U.S Presidential Election | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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U.S Presidential Election

bullus_hit said:

Case in point.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Yeah, cause the 88% are all "rednecks"...

You lot have learned nothing since Hilary's "basket of deplorables" gaffe. Keep cheering for your Hollywood celebs.

So I post a measured assessment which acknowledges your point, that Trump could yet win given his support with the Republican core.... although signs don't look good.

And this is the thanks I get :hihi :hihi
bullus_hit said:
You sure have a great sense of humour. :hihi

Yeah... I don't think I've mentioned a single Hollywood celeb in this thread. Lee's feeling the heat.
Tagomi said:
So I post a measured assessment which acknowledges your point, that Trump could yet win given his support with the Republican core.... although signs don't look good.

And this is the thanks I get :hihi :hihi

Like rednecks were going to vote for Obama or Clinton anyway. The people who turned to Trump would once have been known as "Okies".
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Like rednecks were going to vote for Obama or Clinton anyway. The people who turned to Trump would once have been known as "Okies".

Okies are people from Oklahoma dude, that's one state and it's not really a slur. It's just what they call people from Oklahoma.

Anyway, I was actually acknowledging your point about Trump's rusted-on support but keep on being outraged about nothing if you prefer.
Tagomi said:
Okies are people from Oklahoma dude, that's one state and it's not really a slur. It's just what they call people from Oklahoma.

Anyway, I was actually acknowledging your point about Trump's rusted-on support but keep on being outraged about nothing if you prefer.

They were all referred to as Okies no matter which state they came from. And yeah, it was a slur alright. The modern Okies are the smalltown poor, those who the pollsters never bothered to ask.

Romney reckoned there is 47% rusted on for both sides; it's the other 6% that are up for grabs.
Harry said:
lol great t shirts.

I know some russians - great people.

The russiaphobia is hilarious

Thought you were a bit smarter than that, no-one is knocking Russian people, it's the fact that the Russians have a puppet president doing their dirty work. As an Australian would you be happy to have hackers infiltrate government agencies & influence elections? Would you be ok with KGB operatives cosying up to politcians & lobbyists? Putin already got his way with arms sales being halted to the Ukraine, he also got Trump to flip on the FBI & CIA. If you can't see the long game here you're either not try hard enough or your tribalism trumps your sense of national obligation. Trump is nothing more than a dodgy salesman & he's clearly intent on undermining US democracy. Funny enough the dudes in the picture may well get a serve of Russian autocracy if Trump has his way.
Baloo said:
We have the Chinese Government most likely doing the same here.

To some extent yes, but Putin has Trump by the balls, so much so he acts like a gushing fanboy whenever they're together. I suspect there's plenty more dirt to come, in fact I'm certain of it. Manafort has a long history of gaining favours from dictators and now the beans are about to spill. Trump's Twitter rants also indicate a man in meltdown, he knows fully well the midterms will be a referendum on his impeachment, and at this stage it looks pretty dire.
bullus_hit said:
Thought you were a bit smarter than that, no-one is knocking Russian people, it's the fact that the Russians have a puppet president doing their dirty work. As an Australian would you be happy to have hackers infiltrate government agencies & influence elections? Would you be ok with KGB operatives cosying up to politcians & lobbyists? Putin already got his way with arms sales being halted to the Ukraine, he also got Trump to flip on the FBI & CIA. If you can't see the long game here you're either not try hard enough or your tribalism trumps your sense of national obligation. Trump is nothing more than a dodgy salesman & he's clearly intent on undermining US democracy. Funny enough the dudes in the picture may well get a serve of Russian autocracy if Trump has his way.

Yeah the US / CIA don't interfere in other countries internal affairs lol
Harry said:
Yeah the US / CIA don't interfere in other countries internal affairs lol

You didn't answer the question.

As an Australian would you be happy to have foreign hackers infiltrate government agencies & influence elections?
Harry said:
Yeah the US / CIA don't interfere in other countries internal affairs lol

Whats that got to do with anything? If Trump has knowingly colluded with the Russians it is treason. The fact that the US is not lily white in these matters doesn't change that.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
They were all referred to as Okies no matter which state they came from. And yeah, it was a slur alright. The modern Okies are the smalltown poor, those who the pollsters never bothered to ask.

Actually the pollsters did ask, and they got the popular vote right. What they didn't get right was the spread giving Trump the Electoral College votes pretty easily in the end. But a drop of a few points in a lot of those red counties and states will mean a big shift in the Electoral college.

Time will tell.
Yeah, remember Trump won with less votes than Clinton. That's the system but it remains the case that he had less support than his opponent.

What the Democrats really need to do is to go after the State Legislatures. The electoral system(s) in the US are a mess: massive gerrymandering and deliberate disenfranchising of voters.

Watch the mid terms in the House, the Republicans can lose the popular vote by a couple of million and still control the house.

DavidSSS said:
Yeah, remember Trump won with less votes than Clinton. That's the system but it remains the case that he had less support than his opponent.

What the Democrats really need to do is to go after the State Legislatures. The electoral system(s) in the US are a mess: massive gerrymandering and deliberate disenfranchising of voters.

Watch the mid terms in the House, the Republicans can lose the popular vote by a couple of million and still control the house.


Yeah... I think even if the Dems get the House narrowly then they still can't impeach as you need 2/3 majority? Not sure on this though.
Tagomi said:
Actually the pollsters did ask, and they got the popular vote right. What they didn't get right was the spread giving Trump the Electoral College votes pretty easily in the end. But a drop of a few points in a lot of those red counties and states will mean a big shift in the Electoral college.

Time will tell.

Come on, they were hopelessly wrong. Florida, Ohio, Pennysylvania and North Carolina were the pivotal states - Trump won them all after the polls said they were going to Clinton.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Come on, they were hopelessly wrong. Florida, Ohio, Pennysylvania and North Carolina were the pivotal states - Trump won them all after the polls said they were going to Clinton.

Two key factors, voter turnout was dismal for Clinton in rural areas & the pollsters focused on the popular vote instead of getting sufficient data from sparsely populated electorates. Trump played it smart when targeting the forgotten folk, whilst he used a bit of snake oil salesmanship he did present as someone who would listen to their grievances. The problem now is a matter of trust, he hasn't reinvigorated the rust belt, tariffs can be a double edge sword, manufacturing can only be resuscitated if labour costs are driven down & that seems improbable. You only have to look at the reaction of Harley Davidson to realise Trump's policies are hurting the bottom line. But all that aside, no way can he recover from this mess, taking on the FBI was dumb in the extreme. I honestly think his mental faculties are on the decline, I've never seem a politician *smile* to the extent Trump does, and that also goes for the lackeys he employs. Strange times indeed.