Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I thought you said it was 1 in a million? Now it’s 1 in 40000?

No I said its 1 in a million in Australia. We'd had 6 deaths from 6.3m vaccines at that time. Now with 7 but will also have administered more vaccines so probably still remaining in line with that.

I said at the time, that the risk increases the younger you get (this is why I was pushing for this as the ONLY vaccine being available to those over 65 as I suspect some are waiting for Pfizer, yet we need to keep the Pfizer for those younger age groups).

"Deaths related to TTS
Sadly, this week we were notified that two confirmed cases of TTS after the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine were fatal. One was in a 44-year-old man from Tasmania and the other was in a 48-year-old women from Victoria (this case was reported as probable TTS in last week’s report). The TGA extends its sincerest condolences to their families and loved ones.
Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout in Australia, a total of five deaths from TTS have been reported out of 6.1 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine. All of them were related to a first dose of the vaccine."

So at the time of that report, 5 had died (out of 6.1m). The 2 that died during that week were 44 and 47. As I've been saying the risk for those 65+ is incredibly small.

The below data relates to those that have died in the UK from AZ. See tables 5 on this list. The vast majority of deaths have been under the age of 60. Bear in mind those above 60 will almost certainly have been given AZ, then the fatality rate will be low. I can't seem to find the data around how many AZ vaccines have been administered by age but the table shows that the majority of deaths are in the 20-50 aged groups which is also what we are seeing in Australia.

This all backs up what I've been saying and I still think its relevant. We should only offer Pfizer to those under 60 (unless there are specific health issues that a doctor recommends those age groups to take another vaccine). We need to move away from vaccine preference, and give it based on health advice, which is under 40 (no AZ), over 60 should be only AZ, and those age groups in the middle will likely be a mix, but mostly Pfizer.
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I'll be able to manage staying home for several weeks and only going out twice to get jabbed, if that's what it comes to.

Your last statement will be true at some point down the track.
As much as I'm the most pro vax, anti anti vax person on the planet, I see your logic.

IF you legitimately are quarantining until you can get Pfizer, good luck to you. Not the choice I would make, but reasonable in its own way.
Vaccination won't ever eliminate it.

Just like it doesn't eliminate the flu. But it will mean it's simply another respiratory disease, like a cold or flu.
A virus can be eliminated...small pox has been . It killed millions.
Covid will mutate as the flu does, so you are right, we will need further often we don't know yet.
But with underlying immunity from the vaccine, most mutations will not likely be fatal. Time will tell.
Repeat boosters will do the trick.
However, as I said, small pox has been eliminated, so covid can also be if the human reservoir is removed by comprehensive vaccination.

Why someone would choose not to get vaccinated in favour of likelihood of contracting covid and dying a revolting death is completely beyond my understanding.
Do any other species on this planet choose death when they don't need to? Perhaps some do. Bizarre.
34 year old lady died from blood clot with AZ. Straight away the experts turn to stats and probabilities to cover themselves. Which way do we really go with this?
AZ's had a bit of a public relations makeover this week. Suspect some of those doing the spruiking may be financially invested in AZ but I have no info on this.

Figuring upon the numbers like an actuary is the way the government strategists have to look at it. Looking at the data and personalising it is the way we as individuals should look at it. Statements like "AZ is a wonderful vaccine" (and it is) don't help anyone to make an informed decision, but they may sway the lazy.
Not sure, would depend on the ages I guess MB. Over 50s who didn't get the AZ jab when they could have is possible I guess. But yeah, the vaccine "non-race" is claiming victims now.
Anyone who is over 60 has had the opportunity to get vaccinated for months now. Obviously there are major issues with the rollout but there is a certain cohort that can not blame that as the reason for non vaccination. They have had the opportunity for a long time now and if they are not vaccinated that is on them.
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Sorry if mentioned before but 5 deaths today in NSW. 4 unvaxxed, 1 had one dose.
I couldnt see it anywhere, but was there any further info on the one dose AZ that passed away.
Example only been a week or 6 weeks in from that 1st dose.

Just trying to guage effectiveness.
My take on it on vaxess 1 month is to 1 week comparing AZ (3 mths) to Phizer (3wks) till 2nd dose
I wonder what will happen if Australia can't hit the 80% lockdown target because people choose not to get vaccinated. Do we still continue to endure lockdowns to protect those that won't protect themselves.
No way *smile* that. If people are stupid enough to refuse vaccination they take their chances. They make their beds they can lie in them.

The rest of us need to get on with our lives.
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AZ's had a bit of a public relations makeover this week. Suspect some of those doing the spruiking may be financially invested in AZ but I have no info on this.

Figuring upon the stats like an actuary is the way the government strategists have to look at it. Looking at the data and personalising it is the way we as individuals should look at it. Statements like "AZ is a wonderful vaccine" (and it is) don't help anyone to make an informed decision, but they may sway the lazy.

As I've been saying for a while now. They should be re-marketing AZ mainly at the over 60 group. We are at about 80% of over 70's that have taken the vaccine (a bit less for the 60-70 group). Thats 1 in 5 that either don't want it, or are playing to choose their vaccine. There have been 10 deaths as a result of the AZ vaccine in the UK for over 70's. Its a very low risk but needs to be marketed as such. We need that age group to become 90%+ IMO and the Pfizer needs to be protected for the younger age groups.
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But the fatality rate from blood clots after Pfizer is zero. Why anyone would elect to buy a ticket in the AZ lottery if they weren't at imminent risk of infection is beyond me.

A French study found that if everyone was injected with AZ, twice as many 18-39yo's would die from AZ as they would from COVID without a vaccine.

If enough young people put up their hands for AZ, inevitably we'll get a healthy teenager drop dead as Young predicted.

There's a world of difference in the psychological impact of a healthy person dying from medicine and dying from a disease.

The game changes if the outbreak gets out of control.

From blood clots maybe, but to say AZ is a killer vaccine (as its being portrayed and Pfizer etc are fine is incorrect.

Bear in mind the US have administered no AZ vaccines. They have concentrated on Pfizer, Moderna and J&J.

"Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 342 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 26, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,340 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause."

From blood clots maybe, but to say AZ is a killer vaccine (as its being portrayed and Pfizer etc are fine is incorrect.

Bear in mind the US have administered no AZ vaccines. They have concentrated on Pfizer, Moderna and J&J.

"Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 342 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 26, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,340 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause."

VAERS is an unfiltered database of limited use to researchers. Think of it as "dirty data".
I couldnt see it anywhere, but was there any further info on the one dose AZ that passed away.
Example only been a week or 6 weeks in from that 1st dose.

Just trying to guage effectiveness.
My take on it on vaxess 1 month is to 1 week comparing AZ (3 mths) to Phizer (3wks) till 2nd dose

I'm not sure of your question.

Are you questioning effectiveness of AZ / Pfizer between the 1st and 2nd does, or the risk of side effects / death?
So you are just going to ignore the data that the CDC use. OK.
Someone (lamb22 ?) posted a link to it a while back. It's not very useful. Put it this way, if Pfizer had a chronic flaw that caused the deaths of 6000 people in the US, it would be suspended from use.

They're pretty careful to establish a cause of death before releasing news of AZ deaths to the public. Plenty would've died from unrelated issues after an AZ injection.
From blood clots maybe, but to say AZ is a killer vaccine (as its being portrayed and Pfizer etc are fine is incorrect.

Not sure if anyone can clarify something I heard mentioned, A woman taking the pill is actually just slightly more at risk to getting a blood clot than taking AZ.

Pfzr has it issues too, been mentioned a few times by many here too but I fear no matter what medical expert says now about AZ or govt official, or whoever, far too many people have made their mind up for that scare campaign that I felt was over the top.
I'm not sure of your question.

Are you questioning effectiveness of AZ / Pfizer between the 1st and 2nd does, or the risk of side effects / death?
sorry, it the person died ?were they say 2 weeks from when he got the shot. looking for the time frame then wondering the equivalent aspect to Pfzr