The Blair "Which?" Project | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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The Blair "Which?" Project

Delisted by us or another club?
Sounded like one of ours but they weren’t confident they’d be still available for our rookie picks.

Worth a listen. Great content including Greenie’s gags at the end.
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Our recruiter clearly said that we may redraft a delisted player. I’d be wrapped if Syd came back next year ready to go.

He also said Marlion was working his ass off back in WA in the off-season and sending progress reports and Shai was as well.

I wonder what Syd is doing?

I wouldn't be holding my breath for a Syd return.
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He also said Marlion was was working his ass off back in WA in the off-season and sending progress reports and Shai was as well.

I wonder what Syd is doing?

I wouldn't be holding my breath for a Syd return.
Bolton & Pickett are prepared to dig in and do the yards over the summer, is Sydney?
I'm with you I don't think he can
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He also said Marlion was was working his ass off back in WA in the off-season and sending progress reports and Shai was as well.

I wonder what Syd is doing?

I wouldn't be holding my breath for a Syd return.
Yeh I know. I have surprised myself on how attached I am to his success. I’ll get over it… some day
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Maybe he was told If you want it, show us what you've got to give.
No other club will touch him if he doesn't put in the yards. If he is unfit come draft time they won't waste 6 months while he gets his act together.

I really hope Syd that you are working towards some solid goals.
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Blair & Matty Clarke on Talking Tigers today, well worth a listen.

Key talls will be the target in the draft.

Got around to listening to this and enjoyed it immensely. Loved listening to Blair and Matty Clarke.
Greener’s listing of Blair’s success in getting key players from other clubs was terrific. Is there a person in the game with a better record than Blair? I know he was targeted last year by other clubs but hopefully he will be with us for a long time yet
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We would have had a much better year with Brando playing for us.

Which, now that I've said it, is interesting.
Most probably true. The thing about Brando and also George, is that their two way running allowed the chaos game to work. We were an excellent last quarter team and couldn’t have succeeded without sustained pressure. Dusty has always been centre/forward and you can’t do this without serious backup. Jack had the three amigos at his feet in 2017. It’s a team system. Big names get the goals, but within the four walls, the runners and relentless tacklers are pure gold.
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He also said Marlion was working his ass off back in WA in the off-season and sending progress reports and Shai was as well.

I wonder what Syd is doing?

I wouldn't be holding my breath for a Syd return.
Let it go everyone.
He’s gone.
No need to stick the boots in
Got around to listening to this and enjoyed it immensely. Loved listening to Blair and Matty Clarke.
Greener’s listing of Blair’s success in getting key players from other clubs was terrific. Is there a person in the game with a better record than Blair? I know he was targeted last year by other clubs but hopefully he will be with us for a long time yet
I would have liked some more probing on the delistings and the reasons why
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He also said Marlion was working his ass off back in WA in the off-season and sending progress reports and Shai was as well.

I wonder what Syd is doing?

I wouldn't be holding my breath for a Syd return.
I distinctly recall him saying there's a chance some of delisted might get a re-run, although more likely with someone else.

I agree, I don't see Syd coming back to Tigerland
I would have liked some more probing on the delistings and the reasons why
Possibly no comments because it's unfair to publicly air the negative feedback/criticism.

Is it appropriate to say xx isn't athletic enough, or isn't fit enough or doesn't get enough contested ball or isn't following his nutritional guidelines?

For us fans we,d love the confirmation, I can see why they don't say!
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Sounded like one of ours but they weren’t confident they’d be still available for our rookie picks.

Worth a listen. Great content including Greenie’s gags at the end.
Ha Ha they were,

Loved this one,

Teacher to class...what's your FAVOURITE letter of the alphabet ?

Hand shoots up quickly...The letter "G" miss

And why is that ANGUS :LOL:
  • Haha
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Barring injury Blair looks to have pulled off a masterstroke in snaring Taranto and Hopper.
If we can win the flag again this year I'm sure they will both be be instrumental. I look forward to the likes of Robbo and Cornes sooking it up big time.
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Barring injury Blair looks to have pulled off a masterstroke in snaring Taranto and Hopper.
If we can win the flag again this year I'm sure they will both be be instrumental. I look forward to the likes of Robbo and Cornes sooking it up big time.
If we win it.Blair deserves a statue.
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