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Talking Politics

The biggest problem with preferences is allows parties with very little policies or any real substance a leg up.
The primary vote the Libs have more than Labor,we need to remove preferences so that each seat the MAJORITY vote for is elected .
So if we had an electorate with 5 candidates and 4 of them got 19.9% each and one got 20.4% then the last one would win under a non preferential system. What if that candidate with 20.4% was from the Nazi Party and would have been preferenced last by all the others under our current system of voting ?
The system we have is that when one candidate does not get 50% of the vote the candidate who is the most preferred by the electorate wins the contest.
It is perfectly logical and reasonable to me
What we have now with 12 or more independents and greens in a parliament that is starting to reflect who we are as a country. Even then only 2/3 of us voted for one of the major parties yet the cross benches will represent less than 10% of the seats.
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This mob routinely break long-standing political conventions. The convention is we did our best, we'll learn from the result, congrats to the winner. Not for this mob. Rave on and on about how great they've been and cheated by others who have gamed the system. Birmingham basically said there is something wrong with the system if the Libs are losing.
That's all true but we can be thankful that we are not the US. Morrison will allow Albanese to be sworn in and go to that meeting next week in Japan and we have a peaceful transfer of power. They may lack grace in defeat but that is far as it goes.
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Fraudenberg carrying on again this morning-embarassing.

Craig Kelly gone too, and Hanson on track to lose her senate position.
Fraudenberg is a spot on moniker. What a fraud. His self-styled image of being a moderate was well and truly exposed as a fraud, and was a big part of his downfall.
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What’s Keneally’s future ?
Bit of arrogance from the ALP with Keneally. They had a very good local candidate ready to go; young female lawyer of Vietnamese descent. Very popular apparently. But Elbow decides to parachute this lightweight in from her multi million dollar northern beaches home. It could well cost them an outright majority.

They would have won with the original candidate. The locals of Fowler rejected the parachute.
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His speech last night was a shocker, went on and on about how great he is and how he's been cheated out of what is rightfully his. Other coalition honchos were saying the same, Birmingham on the ABC, the ex-PM, we are fantastic and have been wronged.

This mob routinely break long-standing political conventions. The convention is we did our best, we'll learn from the result, congrats to the winner. Not for this mob. Rave on and on about how great they've been and cheated by others who have gamed the system. Birmingham basically said there is something wrong with the system if the Libs are losing.
I saw Birmingham on the ABC last night. I actually thought he was quite scathing of his party in particular to the attitudes to diversity. He said they should’ve disendorsed Deves in Warringah.

Will be interesting to see where the LNP goes from here. They face at least 2 terms in opposition.
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Welcome to a Dud-mo free country everyone !!!

And now, let’s cue all the right wing whinging, especially in the Murdoch media.

A great day for Australia !!!
Outsiders on Sky was a comedy this morning. Whinging and furore to the point of nearly spitting at the camera. Also praising Buttonhead to take position as oppo leader.

Fryedburger is close to losing his seat and I heard that he will move to the state govt if so. He wants to become premier of Vic obviously after all the confrontations he had with Andrews about Covid in last 2 years.
The best thing about Frydenburg losing his seat to an independant is that previously ex-lib PMs have lost their seats while they were in their death throes. But they have got rid of Frydenburg whilst he was still on the way up. His rise to PM has been aborted-as oppossed to Howard, Abbott and Turnbull who were already finished and just put out of their misery.
I would say that yesterday was the greatest day in Australian political history for women in this country. They have made 20 years gain in political representation in one night.
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Bit of arrogance from the ALP with Keneally. They had a very good local candidate ready to go; young female lawyer of Vietnamese descent. Very popular apparently. But Elbow decides to parachute this lightweight in from her multi million dollar northern beaches home. It could well cost them an outright majority.

They would have won with the original candidate. The locals of Fowler rejected the parachute.
I agree, but both parties have parachuted star candidates into safe seats forever. Bob Hawke had never been to Brunswick or Coburg in his life, and I doubt he ever spent any time there after he was elected.

I don't think they'll do it anymore
I agree, but both parties have parachuted star candidates into safe seats forever. Bob Hawke had never been to Brunswick or Coburg in his life, and I doubt he ever spent any time there after he was elected.

I don't think they'll do it anymore
Yeah I often think of Hawke as the prime example of that. He spent his whole time as PM living in Sandringham, as his Melbourne base, whilst the member for Wills in the northern suburbs.
Even then only 2/3 of us voted for one of the major parties yet the cross benches will represent less than 10% of the seats.
A lot of Labor voters in safe Liberal seats would have voted for Teals because they saw the chance to get rid of the turds.
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I agree, but both parties have parachuted star candidates into safe seats forever. Bob Hawke had never been to Brunswick or Coburg in his life, and I doubt he ever spent any time there after he was elected.

I don't think they'll do it anymore
Barnaby Joyce did it. Went from Queensland senator to a NSW seat. He had lived in Tamworth as a boy but was essentially a parachute in
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Yeah I often think of Hawke as the prime example of that. He spent his whole time as PM living in Sandringham, as his Melbourne base, whilst the member for Wills in the northern suburbs.
Yeah. I don't disagree with your point but there are 2 sides to it. In terms of broader national strategy, you want to do everything you can to ensure your best players are in the game.
A lot of Labor voters in safe Liberal seats would have voted for Teals because they saw the chance to get rid of the turds.
That's true but also people like me voted for them.
I am not an ALP supporter, there are lots of things about them I don't like, but I am far more likely to vote Labor than LNP if left with no other choice. There are quite a few people like me I know who live in both Kooyong and Goldstein and they all voted for either Monique Ryan or Zoe Daniels.
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I'm happy that Labor won, that Palmer p!ssed $100 million against the wall, and that One Nation haven't got a pot to pee in.

I'm proud that a large majority of my fellow Australians didn't get sucked in by the lies from mudguts Palmer and Kelly...............Kelly lost his seat:clap2:banana

Not unhappy that the Independents did well, I hope they keep the bastards honest, without going overboard.
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Tim Wilson's concession speech just now was something to behold in terms of entitlement. He couldn't even say Zoe Daniels name.
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ALP majority. Sharma out. Fraudenturd out. Prayer Room Wilson out. Cha-chiiing! $$$$
Has Fryedburger conceded yet? Now he denies he could've moved to Aston which is now looking like a pariah state of Greater Melb.

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