MRP | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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AFL couldnt possibly rub him out as they would then be beaten by us and that is not allowed.

So I hope to god Lynch kicks a bag , and we thrash the life out of them.

The AFL is as contrived and corrupt as they come.
I've gotta say, the dichotomy between intentional and careless is as clouded as it ever has been when you weigh up the Hawkins one with the Ablett x 3, Soldo and Fyfe ones
BrisTiger24 said:
I've gotta say, the dichotomy between intentional and careless is as clouded as it ever has been when you weigh up the Hawkins one with the Ablett x 3, Soldo and Fyfe ones

Yes, fair comment that one
TigerFlag2017 said:
You can imagine the incident review meeting that is happening at the moment.

They will first look at the incident to analyse what is the penalty under the rules. They will apply a risk-weighted discount because he is from Geelong.

Then they will do a stakeholder analysis to determine what journalists will say what and whether the weight of opinion will be positive or negative.

They will then look at the brownlow odds and the tv schedule and punch in the results to their spreadsheet to see at what cost the decision may have on the AFL's bottomline.

They will then call Gil to consult his "gut opinion". Then call Hocking to make sure he is not too upset that a geelong player is being suspended.

They will then review all the inputs on a whiteboard and weigh up what is best for the MRP's long term career opportunities and risk of being sacked at the end of the year for incompetence.

They will then go back to the original decision, laws of the game and footage and write a media release to support the decision. This will then go to the AFL's media department to sign-off on. It will then go to Hocking to make sure they haven't accidentally insulted him.

They will then call a couple of journos including Robbo and Whately to "test the waters". If they get a negative response - back to step 1.

They will also need to call Carey who wrote a scathing article last week and needs to be molified. If they get a negative response - back to step 1. They will probably call Eddie just because he is Eddie.

After repeating this process four or five times, they will probably conclude that it is too hard and give Gary a warning and cite his exemplary record and reference a Geelong medical report that said he had a migraine that quarter and that it was completely out of character.

That's just the way it rolls down at AFL HQ...
MRO's standard processes were made much easier today with the Bolton assassination. Given no one is watching today, they were able to skip the rule-book altogether and just go straight to straight to Step 4 - Gil consults Hocking in the Business Class seat next to him and determine Geelong-imposed sanction. If there is any blow-back, Gil will claim the decision was delegated to the Richmond cheer squad (judgement a bit hazy after the flight bender back to Melbourne).
As someone else said how does Chris Scott get the soapbox every week to defend his players through his press conferences? Thought coaches weren't supposed to comment on reports?
TigerFlag2017 said:
MRO's standard processes were made much easier today with the Bolton assassination. Given no one is watching today, they were able to skip the rule-book altogether and just go straight to straight to Step 4 - Gil consults Hocking in the Business Class seat next to him and determine Geelong-imposed sanction. If there is any blow-back, Gil will claim the decision was delegated to the Richmond cheer squad (judgement a bit hazy after the flight bender back to Melbourne).
True. I'm still surprised Grimo didn't get sentenced for life.
Tigers of Old said:
As someone else said how does Chris Scott get the soapbox every week to defend his players through his press conferences? Thought coaches weren't supposed to comment on reports?

Because he, like his players are untouchable - it become more than a joke. We have had three players suspended for incidents no worse than those where Hawkins and Ablett have got off - it’s an absolute joke.
Tigers of Old said:
As someone else said how does Chris Scott get the soapbox every week to defend his players through his press conferences? Thought coaches weren't supposed to comment on reports?

Probably waived by the former Geelong not-so-great-as-his-brother SHocking every time.
Speaking of GAJ, I suppose this is how he will behave on Friday night.
Tigers of Old said:
As someone else said how does Chris Scott get the soapbox every week to defend his players through his press conferences? Thought coaches weren't supposed to comment on reports?

His best mate is general manager. It helps.
I guarantee Hocking has an influence
TigerForce said:
Gill needs a quick $5000 to cover his gifts from Shanghai.

Got to cover the lost cash on the failing Chinese experience some how.
Regardless who plays, I reckon we will slap them.
Winter looks like it has settled in. Most likely rain again on Friday night.
Giddy up tiggies
(B) IMPACT Consideration will be given as to whether the impact is Low, Medium, High or Severe. In determining the level of impact, regard will be had to several factors. Firstly, consideration will be given to the extent of force and in particular, any injury sustained by the Player who was offended against. Secondly, strong consideration will be given to the potential to cause injury, particularly in the following cases: »» Intentional head-high strikes, such as those with a swinging clenched fist, raised forearm or elbow; »» High bumps, particularly with significant head contact and/or Player momentum; »» Any head-high contact with a Player who has his head over the ball, particularly when contact is made from an opponent approaching from a front-on position; »» Forceful round arm swings that make head-high contact to a Player in a marking contest, ruck contest or when tackling; »» Spear tackles; and »» Driving an opponent into the ground when his arms are pinned. The absence of injury does not preclude the classification of impact as Severe. Thirdly, consideration will be given not only to the impact between the offending Player and the Victim Player, but also any other impact to the Victim Player as a result of such impact. By way of an example, where a Victim Player as a result of the impact from the offending Player is pushed into the path of a fast-moving third Player, the impact to the Victim Player may be classified as High or Severe, even though the level of impact between the offending Player and the Victim Player was only Low or Medium. In addition, consideration will be given to the body language of the offending Player in terms of flexing, turning, raising or positioning the body to either increase or reduce the force of impact. It should be noted that Low impact is the minimum impact required for a Classifiable Reportable Offence and this requires more than just a negligible impact.

(C) CONTACT The MRO will consider whether Contact to the Victim Player was High/to the Groin or to the Body. In the interests of protecting the health and welfare of Players, sanctions for head-high contact and contact to the groin will be more severe. High contact is not limited to contact to the head and includes contact above the shoulders. Contact to the Groin includes contact to the crease or hollow at the junction of the inner part of each thigh with the trunk together with the adjacent region and including the testicles. Where contact is both High and to the Body, the MRO will classify the contact as High. Contact shall be classified as High or to the Groin where a Player’s head or groin makes contact with another Player or object such as the fence or the ground as a result of the actions of the offending Player. By way of example, should a Player tackle another Player around the waist and, as a result of the tackle, the tackled Player’s head made forceful contact with the fence or the ground, the contact in these circumstances would be classified as High, even though the tackle was to the body.

So under IMPACT the guidelines state -
Secondly, strong consideration will be given to the potential to cause injury, particularly in the following cases: »» Intentional head-high strikes, such as those with a swinging clenched fist, raised forearm or elbow

And under CONTACT
In the interests of protecting the health and welfare of Players, sanctions for head-high contact and contact to the groin will be more severe

So we have a guy raise an elbow/forearm and strike in the head (yes Chrisso again with the head not "the base of the head/neck) and again we have the MRO classify it with the LOWEST sanction. This is despite the *smile* guidelines clearly stating

"In the interests of protecting the health and welfare of Players, sanctions for head-high contact and contact to the groin will be more severe"

It's a joke, but ultimately I'd rather play them with all their players available.
Geelong getting a good run since Hocking took over.

Chistian doesn't want to upset his boss.
Harry said:
Geelong getting a good run since Hocking took over.

Chistian doesn't want to upset his boss.

I’ve said it since day one. The bloke is a knob jockey.
How can Soldo miss a game and then Hawkins who was not in the contest, run towards a opposition player with a raise his forearm?
It stinks.