Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Such a superior deaf n blind personage. Why the *smile* do you insist on continually chanting your anti vax lies? What benefits are there in a year of unnecessary lock downs, *smile* mask laws shattered businesses n a crippled economy?
Might need to be careful you don't stand too close behind old mate Dan, if he bends over a bit quick you both might get an unexpected surprise.

Reminds me of the time in 2019 you criticised the "nanny state" for recommending evacuations with Gippsland the day before fire tore through the place and 2000 people had to be evacuated off a beach.

If the state had done nothing and people died you would have been carping from the sidelines too.

All I've seen from you the whole pandemic is "they are all doing it wrong". And I'm the blind and superior one?
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Fully vaxxed people are just as capable of spreading the infection as non vaxxed.
Fully vaxxed people are far less likely to catch COVID and it’s pretty hard to spread it if you don’t have it.
It is likely that fully vaxxed people with COVID are leas likely to spread it as well but the research is not out on that yet.
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Fully vaxxed people are far less likely to catch COVID and it’s pretty hard to spread it if you don’t have it.
It is likely that fully vaxxed people with COVID are leas likely to spread it as well but the research is not out on that yet.
What is far-less likely though? The UK experience is starting to show similar numbers to pre-vaccine days. I understand restrictions were in place but I think far less likely is not really correct. Severity of illness is reduced but catching and spreading is still occurring.

I think there has to be some education around this, they should be highlighting that vaccinated or not you if you put yourself in high-risk spots (indoors/poor ventilation/high density) you won't be protected by a vaccine. And whilst you may not end up in hospital, that older more vulnerable or unvaccinated person can still catch it from you.
Fully vaxxed people are far less likely to catch COVID and it’s pretty hard to spread it if you don’t have it.
It is likely that fully vaxxed people with COVID are leas likely to spread it as well but the research is not out on that yet.

I guess if by "capable" he means "possible" you could let it slide, but he said "just as capable". Clearly wrong.
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What is far-less likely though? The UK experience is starting to show similar numbers to pre-vaccine days. I understand restrictions were in place but I think far less likely is not really correct. Severity of illness is reduced but catching and spreading is still occurring.

I think there has to be some education around this, they should be highlighting that vaccinated or not you if you put yourself in high-risk spots (indoors/poor ventilation/high density) you won't be protected by a vaccine. And whilst you may not end up in hospital, that older more vulnerable or unvaccinated person can still catch it from you.

Definitely vaccines are having an impact on death rates, which is good news. Given the much more contagious nature of delta, you could extrapolate that vaccines do reduce transmission. Bear in mind also that in Nov/Dec the UK was in hard lockdown and cases were still exceeding current levels. Since July we have delta there and they are fully open (pretty much) and cases are still lower.

All this points to vaccines definitely reducing the Rnumber despite being opened up and despite Delta.

Doesn't mean we are out of the woods yet, but all very good signs IMO.


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What benefits are there in a year of unnecessary lock downs, *smile* mask laws shattered businesses n a crippled economy?

Gee, what are the benefits?

Let me think . . . oh, that's right, a hell of a lot less people getting sick and dying.

If we didn't have the restrictions such as masks and lockdowns, more people would have died of COVID in Australia, like they have overseas.

If that was the case, would you have been willing to be one of the dead?

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What is far-less likely though? The UK experience is starting to show similar numbers to pre-vaccine days. I understand restrictions were in place but I think far less likely is not really correct. Severity of illness is reduced but catching and spreading is still occurring.
The latest information from the CDC in the US is that a fully vaccinated person is 8 times less likely to get COVID and 25 times less likely to be hospitalised

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What benefits are there in a year of unnecessary lock downs, *smile* mask laws shattered businesses n a crippled economy?

Evidence is the economy would be worse off without lockdowns. And you're ignoring the fact that every single state has had lockdowns when the numbers get too much not just Vic.
All I've seen from you the whole pandemic is "they are all doing it wrong". And I'm the blind and superior one?
For an island country with comparatively barely any cooties to the rest of the world. We got way more cases than any other state in the country, per capita of population. Waaaaayyyy more deaths per capita. Way bigger outbreaks from our hotel quarantine system per capita n we somehow managed to set a world record for period of time in lock down. Obviously you n old mate Dan had the perfect system for dealing with the cooties. Pity you all forgot who was doing what whenever.

As for them bush fires, pretty sure there was a shitload of bbq happening in the bush around that area before they let thousands of peanuts all go touristing down there. Perhaps they'd have been a *smile* load smarter to not let them into the area in the first place as there's basically one road through that region. A wind shift was guaranteed to *smile* a lot of people over n even Janes Bunns could have told them where the wind was gunna be coming from.

There's reasons that the states services spend millions to have emergency plans n training systems for things like bush fires n pandemics n they're not for politicians n department heads to ignore n use as arse wipe.
Gee, what are the benefits?

Let me think . . . oh, that's right, a hell of a lot less people getting sick and dying.

If we didn't have the restrictions such as masks and lockdowns, more people would have died of COVID in Australia, like they have overseas.

If that was the case, would you have been willing to be one of the dead?

Yep wearing masks while sitting in your car driving to nowhere, or walking through a park, or sitting on the beach counting seagulls was going to stop you getting sick.

Everyone being locked up at home day after day, night after night, really stopped a *smile* load of Victorians getting sick n dying. Just imagine how many of us would have died if we'd followed old Glad bags system in N.S.W.

Pretty sure I'm guaranteed to be one of the dead one fine day. Only suicides get to choose the how and the when, the rest of us just get to shuffle along the line until we fall out one day.
Even with all the dire singing n dancing about how evil n deadly the cooties are. I'm pretty sure the overall world wide death rate from cooties isn't that massive as a % of all deaths. Plus it's probably also been a great way to avoid dying from things like that cheap n nasty old style flu virus or bronchitis or pneumonia, way more on trend to be a cooties victim.
Evidence is the economy would be worse off without lockdowns. And you're ignoring the fact that every single state has had lockdowns when the numbers get too much not just Vic.
Pretty damn sure we were getting lock downs way faster longer n more wide spread than every other state in the country n guess what. We've got by far the worst record of cases n deaths. Happy to bet my left one that the N.S.W. economy hasn't been whacked anywhere near as badly as ours has these last 18 months.
The only thing that's supported the economies to any degree is the Feds blowing up the budget throwing around money like confetti so people could play online shopping.
Pretty damn sure we were getting lock downs way faster longer n more wide spread than every other state in the country n guess what. We've got by far the worst record of cases n deaths. Happy to bet my left one that the N.S.W. economy hasn't been whacked anywhere near as badly as ours has these last 18 months.
The only thing that's supported the economies to any degree is the Feds blowing up the budget throwing around money like confetti so people could play online shopping.

NSW got double the federal support money that Victoria did, despite Victoria being in lockdown longer.
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As for them bush fires, pretty sure there was a shitload of bbq happening in the bush around that area before they let thousands of peanuts all go touristing down there. Perhaps they'd have been a *smile* load smarter to not let them into the area in the first place as there's basically one road through that region. A wind shift was guaranteed to *smile* a lot of people over n even Janes Bunns could have told them where the wind was gunna be coming from.

There's reasons that the states services spend millions to have emergency plans n training systems for things like bush fires n pandemics n they're not for politicians n department heads to ignore n use as arse wipe.

None of that makes any sense either logically or factually.
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