U.S Presidential Election | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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U.S Presidential Election

The worst thing about Clinton and her supporters is the continual sooking about a system that everyone knew about before hand. Not much point getting 99% of the vote in California and New York.
jb03 said:
The worst thing about Clinton and her supporters is the continual sooking about a system that everyone knew about before hand. Not much point getting 99% of the vote in California and New York.

The worst part is millions couldn't even be bothered to vote, that is the real hypocrisy.
jb03 said:
The worst thing about Clinton and her supporters is the continual sooking about a system that everyone knew about before hand. Not much point getting 99% of the vote in California and New York.

The worst thing about Clinton was the slogan "I'm with her". People didn't want "her". They wanted to vote for a continued progressive agenda, she was just the vessel. But her campaign made it about her, and people didn't respond to her. Huge mistake. Massive echo chamber inside her campaign. If she diminished her own part and sold the ideas she would have won, IMO.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Come on, they were hopelessly wrong. Florida, Ohio, Pennysylvania and North Carolina were the pivotal states - Trump won them all after the polls said they were going to Clinton.

Seems like you really want to pick fights Lee.

I remember Nate Silver's metapoll analysis had Clinton 85% winning, Trump 15%. The 15% happened. People seem to think 85% = 100% but it's not.

Anyway, yes, the pollsters got it wrong but not because they deliberately excluded large swathes of the US population.
Manafort the latest domino to fall, yet another plea bargain. If Trump gets out of this mess he should change his name to Teflon Don.
Glad I am not judged on my university days drinking habits when applying fora job 30 years later. Doubt our High Court judges would be too keen on the idea either.
22nd Man said:
Glad I am not judged on my university days drinking habits when applying fora job 30 years later. Doubt our High Court judges would be too keen on the idea either.

Good thing that has nothing to do with the issue at hand. It's his insistence on lying about that is at issue. He can drink beer. Like beer. Still like beer. Have too many beers. Like beer. Did I say that? I like beer. I still like beer.

That doesn't matter. Only if he lies to a congressional committee. He has. A lot.
KnightersRevenge said:
Good thing that has nothing to do with the issue at hand. It's his insistence on lying about that is at issue. He can drink beer. Like beer. Still like beer. Have too many beers. Like beer. Did I say that? I like beer. I still like beer.

That doesn't matter. Only if he lies to a congressional committee. He has. A lot.

Is there also not a matter of sexually assaulting women? Kinda important...
K3 said:
Is there also not a matter of sexually assaulting women? Kinda important...

Yes, but not to be too indelicate that isn't the main issue. This is a hearing to confirm the suitability of a judge to site on the highest court in the U.S. He is as entitled as anyone to the presumption of innocence on the charge of sexual assualt/attempted rape and the hearing isn't about his guilt or not. His willingness to lie openly to the committee is more central to the question of his 'fitness'. The allegation was raised by Ford in the hopes that it would never get this far. The idea (by her own admission) was that those in power would have it investigated and keep Kavanaugh from getting the nomination altogether.
Unemployment at a 49-year low in the US. Imagine what Trump could do with a supportive media and "liberals" less committed to denigrating everything he does on ideological grounds, regardless of merit.

* winning *
That includes Republican "liberals" as well I guess.

I bet trumps 747 has no windows
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Unemployment at a 49-year low in the US. Imagine what Trump could do with a supportive media and "liberals" less committed to denigrating everything he does on ideological grounds, regardless of merit.

So here is U.S. GDP trend from before Obama through GFC to Trump. Explain how either of them has anything at all to do with U.S. economy in general?

LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Unemployment at a 49-year low in the US. Imagine what Trump could do with a supportive media and "liberals" less committed to denigrating everything he does on ideological grounds, regardless of merit.

Move the US more quickly to a fascist state.
KnightersRevenge said:
Yes, but not to be too indelicate that isn't the main issue. This is a hearing to confirm the suitability of a judge to site on the highest court in the U.S. He is as entitled as anyone to the presumption of innocence on the charge of sexual assualt/attempted rape and the hearing isn't about his guilt or not. His willingness to lie openly to the committee is more central to the question of his 'fitness'. The allegation was raised by Ford in the hopes that it would never get this far. The idea (by her own admission) was that those in power would have it investigated and keep Kavanaugh from getting the nomination altogether.

Fair points.

It is a shame the 'investigation' was right up there with one of our political parties investigating themselves... and that he was given the 'all clear' prior to a complete picture being completed.
K3 said:
Fair points.

It is a shame the 'investigation' was right up there with one of our political parties investigating themselves... and that he was given the 'all clear' prior to a complete picture being completed.

I think people have been asking the wrong question now for years. Me included. We should be focused on the people who have made all this possible. The politicians. Something is rotten in the state of politics. Who are the people that are attracted to it? Who are the people who are good at it? And by that I mean "winning". Because that is what the "Parties" have become. It is about the winning. That is what has driven the horrible dive into partisanship and mud slinging and silo-ing. The point of GOVERNment is supposed to be GOVERNing. To make the hard choices and to govern for all. But that isn't what is happening. Instead we get analysis paralysis. We get door stops, and press conferences where the minister spends most of the time on the stump discrediting their opposite number instead of talking about their portfolio and what they are doing. What the future looks like and how they are speaking to the experts in the relevant fields to make good decisions and build for the future.

It's all *smile*.
Have been feeling just this way for a while now, and it sure hasn't been lessened with the shenanigans happening around the country of late!

A few things I think could help (perhaps) improve the performance of politicians, and their parties, are:

Increasing parliamentary terms to 4 years
If you knife the PM you must go to an election within 8 weeks of doing so
Alter the adversarial Westminster parliamentary system that plays a large part in the pathetic, childish, time-wasting nature of how politicians seem to spend way too much of their time

The last thing is up to the people... Vote for more local Independents who are more likely to give a rat's about their constituents, instead of pandering to large 'groups' who back them, as they probably don't have any such groups on-side.
Do you ever read anything that is Mises? Hoppe is not Mises. Mises was a believer in democracy and limited government (mainly in regards to defence). Hoppe thinks democracy is communism-lite and thinks even defence should be privatised.