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tigertim said:
Ok, but if something doesn't exist ( and we,ll take "God" out of this example and we,ll say "Unicorns" for the purpose of the exercise) how can you prove it's non existence?

If I asked you to prove to me that Unicorns don't exist, how would you go about it?

You would expect physical evidence for one horned horses.
Djevv said:
You would expect physical evidence for one horned horses.

But that's impossible because unicorns don't exist, so how do you go about it?
Djevv said:
Its looser than most religions but not all that different. Most atheists that I've run across.

1. Believe materialism (physicalism) is true.
2. Believe that only empirical evidence is acceptable.
3. Are socially progressive.
4. Deny believing that there is no God - rather taking the 'lack of belief' option to avoid any burden of proof.
5. Believe science has all the answers and is the only legitimate basis for epistemology (how we know things).
6. Believe morals are based on emotion and are imaginary.
7. Believe theists lie to them all the time when they attempt to demonstrate Gods existence.
8. Dismiss supernatural explanations.
9. Love to insult the intelligence of people who don't think the same as them and call it 'legitimate ridicule'.
10. Are actively evangelistic. Often their aim is to deconvert.
11. Go to atheist conventions and churches.
12. Ridicule the Christian God on the basis of specially selected passages from the OT.
13. Often dismiss philosophy as a legitimate pursuit (Krauss, Dawkins, Hawking)
14. Deny human freewill (Harris, Coyne)

Most of those are philosophical positions at best. Obviously not all atheists believe all of these but not all theists believe what I believe either!

I think lots of things, but only one of them is a result of my atheism.

Whether you want to or not this comes across as fundamentalism. Remember not all faiths have a holy book or fixed doctrines!

Your list does not imply "fundamentalism" it just a list of positions, most of which have nothing to do with atheism. I have said often enough that atheism is only one thing, so I know you know and therefor claims to the contrary can only be fallcious and intentionally so. I cannot see how it could be otherwise? Not sure what the point is about doctrines. Again...atheism a position about theists claims...that's it.

Pure empiricism cannot be a basis for an epistemology. It is self refuting. You cant prove empiricism empirically.

Only if you take philosophy to have the ultimate say in these matters. As a pysical being in a physical universe I can think on these things for an eternity but that won't reveal the nature of gravity, or the source of stars' energy, or the relationship between matter and energy. This knowledge comes only from empirical science. You can apply rules of philosophy to it, but this is navel gazing.

This is pretty insulting. According to the Bible - liars have no place in the Kingdom of God. Its not just an honest disagreement? Accusing the other side of lying simply shuts down discussion and get the other side's back up.

So stop lying about what atheism is and I'll stop making you uncomfortable about the fact that you are lying.

This requires proof unfortunately. Surely you would need to be omniscient to know that there definitely is no God unless you can demonstrate a contradiction in his nature.

And we get to the silly bit where the person who uses flowery philosophical mumbo-jumbo to muddy the waters attempts to shift the burden of proof. Philosophically you know this wrong. Why do it? You know that theists claim to know something they cannot prove. You know that the burden of proof falls on the person making the claim (that is the theist). This is disingenuous. There is no philosophical grey area here. Atheists are not making any claims, so what can we possibly require proof for? If I were an anti-theist and I claimed there are no gods that might be different. But I have never made that claim.
Djevv said:
God, or the multiverse. It had a beginning so it can't be. Also we can imagine it with different properties.

We don't actually know this. The big bang is thought of as an explosion, but the best current explanation is that it is an expansion. An expansion out of what is unknown.
KnightersRevenge said:
Only if you take philosophy to have the ultimate say in these matters. As a pysical being in a physical universe I can think on these things for an eternity but that won't reveal the nature of gravity, or the source of stars' energy, or the relationship between matter and energy. This knowledge comes only from empirical science. You can apply rules of philosophy to it, but this is navel gazing.
you were going so well until you wrote that.

If you really thought epistemology and ontology was mere 'navel gazing' you wouldnt be in this thread arguing the toss.
KnightersRevenge said:
We don't actually know this. The big bang is thought of as an explosion, but the best current explanation is that it is an expansion. An expansion out of what is unknown.
exactly. the universe could've previously existed in any number of forms.
evo said:
you were going so well until you wrote that.

If you really thought epistemology and ontology was mere 'navel gazing' you wouldnt be in this thread arguing the toss.

Thought you'd pull me up there. ;D

Why can't I think that? If you can construct a clever philosophical circle jerk that is impenetrable but seems consistent I must concede that empiricism is false. I won't do that. If I need to spend 20 years studying philosophy in order to find the error in your logic that is 20 years I could have spent doing actual science and furthering our understanding of our universe. Why would I do that?
Djevv said:
This is pretty insulting. According to the Bible - liars have no place in the Kingdom of God. Its not just an honest disagreement? Accusing the other side of lying simply shuts down discussion and get the other side's back up.

According to the bible, an unverifiable disparate collection of fable and hear-say, god is biggest liar of all.
KnightersRevenge said:
philosophical circle jerk
At bottom, philosophy is about making what we learn about the world useful to us. It is really about the understanding of context.

99% of this 500+ thread is basically doing philosophy. If it's a circle jerk then fine. jerk on.

Understanding gravity is useful but it's not the be all and end all.

If I need to spend 20 years studying philosophy in order to find the error in your logic that is 20 years I could have spent doing actual science and furthering our understanding of our universe. Why would I do that?
Why can't some people specialise in philosophy while other specialise in science?

As i said, I dont believe you arent interested in philosophy because if you werent you wouldnt be in this thread arguing/discussing our unbderstanding of the world with other people. Youd be reading science journals.
evo said:
At bottom, philosophy is about making what we learn about the world useful to us. It is really about the understanding of context.

99% of this 500+ thread is basically doing philosophy. If it's a circle jerk then fine. jerk on.

Understanding gravity is useful but it's not the be all and end all.

Quite right. But I find theists like to try to get tangled up in philosophical theory. I don't know for sure but I suspect a lot of what Matt Slick says is actually horseshit . (Look him up on youtube). A luddite like me can't get too deep because I would need to study philosophy. That gives pepole the idea that the philosophical argument is sound, which it may not be. But that doesn't mean that the facts about the universe that we have discovered through empiricism can be falsified through philosophy does it?

Why can't some people specialise in philosophy while other specialise in science?

Why can't the people who specialise in philosophy stop trying suggest it trumps all.

As i said, I dont believe you arent interested in philosophy because if you werent you wouldnt be in this thread arguing/discussing our unbderstanding of the world with other people. Youd be reading science journals.

You are right, I just find it often goes down cul de sacs that are not intended to improve undertanding but to simply get one mired in circular arguments hidden in the equivalent of a Deepak Chopra word salad.
Djevv said:
What the researchers did was take Godel's proof and use programs designed to assess modal logic mathematically to assess it and found the argument was sound.

Exactly as I said.

Your position has shifted now you've been called out and realised you can't bluff us with a "mathematical proof for the existence of god". A familiar pattern is emerging here Djevy ;)

Of course if your are going to accept that it proves the existence of a supreme being you would need to study the actual proof with it attendant axioms. I'll leave that up to you. All proofs work like this including Pythagoras.

Exactly as I said.

And yes, it's all about the axioms in this case.
evo said:
It seems a giant waste of time to me. Change 'god-like' to 'universe-like' and the exercise is exactly the same.

You can also use similar patterns of modal logic to disprove the existence of a god.
Djevv said:
This is pretty insulting. According to the Bible - liars have no place in the Kingdom of God. Its not just an honest disagreement? Accusing the other side of lying simply shuts down discussion and get the other side's back up.

I wouldn't call you a liar. You are often disingenuous in your lines of argument though. For example - "my holy book says don't lie, so how could you think I would?"

The whole of human history stacks up against that being a true statement. :hihi
KnightersRevenge said:
Why can't the people who specialise in philosophy stop trying suggest it trumps all.
you seem to be suggesting that science trumps all, so what's the diff?

I guess it comes to what one values in life. Personally I don't think understanding quantum physics or the maths involved in black holes is the be all, end all. I'd rather try to understand reality. Each to their own.
evo said:
I don't think it had a beginning.

The 'everything' has always been thus.

Evidence for no beginning? There is plenty of evidence for a beginning. Moreover I would say that even if the universe IS eternal then it is still contingent (changeable) and thus still requires an explanation of it's existence.
antman said:
You can also use similar patterns of modal logic to disprove the existence of a god.

doing a unit in modal logic was the low point of philosophy degree.

Kripke on the Big Bang is more interesting than the real Kripke