The Don's party Election night thread | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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The Don's party Election night thread

Liverpool said:
All part of the show mate....all wind and *smile*, but no substance.
It will be interesting to see what happens now.
He either copies Howard's policies..which the unions who helped him get into power won't be happy with, or he breaks promise after promise that he used to get the vote fromt he public (which Garret said would happen once they got in).

Interesting times ahead.

Garrett would be a complete hypocrit if he became bureaucratic compared to what he expressed in the Oil's songs.

Just accept the fact that Howard's too dated and Costello's a cardboard cutout.
Liverpool said:
Howard has to be seen to be gracious...but we don't have to.

Anyway...time to go and watch my Reds.
I'm not confident now....Victory draw, Howard loses....and you know that saying about bad things happening in 3s.... :-\
ah livers havent the REDS allready won? :hihi
Liverpool said:
I'm with you U2Tigers.

ALP across the whole country in all states and in Federal parliament = Unions and economic downturn.

I do not want to hear any complaints from the people on here who helped this happen....and I will be on here more than ever now watching for people whingeing and whining...saying, "Serve you right...told you so" ;D

Strikes galore....teachers, nurses, breweries at Christmas, firemen....and wait until the manufacturers and construction mob start walking off site.
Then you have the interest rates going up and up.... :-\

But honestly, we have this every few years...where the ALP *smile* up the economy...the Libs come in and fix it up for a period.
Young voters coming through in their late teens and early 20s see people like Hawke and now Rudd as 'cool PM' material...they vote them into power, they *smile* up the economy once again, and then the young voters who voted the ALP into power are more conservative and mature with their finances and then vote the Libs back in to fix it all up again.
What we are witnessing tonight is just a phase of this cycle.

Rudd has gone around spruiking his "education revolution" and "working families" slogans with his "KEVIN07" t-shirts, hi-fiving schoolkids and the like.....and the ALP have been very good over the years of gaining the young voters.
These young voters grow up and start a family, save money for a house, and realise that the ALP are useless at handling the economy and that is more important to people in their 30s+ than a PM with a slogan on a they swicth their vote to the Libs.

4 years of rubbish coming up......I hope that when the Libs get back in next time, the economy is in better condition than when Howard/Libs got in last time.

Too late....but it never surprised what Rosy said.
I knew who she was voting for before she (claimed she) did.... :hihi

definite darksider!
TigerForce said:
Garrett would be a complete hypocrit if he became bureaucratic compared to what he expressed in the Oil's songs.

Just accept the fact that Howard's too dated and Costello's a cardboard cutout.
the ironic thing about the oils songs is that most were written when labor was in goverment?go figure
ssstone said:
the ironic thing about the oils songs is that most were written when labor was in goverment?go figure

Rudd is no dud like Hawke was. That's the difference.
TigerForce said:
Garrett would be a complete hypocrit if he became bureaucratic compared to what he expressed in the Oil's songs.
Just accept the fact that Howard's too dated and Costello's a cardboard cutout.

Someone in the ALP showing hypocrisy?
Nah...surely you jest, sir!?!

ssstone said:
ah livers havent the REDS allready won? :hihi

Unfortunately, the wrong Reds. :-\

Six Pack said:
definite darksider!

Just saying it how it is Sixpack

ssstone said:
the ironic thing about the oils songs is that most were written when labor was in goverment?go figure

Exactly.....but the young voters who voted for Rudd would be saying, "Midnight who?"
Six Pack said:
who wrote them SS Tone?
dont know the actual band members? but ole "wait till we get in and change it" (unquote) sung em,maybe you could give me the writing credits? repete sure endorsed em
Peter Garrett wrote a lot of the songs in conjunction with other members of the band but it could be said that Rob Hirst and James Moginie were the main two songwriters.
gee we had a good party going, drinking singing and dancing until the poopers turned up. :p
jb03 said:
Don't let Livers read that Rosy

That's no great secret, Livers is quite aware I said that from day 1.  He certainly brought it up enough.  :hihi

No way was I voting Liberal this election.  I'm happy I decided, in the last week or two, to vote Labor.

Eat 'em Alive Krudler. (Slight Simmos reference there)
This went a lot better than I expected. Was locked away scrutineering when the first text messages started coming through. We were stunned, but the Libs with us were devastated. Were blaming Howard, and one even said he had gone from being their greatest hero to their greatest villian. I actually disagree, butyou couldn't help feel for him, he was gutted and we had been there before.

Agree the next year is a biggie. Rudd must control the unions, and make them realize its not party time. The IR reforms are not ground breaking by any means (what Rudd ran on), and I think we need to stay true to that.

As for the candidates mentioned so far....

CORNESY!!! Well she was a joke. We all cracked up when we heard she was a chance to win the seat early on, but thankfully that ended by nights end. She was never expected to win the seat, and running away from interviews and lack of skill when handling them are not a good sign of a likely candidate.

Mal Brough, a genuine loss. Disagree with his policy, but this is definitely a guy who had the heart in the right places. I hope he tries to return next election, he is a loss to the Australian parliament.
rosy23 said:
No way was I voting Liberal this election. I'm happy I decided, in the last week or two, to vote Labor.

Last week or two? :rofl
I told you that you were voting ALP 12 months seems I know you better than you know yourself... ;)
Anyways, next election when you are 'open minded' (so to speak), just ask me who you are voting for and I'll let you know, o.k? :hihi

Tiger74 said:
This went a lot better than I expected. Was locked away scrutineering when the first text messages started coming through. We were stunned, but the Libs with us were devastated. Were blaming Howard, and one even said he had gone from being their greatest hero to their greatest villian. I actually disagree, butyou couldn't help feel for him, he was gutted and we had been there before.
Agree the next year is a biggie. Rudd must control the unions, and make them realize its not party time. The IR reforms are not ground breaking by any means (what Rudd ran on), and I think we need to stay true to that.
As for the candidates mentioned so far....
CORNESY!!! Well she was a joke. We all cracked up when we heard she was a chance to win the seat early on, but thankfully that ended by nights end. She was never expected to win the seat, and running away from interviews and lack of skill when handling them are not a good sign of a likely candidate.
Mal Brough, a genuine loss. Disagree with his policy, but this is definitely a guy who had the heart in the right places. I hope he tries to return next election, he is a loss to the Australian parliament.

Good post Tiger74.
Pretty much agree with that.
I was at the Melbourne Victory game last night with one of my mates and we were talking with a couple of other blokes at the game, and we agreed that people wanted change more than anything. By Rudd agreeing with just about every policy, it gave people the impression that we could change party, change leader, and nothing would change overall. I think people were calling Rudd "Howard Lite" or "Johnny 2.0".
Personally, I think they were duped...but we'll see...

However, back to 'change'.
In hindsight, if the Lib people did their research a bit better, then they would have picked up that maybe people wanted change of leadership, more than anything.
I think that if Howard had done 4 years ago what Bracks/Beattie had done in their last state elections.....not said anything, got voted in, and then walked away leaving Costello the last 2-3 years of being PM...then people would have got their change without actually having to lose the election to get it.
I think that was the main mistake....Howard hung on that little bit too long, which in turn has cost the Party overall.

You're right...Cornes is a joke. If the ALP are going to put 'celebrities' in to win seats, then at least put someone in that has half a clue.

Brough has tried to do his best for the Aborigines by sending the troops in and getting them to learn English.
Will be interested to see if Rudd is labelled a 'racist' when they receive a box full of laptops and a broadband connection under his "education revolution".... :hihi
Liverpool said:
However, back to 'change'.
In hindsight, if the Lib people did their research a bit better, then they would have picked up that maybe people wanted change of leadership, more than anything.
I think that if Howard had done 4 years ago what Bracks/Beattie had done in their last state elections.....not said anything, got voted in, and then walked away leaving Costello the last 2-3 years of being PM...then people would have got their change without actually having to lose the election to get it.
I think that was the main mistake....Howard hung on that little bit too long, which in turn has cost the Party overall.

Costello is a smug SOB.

They would likely have lost the election with him as PM anyway.

Howard knows that the majority will not vote for Costello hence his decision to stay on.

Peter Costello may not even be opposition leader after this.