobs. Who do you think those offloaded staff are? Expendable people?

Of course, we must follow the free market, oh, unless it interferes with our ideology. Can't go on investing in renewable energy even if it is cheaper to produce than building more coal fired power stations.

We would be so much better off if we hadn't sold off the SEC.

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America's evangelical fanaticism is going to do some damage to that county. As much i hope this kills or severely dents the anti-vaxx movement i hope also that it does the same to blind religious faith and fanaticism.

Unless the virus focuses purely on those sort of people, no it won't. They're already using the situation to argue strengthened views for their warped beliefs.
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Everyone can relax. Donate your dough to Hillsong - they got this.
That is disgusting, i know churches need to raise money, and some of that money is used for good purposes but this post is nothing but greed. It would be good if someone asked Morrison his opinion on them using Covid19 to raise money.
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Assuming the NBC article is factual the Taiwanese government has made many interventions to help keep people safe, including:
the use of Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control - gov funded i assume
inspections of incoming travellers- gov funded i assume
sent a team of experts to Chine- gov funded i assume
requiring hospitals to test- government intervention, and i assume funded
tracing those infected and their contacts- gov intervention and funded
set up their Central Epidemic Command Center - gov funded
cleaning of suspected infected areas- gov funded
banned arrivals from Wuhan, then other places, early- gov intervention
use of temperature monitors at airports- gov funded i assume, or at least gov intervention
health data sent to CDC- gov intervention
mandatory quarantining- gov intervention
fines for those who ignore quarantine- gov intervention
control over equipment and price setting- gov intervention
and free health care- gov intervention

appears the governments actions, and funding, have played a very strong part in allowing Taiwan to remain relatively Covid19 free. Would you agree?
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That is disgusting, i know churches need to raise money, and some of that money is used for good purposes but this post is nothing but greed. It would be good if someone asked Morrison his opinion on them using Covid19 to raise money.

It’s a parody Twitter account.
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