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An already weak International team weakened further by the missing LIV players Smith, Niemann etc.

Still, I’m wondering if it isn’t all too hard bringing players together from 5 different continents. Some of the Asian players speak very limited English. It’s gotta be hard.

How bad is Adam Scott’s record in partner matches in the President’s Cup ? Geez. He’s 5-3 in individual matches but a shocking 11-19 and 6 halves in partner matches. Drove it *smile* today.
Agree with all that. Think Scottie is very decent fellow, but just not mentally that tough. In AFL lingo, just lacks any mongrel. He's probably a better striker of the ball than Spieth (not short game/putting!), but Spieth has 'mongrel' - to get back into contention, never-say-die kind of attitude. Scottie wilts at the vital moments.
Typically, great birdie then gives it straight back with a bogey.
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Speith continues to be on great terms with the golfing gods ;) he and JT are like watching a couple of 15 year olds play .

Its a totally different passion the US play with , maybe it’s not a bad thing to bring the ladies in , maybe It could even the talents up a bit .

Finding that the golfing community is very split re LIV golf , golfers either hate the PGA or love it .
Why do commentators feel the need to predict what’s going to happen , just call the fkn game ffs , it’s not about your Nostradamus skills
Gotta love this Tom Kim kid (J Hyung). Great swing. Gonna be a star.
I watched the last nine of the 4balls it was great fun. And the internationals finally produced. Yeh Kim is so energetic. Never gonna miss that putt on 18.
And Davis showed some mettle. And Scotty. Im also a star.
Maybe they could produce a miracle?
And the yanks remind me of Geelong players, thoroughly unlikeable
Great singles win by SW Kim over Thomas. Gutsy. That Thomas is a cocky son of a beetch.
Yeh, he made some clutch putts. 3 down early too. Thomas has lost all 3 singles in Pres cups.

They did pretty well considering the missing players, but it certainly lacks the atmosphere of the Ryder Cup.
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Ryan Fox great win at St Andrews. Into the Top 30. Crazy he wasn't on the Pres Cup team IMO. Gets a start at the Masters.
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Every golf club has its quota of numpters, but geez am I going through a rare spell with the ones at my club. Far out…

To evidence, a few nights ago I’m playing a few holes on my bung leg. Anyway, I spray a drive onto the opposite fairway that’s coming the other way. A guy is on the tee of the opposite fairway. I wait for him. He sees me waiting. But he continues to stuff around for another minute or so on his phone, doing exercises, yapping to his girlfriend. Whilst he’s stuffing around and seemingly not ready to play, I make the courteous decision to walk over and pick my golf ball up and not play it, and just get out of the way. Anyway, as I pick my ball up and turn to go off 20m back to my fairway, BOOOMF ! this ball suddenly goes flying over the top of my head. *** ahole hits a driver over my head maybe 180m off the tee. I couldn’t believe it. Despite being on the wrong fairway I have right of way coz I’m at my ball before him and ready to play. He was not. Everybody waits on that tee when you’ve got that situation (which happens a lot at my club) but clearly this ahole wasn’t prepared to wait 15 seconds. I should have pulled him up and/or reported him but I must have been in a good mood or maybe too shocked to do anything but stare at the ahole as he walked off the tee.

A few holes later I’m playing a par 4 and come up behind a guy who’s playing a par 3 on the next hole in front of me. He sees me…I see him. I notice he’s hit 4 golf balls off the tee. Anyway, I play my hole, have a bit of a chip and putt around the green, then walk over to the next hole, but here’s this guy again. He’s turned around, walked back, and has decided he’s gonna play the hole again. I stand just off to the side of the tee whilst he’s firing off one golf ball after the other. Then he stops, looks over at me and says “Oh…did you wanna play this hole mate ?”

WTF ? Nah mate, I’m just aimlessly wandering around the course playing whatever hole doesn’t get in your way you moron. Ffs.

And that’s not the half of it the last few weeks. Rant over !
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I was a week early with Fox. Into the final of the Super 6 tournament.

Reckon he breaks into World top 50 this year.
Alweays been a Fox fan. He didn't get there in 2019 but finally did 3 1/2 years later in 2022. And he was ranked 211 as recently as Feb 2022.

I assume the LIV golf tour has seen a fair few players rise in the rankings
Every golf club has its quota of numpters, but geez am I going through a rare spell with the ones at my club. Far out…

To evidence, a few nights ago I’m playing a few holes on my bung leg. Anyway, I spray a drive onto the opposite fairway that’s coming the other way. A guy is on the tee of the opposite fairway. I wait for him. He sees me waiting. But he continues to stuff around for another minute or so on his phone, doing exercises, yapping to his girlfriend. Whilst he’s stuffing around and seemingly not ready to play, I make the courteous decision to walk over and pick my golf ball up and not play it, and just get out of the way. Anyway, as I pick my ball up and turn to go off 20m back to my fairway, BOOOMF ! this ball suddenly goes flying over the top of my head. *** ahole hits a driver over my head maybe 180m off the tee. I couldn’t believe it. Despite being on the wrong fairway I have right of way coz I’m at my ball before him and ready to play. He was not. Everybody waits on that tee when you’ve got that situation (which happens a lot at my club) but clearly this ahole wasn’t prepared to wait 15 seconds. I should have pulled him up and/or reported him but I must have been in a good mood or maybe too shocked to do anything but stare at the ahole as he walked off the tee.

A few holes later I’m playing a par 4 and come up behind a guy who’s playing a par 3 on the next hole in front of me. He sees me…I see him. I notice he’s hit 4 golf balls off the tee. Anyway, I play my hole, have a bit of a chip and putt around the green, then walk over to the next hole, but here’s this guy again. He’s turned around, walked back, and has decided he’s gonna play the hole again. I stand just off to the side of the tee whilst he’s firing off one golf ball after the other. Then he stops, looks over at me and says “Oh…did you wanna play this hole mate ?”

WTF ? Nah mate, I’m just aimlessly wandering around the course playing whatever hole doesn’t get in your way you moron. Ffs.

And that’s not the half of it the last few weeks. Rant over !
Yeh, golf clubs certainly have their fair share of selfish twats. Was speaking to a member of Peninsula recently and he is saying they are having 5 1/2 hour rounds on a Saturday. Sometimes 3 groups oin the tee of a Par 3. And they have a course marshall!! WTF, I simply couldn't play and enjoy the game with those sort of rounds.

Too many players pretend they are pros, taking forever to use the range finder, test the wind, take 4 practice swings, change clubs, more practice swings followed by a chunk into the pot. I see guys using range finders from 40-50m. Or putting to 2ft and marking, even when having a clear stance. Or putting with the flag in and then having it removed for the next putt after they miss. Wankers.
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Yeh, golf clubs certainly have their fair share of selfish twats. Was speaking to a member of Peninsula recently and he is saying they are having 5 1/2 hour rounds on a Saturday. Sometimes 3 groups oin the tee of a Par 3. And they have a course marshall!! WTF, I simply couldn't play and enjoy the game with those sort of rounds.

Too many players pretend they are pros, taking forever to use the range finder, test the wind, take 4 practice swings, change clubs, more practice swings followed by a chunk into the pot. I see guys using range finders from 40-50m. Or putting to 2ft and marking, even when having a clear stance. Or putting with the flag in and then having it removed for the next putt after they miss. Wankers.
Oh geez. Tell me about it. Have that problem big time at my club too.

Last week I’m having a bit of a chip and putt around the 13th hole in the evening. I see this serial offender in that regard playing on his own a few holes ahead of me on the 16th. (If you get caught behind him you are ***. And he wont call you through.) Anyway, I decide to watch him from the 13th green and I put the timer on him to see how long he plays the hole. 25 minutes. 25 minutes ! I hit over 50 chips, pitches and putts on the 13th green and maybe cover 600 yards in the process. And he's STILL playing the 16th !

We have an interminable amount of members who are away with the fairies. You've never seen so many people crash their car into other cars or crash their motorised buggies, forget their tee times, score their card incorrectly, drive the wrong way on one-way roads, park across 2 car park bays etc. What that translates into on the course is people like you describe. They even get lost on the course and forget what hole they should be playing (true !). They walk in front of people playing, stand around talking, CONSTANTLY stuffing around with their bag (our members are obsessed with standing at their bag and stuffing around with it), practice swing after practice swing, unnecessary range finders, losing their golf ball over and over, playing out of turn, walking off without raking bunkers etc etc. Our pro shop has a really tough time with a lot of our members. You'll regularly see them giving a golf buggy to them to go back out onto the course to search for something they've lost out there.

A few months ago I saw this guy playing in a 4BBB. He's coming up 18. He walks up onto the side of the green, stuffs around at his bag, finally gets his putter out, walks out onto the green and his playing partner says to him "What are you doing ? Where's your ball ?" He had walked straight past his ball on the fairway and had forgotten to play it. His partner made him walk 100 yards back down the fairway and play it while the group behind them waited. Haaaargh haaaaargh haaaargh !!!
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Yeh, clubs have been trying to speed up play for years and it just gets worse. I remember starting as a junior and the guys (all older and sometimes very old) I played with (in the main) just got on with it. They knew whose turn it was, were ready to play when it was theirs, took their buggy to the correct side of the green, putted when it was their turn and putted out mostly, didn't score whilst standing on the green, didn't count their shots when filling out the card (they knew their score when they putted) and were ready to play when they got to the next tee. They also watched everyones tee shots and knew where to start looking for a lost ball. They didn't rush, they simply kept a decent pace. You still had a laugh, still gave each other *smile* etc etc but it took 4 odd hours and never really changed. And if you *smile* around they told you where you were going wrong.

I keep a marker and a tee in my pocket, and never go to may bag pockets other than for the range finder. But I'm ready to play when its my turn. I only ever play with slow players once. Their self-indulgence is too irritating.
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Yeh, clubs have been trying to speed up play for years and it just gets worse. I remember starting as a junior and the guys (all older and sometimes very old) I played with (in the main) just got on with it. They knew whose turn it was, were ready to play when it was theirs, took their buggy to the correct side of the green, putted when it was their turn and putted out mostly, didn't score whilst standing on the green, didn't count their shots when filling out the card (they knew their score when they putted) and were ready to play when they got to the next tee. They also watched everyones tee shots and knew where to start looking for a lost ball. They didn't rush, they simply kept a decent pace. You still had a laugh, still gave each other *smile* etc etc but it took 4 odd hours and never really changed. And if you *smile* around they told you where you were going wrong.

I keep a marker and a tee in my pocket, and never go to may bag pockets other than for the range finder. But I'm ready to play when its my turn. I only ever play with slow players once. Their self-indulgence is too irritating.

In my prime years and playing a lot of comps, 4.10 or so was about the average. Everyone I played with - from C grader to A grader - knew what and what not to do on the golf course 99% of the time. Now, it’s just an inconsiderate, individualistic, slow and frustrating affair with one numpter after another, many of them as rude as all hell too.

In my prime years and playing a lot of comps, 4.10 or so was about the average. Everyone I played with - from C grader to A grader - knew what and what not to do on the golf course 99% of the time. Now, it’s just an inconsiderate, individualistic, slow and frustrating affair with one numpter after another, many of them as rude as all hell too.
That was it, grades didn't matter, everyone just got on with it, well mostly everyone. Slow players were generally avoided. As were the inevitable cheats who always try to sneak a couple of shots around on their unsuspecting scorer. They'd try and make a 7 a 6 etc etc hoping everyone missed the duffed chip.