Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


You can look at the approach from NSW and Vic either way, but as I wrote earlier, both states are highly vaccinated and all people over 5 years have had ample time to be this is as good as it gets.
Time to move on now and return to a life, but one that involves living with covid, including the costs associated with that.
The media does not want the crisis to go away, it is sensational news and there will always be views that are odds with others from all fields of specialists , giving the media and politicians leverage.
I now ignore the media comments re covid and trust in vaccination rates , future boosters and developing therapies.
I am comfortable with this approach whereby each of us can comply with and trust in medical science.
There is no other way..otherwise this will be an all consuming, permanent spoiler in our lives.
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A couple of quotes from below Age article : That's not to say Victoria haven't got their heads in the sand as well.

He said the NSW government was almost abandoning its population to COVID-19 by gambling Omicron would be mild, adding the state basically had no social distancing in place.

University of Sydney infectious diseases paediatrician Robert Booy, who has previously supported decisions made by the NSW government, said: “The restrictions in NSW are being unwound too quickly. We are now ideologically driven and the public health advice has become secondary.

I honestly don't understand why they're not erring on the side of caution & bringing in a mask mandate for a month until they understand the impact of the new variant better. Yes we think it's milder but it's only been circulating for a month globally.
Mask wearing is a very simple way to slow the spread. If they get up to 25k cases a day & then Omicron turns out to be a really serious health issue then by then it's too late. They are taking a big gamble with people's health. Boosters for most a still a way off.
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Covid is wreaking havoc on the NBA & EPL. A heap of players are out because of either protocol or infection. ATM the show rolls on with subs in place but how long can that last?
I read that only 60% of EPL players are vaccinated. Madness.

I hope Governments hold their nerve here and preclude unvaccinated competitors from participating.
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so there's never been a higher likelihood of catching Covid in public in NSW, ever.

But because the Govt. said 'you don't have to wear a mask now'

95% aren't wearing masks inside anymore.

It makes me wonder, if underpants were mandated, with spot checks and fines,

then there was a gasto outbreak, and everyone had violent, explosive diarrhoea,

but the Govt said, 'you dont have to wear underpants anymore',

would everyone dispense with the jocks, and let the crap dribble out their trouser legs, and hope they come and cleaned up the mess?

Have we devolved into a society, where we need to be told what's best and what's not?

have we forgotten how to make reasonable decisions?

yours, confused
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Covid is wreaking havoc on the NBA & EPL. A heap of players are out because of either protocol or infection. ATM the show rolls on with subs in place but how long can that last?
I saw this too and is better now to just continue on regardless. Let positive players play, if well enough and trust in everyone being vaccinated. If not vaccinated then it is ones personal problem.The same will definitely happen here with the AFL..definitely. We will have cases, players and whole teams prohibited from playing. It will be stupidly pointless and make a mockery of some games when many players are isolating.
So....just play regardless, everyone must be vaccinated, must have boosters and trust therapies for illness continue to be developed.

We don't isolate teams when a player has ....say ... influenza,glandular fever, a heavy cold etc...yes covid is more serious, but there must come a time to get on with life. Now is the time in Vic and NSW. Other states soon.

Regarding mask wearing for Omicron....compliance is poor and masks are only partially effective. Omicron appears to be less nasty than Delta. It will infect us all regardless. Time to let it run now we are well vaccinated.
I honestly don't understand why they're not erring on the side of caution & bringing in a mask mandate for a month until they understand the impact of the new variant better. Yes we think it's milder but it's only been circulating for a month globally.
Mask wearing is a very simple way to slow the spread. If they get up to 25k cases a day & then Omicron turns out to be a really serious health issue then by then it's too late. They are taking a big gamble with people's health. Boosters for most a still a way off.
Is there any evidence yet to say Omicron is milder ? Or that vaccinations are as effective against this variant ?
Yet no mask mandate in NSW. Absolute *smile* madness.

see above Oldy.

theres nothing stopping people protecting themselves and their community by choosing to wear a mask.

but theres the small matter of the bell curve.

2.5% extreme looneys; 2.5% analytical;

and 95% who dream of buying a 12 volt pizza oven from Kings 4wd Accessories
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so there's never been a higher likelihood of catching Covid in public in NSW, ever.

But because the Govt. said 'you don't have to wear a mask now'

95% aren't wearing masks inside anymore.

It makes me wonder, if underpants were mandated, with spot checks and fines,

then there was a gasto outbreak, and everyone had violent, explosive diarrhoea,

but the Govt said, 'you dont have to wear underpants anymore',

would everyone dispense with the jocks, and let the crap dribble out their trouser legs, and hope they come and cleaned up the mess?

Have we devolved into a society, where we need to be told what's best and what's not?

have we forgotten how to make reasonable decisions?

yours, confused
Not just NSW. Mask wearing in VIC is almost non-existent unless in a supermarket.

Had a work xmas party in Mordiallic on Friday night, people everywhere and not a mask in site in pubs and restaurants besides staff. And they wear them under their nose. Saying NSW is the only state ignoring common sense is not right. Young people out like its 1999. A lot of older family members are going to be at risk from their grandkids and kids this xmas.

Not sure what the answer is, I doubt people will accept restrictions again. What would you do if you own a holiday business or restaurant and were told to shut it down again? Can't imagine what sort of mental health catastrophe that would create.

The only option is to try and protect the vulnerable by making smart decisions about what you do and where you go.

Have we devolved into a society, where we need to be told what's best and what's not?

Been happening for decades. The shift away from personal responsibility for your decisions and actions is actively encouraged. Its not your fault. In amny ways we encourage people to be dumber than ever. Have a look at the amount of warning labels that are now associated with buying anything. Its gone beyond relying on common sense.
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Is there any evidence yet to say Omicron is milder ? Or that vaccinations are as effective against this variant ?

Seems to be cautious optimism but still too early to tell.

Seems to be cautious optimism but still too early to tell.
That’s contrary to the Imperial College’s report yesterday. In fact, their report is damn alarming. Who knows if it’s right or not but geez…
You can look at the approach from NSW and Vic either way, but as I wrote earlier, both states are highly vaccinated and all people over 5 years have had ample time to be this is as good as it gets.
Time to move on now and return to a life, but one that involves living with covid, including the costs associated with that.
The media does not want the crisis to go away, it is sensational news and there will always be views that are odds with others from all fields of specialists , giving the media and politicians leverage.
I now ignore the media comments re covid and trust in vaccination rates , future boosters and developing therapies.
I am comfortable with this approach whereby each of us can comply with and trust in medical science.
There is no other way..otherwise this will be an all consuming, permanent spoiler in our lives.

Not quite right.

Those aged between 5 and 12 have not had the opportunity to be vaccinated - for these young kids, they can’t be vaccinated till early January at the earliest.

The WHO advises that vaccination on its own won’t be enough to keep us free from COVID - masks, lockdowns etc will still be required.

Do you know people who have caught COVID - I do, and for some of them, they can’t function properly 6 months later. I know for some, it has had no negative impact on them - but at minimum 10% and up to 30% of those catching COVID it does have a nasty longer term impact

To let this rip without protecting our young kids I think has been a selfish decision. I am happy we are no longer in lockdown but I don’t believe throwing out all the rules is a correct one - remember this time last year we were all told we had beaten COVID.
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Not quite right.

Those aged between 5 and 12 have not had the opportunity to be vaccinated - for these young kids, they can’t be vaccinated till early January at the earliest.

The WHO advises that vaccination on its own won’t be enough to keep us free from COVID - masks, lockdowns etc will still be required.

Do you know people who have caught COVID - I do, and for some of them, they can’t function properly 6 months later. I know for some, it has had no negative impact on them - but at minimum 10% and up to 30% of those catching COVID it does have a nasty longer term impact

To let this rip without protecting our young kids I think has been a selfish decision. I am happy we are no longer in lockdown but I don’t believe throwing out all the rules is a correct one - remember this time last year we were all told we had beaten COVID.
All good points.
I did not realise that 5-12 year olds could still not access the vaccination....don't understand why. Vaccination sites are very quiet these days in Vic and NSW.. what's the hold up ?
Clearly they need vaccinating urgently.
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All good points.
I did not realise that 5-12 year olds could still not access the vaccination....don't understand why. Vaccination sites are very quiet these days in Vic and NSW.. what's the hold up ?
Clearly they need vaccinating urgently.
The vaccine dose for 5-11 year olds is a third of the regular dose and are packaged differently, so they have to wait for these vaccines before they can roll them out
The vaccine dose for 5-11 year olds is a third of the regular dose and are packaged differently, so they have to wait for these vaccines before they can roll them out

Do we know what the International regulations are around vaccines for that age group?

My daughter is 11 and turns 12 in Feb. My brother is getting married in the UK in April which I'm hoping to get over for. I'm not sure what to do, get her the reduced dosage, but will it then be allowed for International travel or because she is then 12 at the time of travel would they say she wasn't vaccinated? Anyone know?
Do we know what the International regulations are around vaccines for that age group?

My daughter is 11 and turns 12 in Feb. My brother is getting married in the UK in April which I'm hoping to get over for. I'm not sure what to do, get her the reduced dosage, but will it then be allowed for International travel or because she is then 12 at the time of travel would they say she wasn't vaccinated? Anyone know?

I don’t think they would even know tbh.

My guess is your daughter, once vaccinated will have a valid certificate that should work OK for travel. If you wait till she turns 12 in March, that may not give you enough time for her to get her second dose, full protection and a certificate - its a tricky one.
Is there any evidence yet to say Omicron is milder ? Or that vaccinations are as effective against this variant ?
Maybe a bit early to tell, but hospitalisations at the moment aren't rising at the same rate as cases. Similar in UK.
Active cases today at 35,364, higher than previous wave in Sept/Oct, but hospitalised are less than half - 675 today compared to 1526 on 27th Sept.
Obviously doesn't take into account those COVID cases getting home care, but that was happening in Sept/Oct as well.

Is this due to Vaccination efficiency? The number of people Vaccinated? Omicron milder than Delta? Dunno, could be some or all of the above, but early signs don't look too bad.



the study linked in the ABC article (from Sth Africa, which has not yet been peer-reviewed), suggests "the Pfizer vaccine is less effective in preventing infection, but still offers 70 per cent protection against hospitalisation"

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Maybe a bit early to tell, but hospitalisations at the moment aren't rising at the same rate as cases. Similar in UK.
Active cases today at 35,364, higher than previous wave in Sept/Oct, but hospitalised are less than half - 675 today compared to 1526 on 27th Sept.
Obviously doesn't take into account those COVID cases getting home care, but that was happening in Sept/Oct as well.

Is this due to Vaccination efficiency? The number of people Vaccinated? Omicron milder than Delta? Dunno, could be some or all of the above, but early signs don't look too bad.

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View attachment 14259

the study linked in the ABC article (from Sth Africa, which has not yet been peer-reviewed), suggests "the Pfizer vaccine is less effective in preventing infection, but still offers 70 per cent protection against hospitalisation"

Keep us up to date Killer Bee.
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