Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Big spike in US cases. We won't see the effects of the protests though just yet - these were on the cards already.

National Cabinet have delayed decision on further easing of restrictions until the outcome of our protests are known
I think part of it was that it is/was a lot harder for most countries to insulate themselves like Aust & NZ could. How could they manage it effectively without all of Europe shutting down together?
Jazz most /all euro borders were closed except for residents and cross-border workers.
Europe shutdown, and the schengen agreement was put on ice. Not all at once but throughout march. The UK were probs one of the last to do so.

France borders closed 2 months ago, mid March, with security fences and soldiers guarding the local roads that were normally open.
There are still the forest trails to cross into Switzerland if I was inclined to buy something expensive.
The main border crossings were strictly controlled and a passport or work permit needed to cross.
In the first fortnight there were military choppers flying every day or so, plus police patrols. It meant that roads were empty. No PT across the border.
It's all opening up now, similar to oz. The borders will reopen june15

This wouldn't have been as effective as NZ but it wouldve reduced inter-country movement significantly.

So Sweden could do it. And they only needed to control a land border with Norway, plus air and sea.
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The AFL has had the players' nuts in a vice with hyper-restrictive regulations and requirements in order to stay virus-free, all while on reduced pay, yet an exec does her own thing and receives the AFL's blessing. (paywalled)

Hypocrisy reigns supreme.
Maybe she works remotely?
Is it that hypocritical for a company to allow its workers to do what they choose in the workers own time?
Is it that hypocritical for a company to allow its workers to do what they choose in the workers own time?

You, player! As your employer I forbid you from surfing and playing golf and even taking your kids to the playground. Don't train in groups, and strictly no visitors allowed. There's a pandemic afoot, you know. Can't have you spreading the virus.

Tanya, you have my blessing to break the law and potentially catch and spread the deadly disease. It's entirely your call. We're just admin and not expected to set any sort of example. Tomorrow I want you to visit Collingwood and pull them into line, Harry O says they weren't amenable to his brand of diversity seven years ago. And if they offer you magic mushies, stay away from the spotted ones. You'll have to excuse me now, I'm working on my latest pretentious address to the public on social issues. They look to us for guidance, you know.
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The whole sky news and Oz paper right wing conglomerate slammed her and were praising Sweden.

Sweden on par with most other western euro nations. Germany is the poster boy of Western Europe. On deaths per mill the top 16 feature 14 countries that many would say say are among the most civilised on earth. Certainly the places people from here like to visit.Shows that disease does not discriminate.
I definitely don't have the real stats! Probably my fault for trusting News Corpse but got it from here:

Its saying numbers "spiking" up in some states. I wonder if you extracted NYS what it would look like.
Aha...that is true... Something like 40-50% of cases are in NY (and I would say NY city) and the states that border on NYC like New Jersey, Connecticut....these places are virtually extended suburbs of NY.

The virus didn't arrive on the same day in all states so it's quite reasonable that as some states have gone past their peak, others are still on the upward swing. The yanks are 15 times our pop and spread much more evenly across the continent. I haven't looked but I would be surprised if any states did or even could lock down borders like some of ours did. In some places the state border splits an urban area. And our National Cabinet agreed for about a week and since then there has been 9 different approaches, multiply that by 50 in US so it's going to look like chaos.
Sound like an apologist for the yanks but I wouldn't trade their health system, political system, labour laws, class system or their Constition for ours. Yet on so many other levels Americans are geniuses and fundamentally well meaning. And People always say India is a land of contrasts ...
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daily cases seem to be increasing yet deaths are decreasing. Could be a case of more testing worldwide or a less deadly strain being transmitted, or both.
You, player! As your employer I forbid you from surfing and playing golf and even taking your kids to the playground. Don't train in groups, and strictly no visitors allowed. There's a pandemic afoot, you know. Can't have you spreading the virus.

Tanya, you have my blessing to break the law and potentially catch and spread the deadly disease. It's entirely your call. We're just admin and not expected to set any sort of example.

Its a difficult one but your point is valid. The AFL are asking for exemptions from various state gov't's to allow the game to restart and the crows copped a hammering over their infamous group training yet they endorse her breaking the law?
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Its a difficult one but your point is valid. The AFL are asking for exemptions from various state gov't's to allow the game to restart and the crows copped a hammering over their infamous group training yet they endorse her breaking the law?
The Adelaide infraction is based on equal conditions across all 18 teams.
The Adelaide infraction is based on equal conditions across all 18 teams.

The AFL found the breach was "inadvertent and not done to create a competitive advantage". They were sanctioned for breaking quarantine.
“We all have a very clear responsibility to ensure we do everything we can to stop the spread of the virus,” AFL general counsel Andrew Dillon said.

“The protocols are clear and the actions in this matter, whilst not pre-planned, are a breach of them. We take this matter extremely seriously.

“We will not compromise the health and well-being of the community, and remind everyone in the industry – players, coaches, officials and staff - that they have a responsibility to adhere to the rules for the safety of everyone in the community.”

Looking forward to the next time Gil puts his head up.
You, player! As your employer I forbid you from surfing and playing golf and even taking your kids to the playground. Don't train in groups, and strictly no visitors allowed. There's a pandemic afoot, you know. Can't have you spreading the virus.

Tanya, you have my blessing to break the law and potentially catch and spread the deadly disease. It's entirely your call. We're just admin and not expected to set any sort of example. Tomorrow I want you to visit Collingwood and pull them into line, Harry O says they weren't amenable to his brand of diversity seven years ago. And if they offer you magic mushies, stay away from the spotted ones. You'll have to excuse me now, I'm working on my latest pretentious address to the public on social issues. They look to us for guidance, you know.
Leave the emotion at the door.
The restrictions on the players is to maintain a virus-free playing group, and to minimise any outbreak to allow matches
An AFL employee working from home / not in contact with clubs (my assumption) is unlikely to spread the virus to the players and thus stop the competition.
It might stop an individual from working, just as any illness would.

Why should the AFL set the example on every social issue?
I can't believe I am defending the AFL organisation here.
Leave the emotion at the door.
The restrictions on the players is to maintain a virus-free playing group, and to minimise any outbreak to allow matches
An AFL employee working from home / not in contact with clubs (my assumption) is unlikely to spread the virus to the players and thus stop the competition.
It might stop an individual from working, just as any illness would.

Why should the AFL set the example on every social issue?
I can't believe I am defending the AFL organisation here.

Nah. No sale.


"We all have a very clear responsibility to ensure we do everything we can to stop the spread of the virus. We will not compromise the health and well-being of the community, and remind everyone in the industry – players, coaches, officials and staff - that they have a responsibility to adhere to the rules for the safety of everyone in the community.”

Everyone in the industry. That includes Tanya Hosch.
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You've lost me with your logic.

I'm saying Tanya Hosch should've been stood down. Let's say six weeks, same as Ben Hart.
For something she did on her own free time?
That didn't break laws or AFL regulations for employees?
That is a minefield.

I get it. The virus pandemic is important to you.
Black lives protests are not.
Other people place different values on those issues.
I am out
For something she did on her own free time?
That didn't break laws or AFL regulations for employees?
That is a minefield.

I get it. The virus pandemic is important to you.
Black lives protests are not.
Other people place different values on those issues.
I am out

Consistency is important to me. Half the state is ready to lynch Dan Andrews because he has none. If my business was going under I'd probably be among them.

I think you have a thing with my posting because I called Goodes an ungrateful sonofabitch. Polly Farmer was so-called stolen generation and was eternally grateful for the upbringing he had and never complained. It's not a sin to criticise Adam Goodes.
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COVID19: scientists with barely weeks of data and research on a new virus should be believed implicitly.

Climate Science: decades of research and data by scientists should be ignored.

What a f***en joke.

You talk as though science and scientists are homogeneous and have been saying the same vapid *smile* for months in an attempt to put words in my mouth. I still don’t understand your disordered ramblings. What exactly about coronavirus am I subscribing to that I shouldn’t?

Stick to polishing your Black Panthers badge, numpty.
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