The news cycle | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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The news cycle


Tiger Superstar
Oct 12, 2010
Not sure whether it's the COVID effect but the lack of quality match reporting and general analysis seems to have been magnified this season.

Certainly short turnarounds and unusual round schedules have put paid to the predictable news cycle we normally enjoy.

But the outlets for quality day-to-day reporting on the actual game seem to be diminishing, aside from perhaps The Mongrel Punt and Footyology.

AFL Media is fixated on video snippets, clickbait headlines and puff pieces. The AFL website has plumbed new depths and is a shell of what it could/should be. Everything they do seems to be obsessed with "the optics".

Both the main Melbourne newspapers have some decent content but the lack of money in print media means the resources required for quality analysis are thin on the ground.

Big Footy is good for entertainment but bad for anything remotely insightful. Foxtel does a reasonable job of both covering and analysing footy but it is also falling into the trap of headline-grabbing. The less said about Channel 7's footy coverage, the better. Their halftime stuff and ridiculous fan zone cutaways are deplorable.

The likes of PRE fill a great need but are typically echo chambers (and fair enough too -- they don't purport to be anything else).

The issue has come into focus for me due to the haste with which our Thursday night game was despatched from the overall round 14 conversation.

Last season, the same fixture was lauded as the game of the season and the focus on differing game styles, dry vs wet weather footy and the end-to-end nature of the final quarter was written and talked about for days.

On Thursday night, Richmond put on possibly the finest display of footy by a team this season (honourable mentions: Collingwood in round 1, the Cats over Port a few rounds ago and maybe the Saints over us in round 4).

So much so, the club roared into premiership favouritism.

But just four days later, you wouldn't know it. Instead, peripheral matters dominate. Jane Gale said this. Old man Kennedy said that. Noah Balta should be reported for whatever. Jamie Cripps is going home because his partner is expecting. Luke Shuey nearly fell over trying to kick the ball. Tom Lynch brushed Jeremy McGovern on the goal line and should have got a free.

Blah, blah, blah! Is this really what the game has come to? I hope OTC does a decent segment tonight on our match.

Otherwise we'll simply be rolling into round 15 with just a bunch of clickbait headlines to show for it.
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No doubt the media coverage of the game has been hit as hard as most other areas have been.
Do you reckon it's hit the quality of reporting, the quantity of reporting, or both?

I can sort of deal better with the idea that there are fewer journos doing fewer articles resulting in fewer decent bits of analysis... but I don't know that to be the case?

For some reason, the depth of analysis seems to have changed a lot in the past few years.

One outlet I forgot about -- Crunch Time on SEN has always been worthwhile listening for pure footy matters.
I think the footy media has gone the way of the media in general. Click bait and opinion pieces. Proper analysis and fact based reporting has all but died in all forms.
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Beat me to it Rob.
Exactly the same for the media in general .
I watch various news outlets and formats but struggle to find any decent reporting of facts or in depth unbiased analysis. Its just agenda driven opinions and junk snippets.
Sport news just another example. is all really trashy.
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A big problem that has been created is the idea you have to have played the game to comment on it with any authority. This warped belief leads us to where we find ourselves: boneheaded ex-football players providing the "expert" analysis while the hangers-on write and report like breathless New Idea hacks.

The AFL coaches themselves believe the game is so much more interesting than current reporting standards suggest. They openly advocate for more analysis using behind-the-goals vision. Instead, all we get are the three cameras on the wing position showing us the game like it's 1958.
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Too many Tom Morris/Jon Ralph/Damian Barrrett/Tom Browne types with overinflated opinions of themselves running around these days. I dont recall ever seeing any of these guys provide any meaningful football analysis either (it is likely that they are incapable of doing so).

I shudder to think what they would be getting paid too. What a sorry industry it has become.
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  • Haha
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Jon Ralph is the worst because he stupid as well as ill-informed.

I don't think it is so much that negative Richmond stuff "sells papers" or entices eyeballs. It's that positive stuff doesn't. Richmond being good and a success is long past its novelty stage. And probably getting Lynch was the final nail in the "feel good Richmond" coffin.
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Tom Morris seriously.
What hole did he crawl out from?

Tom Morris in the footy media is like asking your 12 old sister for her opinion of the game.
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Here’s some fantastic reporting/analysis @Number8 :rolleyes:

Jon Ralph (@RalphyHeraldSun) Tweeted:
Pay him what he wants Essendon. Find a way to keep him happy no matter what. He is a superstar. And the best part. He is smiling again @FOXFOOTY
Yes, pay him what he wants because he kicked 3 goals against [who, Michael Hartley?] the 15th placed team that’s all but given up for 2020. This too on a man that’s played 12 games over the last 3 seasons. Makes sense.

What’s the money old Joey has a very ordinary game against the Eagles this round?
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can't believe how bad Ralph is. he has his little wreck it ralph stint on fox footy and all he does is attempt to get someone suspended.
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Remember nearly all the journalists and commentators are in Melbourne and haven't seen a live game since round 1. And the ones sent into the hubs are the aforesaid deadbeats like Briwne and Barrett is isn't way to drop the quality even further.
can't believe how bad Ralph is. he has his little wreck it ralph stint on fox footy and all he does is attempt to get someone suspended.
It would have to be the low-water mark in entire industry's coverage of the AFL, and that's saying something.

It's like FOX has him on a fat contract but can't trust him anymore with the key newsmaker roles, so they've effectively put him on gardening leave. It's tabloid TV of the worst kind.

He might be a nice bloke and this is not intended to be nasty, but his type is the lowest form of AFL reporter.
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A big problem that has been created is the idea you have to have played the game to comment on it with any authority. This warped belief leads us to where we find ourselves: boneheaded ex-football players providing the "expert" analysis while the hangers-on write and report like breathless New Idea hacks.

The AFL coaches themselves believe the game is so much more interesting than current reporting standards suggest. They openly advocate for more analysis using behind-the-goals vision. Instead, all we get are the three cameras on the wing position showing us the game like it's 1958.

Also frustrated with the way the live game is produced. It hasn't moved on at all. The only "innovation" was that terrible "spider cam" that adds almost nothing. In the meantime you get almost no replays during the game. Where was the replay of the seriously dangerous tunnelling of Bolton? Even BT noticed it, but the control room ignored it. There is a serious problem with that side of a game that now generates serious income from television.
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Journos know their jobs have a use by date that is approaching quickly. How can a newspaper or a TV News team who have to abide by media laws keep up with the 24hour non restricted flow of fake and garbage news on social media? They have to with bold headlines, controversial stories all as click bait to try to fight for the readers/viewers attention. In sport the bulldust will cost teams games maybe even a flag or other sports people their reputations, governments will fall and democracies are and will again be tampered with. Its a scary world we are moving into.......
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A big problem that has been created is the idea you have to have played the game to comment on it with any authority. This warped belief leads us to where we find ourselves: boneheaded ex-football players providing the "expert" analysis while the hangers-on write and report like breathless New Idea hacks.

The AFL coaches themselves believe the game is so much more interesting than current reporting standards suggest. They openly advocate for more analysis using behind-the-goals vision. Instead, all we get are the three cameras on the wing position showing us the game like it's 1958.

Agree with this.

We need some analysis. There was that article recently, it was headlined something like how to beat Richmond, but what it did was to explain some of the strategy behind how we play. Articles like that are few and far between.

I reckon there is a serious problem here. I would agree that the game is really interesting at the moment. It is very fast, the players are stunningly fit. The clash of game styles between Richmond and West Coast is as old as the hills: big marking side against fast running side. But the strategies, and the players' skills and fitness levels make this a better spectacle.

Where I think there is a big problem is what you only see at the game. I remember the first half of last year's PF. Just the way Geelong set up to nullify the way we get the ball on half back and attack was a sight to see. But you wouldn't have seen that on TV. Yes, it is harder to show this on TV, although not such a small screen these days, but I reckon there are ways. I'm no TV producer but surely someone needs to come out with a better way to show the game. The camera angles were invented back when players played in their positions, and TVs were much smaller and not widescreen. Now we have players who block space, players who run forward, forwards desperately trying to find space and split defences.

There is a lot of talk about how the game isn't as good as it was a couple of decades ago. I reckon crap. Today's teams would wipe the floor with those 20 years ago. The game is fast, furious and exciting. But TV is missing this and so are a fair number of the journos.

As for the articles about partners in the hub, some little shove, the faux outrage about whatever incident they choose to go apes*** over for a couple of days - absolute crap and not worth wrapping fish and chips in. I ignore that crap for very good reason, life is too short to read rubbish.

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Journos know their jobs have a use by date that is approaching quickly. How can a newspaper or a TV News team who have to abide by media laws keep up with the 24hour non restricted flow of fake and garbage news on social media? They have to with bold headlines, controversial stories all as click bait to try to fight for the readers/viewers attention. In sport the bulldust will cost teams games maybe even a flag or other sports people their reputations, governments will fall and democracies are and will again be tampered with. Its a scary world we are moving into.......

Maybe they should try and offer something social media can't - quality original, well researched stories. They could try and turn the tide but if the same low quality s*** is free on social media why would you pay for it? Offer something worth shelling out for.

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