My favourite astbury story ....
gf week 2017. We just happened to hire an Air b&b in south yarra beside daves sister. That week was relentless tigerland co-incidences. Any way were out one night in richmond, full as boots, and we see daves sister and she calls us over to meet the whole family. The Astburys.
Daves olds knew me and snakes nana and pop from ararat.
side note:
@tigersnake has a dramatic tipping point, and rum tips the scales dramatically.
anyway, were getting on great with The Astburys, so i go and get another round .... of rums. guatemalan 12 yo from memory.
get back and snake is deep into the family trees with the Astbury patriarch and i hand them both a rum. snake downs his in one excited gulp. Everything was exciting and gulped that week. Mr Astbury took a sip on his, and asked snake a question about our Pop,
but snake had tipped. He appeared normal. He had a composed, if glazed, look and was looking Mr. Astbury in the eye. But he went completely non-responsive.
Mr.Astbury looked at me puzzled?
its a kind of a rum locked-in syndrome, i explained, he can hear you and understands everything, he just cant responds. Its ok, it happens often.
so mr. astbury finished a story about Ararat and Tattyoon, and we all sang tigerland again, with our arms around snake,
who was happy, and understood everything.
lovely mob, the Astburys