America, will they ever learn? (Gun Control Debate) | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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America, will they ever learn? (Gun Control Debate)

Re: America, will they ever learn?

Giving everyone more guns will solve the problem eventually.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

Living here and having to deal with employees who have made threats in their place of employment, people who you know own guns, I can tell you the threat of workplace or school shootings is very real. Sadly, students can protest all they want, the reality is the list of politicians who accept money from the NRA is extensive and widespread. Nothing significant will change in the US with respect to gun laws until there is drastic campaign finance reform.
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Re: America, will they ever learn?

I love Wil Anderson but he was making jokes about the school shootings this morning.

"If the teacher was russell mark armed with a loaded gun the kids would soon listen. The teacher wkuld say "are you feeling lucky punk?" The student says "you can take my homework from my cold dead hands". (Or words to this effect)
What we're witnessing now is what future historians will view as the crumbling of another Empire. By all accounts Trump & Clinton were fiddling. Barack not so sure.
Ive watched a couple of interviews with Wayne Lapierre the president of the NRA.

Just astounding the crap that comes out of his mouth.
Amazing isn't it?
With the campaign finance issue and the way Trump won the election, I don't think the USA can call itself a democracy any more.
As for "arming teachers" ... seriously ... would you send your kid to a classroom where you knew the teacher was armed?

Sad really, as a place to travel to, I love it.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

TigerForce said:
Anyone listen to an American tourist calling into MMM's Nightshift show last night? He stated it's a 'god given right' for Americans to have a gun....and he's got 33 of them!!!

Believe it or not it comes from a belief that there is a god given right to life and as part of that they have a right to defend that life.... with AR-15's apparently. ::)
Fully armed cops stood around and shamefully did nothing yet the solution is apparently to arm teachers. Can't quit believe their stupidity.
I love how the Repubs were blaming the fall in the levels of Christianity and the rise in the number of unwed mothers as the root cause of the problem
I love how the Repubs were blaming the fall in the levels of Christianity and the rise in the number of unwed mothers as the root cause of the problem
Even though far more "christians" than unwed mothers are the perpetrators....perhaps disarm shooters and arm the unwed mothers. Maybe they wouldn't have become mothers if they were armed...
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I love how the Repubs were blaming the fall in the levels of Christianity and the rise in the number of unwed mothers as the root cause of the problem

Yet, more secular countries, such as Australia, have far lower rates of gun violence.

You can never accuse the Republicans and gun nuts in the USA of letting facts get in the way of a solid ideological position.

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There are only two things that are guaranteed every time after a mass shooting over there.
1. Some politicians demanding something be done to stop it from happening again, while even more politicians do their best to stop anything meaningful being done.
2. The same politicians stopping anything being done always offer their “ thoughts and prayers”, because that’s been so successful in the past in stopping massacres
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Maybe if Conservative Americans cared as much about the preservation of life for the living as they do for the unborn then something useful might get done.

It might be funny to go and wind some conservative americans up around abortion vs gun control. Maybe we should start a, abortiond don't kill foetuses, people do rhetoric. How long do you think it will take for some hick to come up with, "but thats exactly why we need to ban them, so that they can't be used to kill foetuses", and then again, how long until they realise that they have just *smile* their own gun control argument? I'm guessing on the latter, never.
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