Need to arrange protest against AFL crackdown on barracking | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Need to arrange protest against AFL crackdown on barracking

Think I came up with the catchy group name and hashtag on my drive to work

Group Against Gagging of Fans by the AFL

RoarEmotion said:
Think I came up with the catchy group name and hashtag on my drive to work

Group Against Gagging of Fans by the AFL


I think it’s all a bit of a wank , I don’t mind Joffa , but this appears to be a bit of attention grabber for him an Trout,I think Trout thinks his voice of the Tiger army at times
RoarEmotion said:
Think I came up with the catchy group name and hashtag on my drive to work

Group Against Gagging of Fans by the AFL



I like it.
Hardwick's take on the Stack/Betts episode.

"We like to celebrate don’t we? They’re not throwing Sydney out of the stadium for that are they? For celebrating (with) the opposition. That’s allowed? Just in case the AFL doesn’t want us congratulating the other players. Just saying, just be careful."

Look out, Dimma.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Hardwick's take on the Stack/Betts episode.

"We like to celebrate don’t we? They’re not throwing Sydney out of the stadium for that are they? For celebrating (with) the opposition. That’s allowed? Just in case the AFL doesn’t want us congratulating the other players. Just saying, just be careful."

Look out, Dimma.

Awesome response from Dimma. The coaches are obviously also in our corner.
KnightersRevenge said:
The AFL needs to understand that it isn't really about abusing umprires. Its about feeling that they are trying to dictate the minutiae of the footy experience. p!ss off and let us enjoy the game our way. Turn the *smile*in music down. Step back and leave the *smile*in game alone for a few years. Rake in the cash. Distribute it to the clubs and kids fairly and stfu. Seen and not heard is what I want.
You’re spot on, KR. Yet the AFL is trying to demonise the fans and they’re bringing their tame media along for the ride, trying to convince everyone that this is really what they wanted all along.
Have a listen to Peter Gordon (bulldogs chief) and his fellow communist Whately on SEN right now!!

Everyone who booed Adam Goode’s was a racist!


Rise up fellow footy fans, people like this and the ones running the AFL are trying to inflict their socialist agenda on all of us.

tigerjoe said:
Have a listen to Peter Gordon (bulldogs chief) and his fellow communist Whately on SEN right now!!

Everyone who booed Adam Goode’s was a racist!


Rise up fellow footy fans, people like this and the ones running the AFL are trying to inflict their socialist agenda on all of us.


This continued browbeating is the worst aspect of the AFL. Gil needs a very good performance at today’s presser to avoid a revolt. Put away the *smile* and say something of substance, Gil. Hint: you need to give something.
tigerjoe said:
Have a listen to Peter Gordon (bulldogs chief) and his fellow communist Whately on SEN right now!!

Everyone who booed Adam Goode’s was a racist!


Rise up fellow footy fans, people like this and the ones running the AFL are trying to inflict their socialist agenda on all of us.


I think you are getting your issues a bit mixed up Joe.

nobody who booed Adam Goodes was evicted from a stadium, or even implored not to boo by the AFL.

I think it was actually sort of an opposite issue in a way?

The Collingwood girl who was evicted called him a black ape at very close proximity from memory?

which even Gary Lyon and Eddie McgUire agreed was unacceptable.

I think us fans are fighting for the right to yell and scream and swear,

not to vilify people? aren't we?

and I must say, even though it doesn't really matter what flavour we want to label the AFLs agenda,

I am confused how sanitising and contriving the game to increase revenue through a billion dollar TV deal,

is a socialist agenda? :don't know

Or do they want to distribute the Billion bucks equally amongst every club member and I missed it?

that would be about a grand each. We'd love that agenda wouldn't we?
easy said:
I think you are getting your issues a bit mixed up Joe.

nobody who booed Adam Goodes was evicted from a stadium, or even implored not to boo by the AFL.

I think it was actually sort of an opposite issue in a way?

The Collingwood girl who was evicted called him a black ape at very close proximity from memory?

which even Gary Lyon and Eddie McgUire agreed was unacceptable.

I think us fans are fighting for the right to yell and scream and swear,

not to vilify people? aren't we?

and I must say, even though it doesn't really matter what flavour we want to label the AFLs agenda,

I am confused how sanitising and contriving the game to increase revenue through a billion dollar TV deal,

is a socialist agenda? :don't know

Or do they want to distribute the Billion bucks equally amongst every club member and I missed it?

that would be about a grand each. We'd love that agenda wouldn't we?

Yep Eddie was so upset at the treatment of Goodes he offered in the lead part in a broadway play.

on the security, i agree the AFL's response is way over the top and unnecessary, fans should scream and yell, call the opposition, or umpires meaningless names, but i dont agree that footy is a place where people should feel free to continually swear, or to act constantly aggressive. as someone who often goes with kids it is something i dont like, and try to refrain from myself even when not with kids.
I am in two minds. On one hand if what is being said is not illegal and not inciting violence then I do find myself questioning the extent of trying to police thoughts and speech on moral grounds. On the other hand why do we need to be able to hurl abusive comments at umpires or oppo players? What good does it do for kids who witness this? Would you get away for calling a coworker the same things?
As much as I hate the phrase "stay in your lane" that's precisely what the AFL needs to be doing here. From the perspective of the fans, footy can be an outlet. You've slogged through the week and listened to the the *smile* from your boss or your co-workers and you're letting off a bit of steam. You don't get violent or get into punch-ups but you do get loose. That is part of the spectacle for some supporters and I reckon that is okay, in the main.

I understand that the swearing puts some people off, especially with kids but that's a pretty small price to pay I reckon. Some have a poetic flair I don't mind. The genuine bogun who snuck in a half of JD and is being a complete lout can be hard to put up with too but as long as he/she doesn't violent or racist, let him have his go. A few swear words won't kill anyone.
We used to praise the Grog Squad as great supporters. They are/were but they stopped the HOMO chants. Racism has no place any more. I stand in M3 next to the Grog Squad. Great atmosphere. I pity the families in front of us.

Umpire abuse, loud swearing must be offputting.

But the chants are great, the atmosphere is the best.

We are continuing to evolve.
Bennnny said:
We used to praise the Grog Squad as great supporters. They are/were but they stopped the HOMO chants. Racism has no place any more. I stand in M3 next to the Grog Squad. Great atmosphere. I pity the families in front of us.

Umpire abuse, loud swearing must be offputting.

But the chants are great, the atmosphere is the best.

We are continuing to evolve.

Beats me why any oppo supporter would choose to sit at the Punt Rd end between the Grog Squad and the cheer squad. You know it's going to be pro-Richmond, you know umpiring decisions against Richmond are going to be met with disagreement, you know your players' parentage is going to be questioned, you know the crowd wants to adulate and celebrate and anything getting in the way of that is a pain in the arse.
Mr Brightside said:
I think it’s all a bit of a wank , I don’t mind Joffa , but this appears to be a bit of attention grabber for him an Trout,I think Trout thinks his voice of the Tiger army at times

Tick. Just as self indulgent as the afl actions.
Bennnny said:
We used to praise the Grog Squad as great supporters. They are/were but they stopped the HOMO chants. Racism has no place any more. I stand in M3 next to the Grog Squad. Great atmosphere. I pity the families in front of us.

Umpire abuse, loud swearing must be offputting.

But the chants are great, the atmosphere is the best.

We are continuing to evolve.

I sit in M1 or M2 this year and the Grog Squad have great chants and songs. I really don't get this problem with swearing, this is Australia, people regularly swear. Wouldn't want to watch comedy on TV or just about any Australian TV, or even some cooking shows if you have a problem with this.

Vilifying umpires for being crap at what they do is completely different to vilifying someone for their race. You can improve your performance, the umpires in the AFL are supposed to be the best, they're not showing it. You can't change your race. I have no problem with calling out those who boo for racist reasons or any other discrimination, I also have no problem with booing someone because of their actions (eg, Ablett elbowing people week after week, thugs have always been booed no matter how talented they are). I have no problem with people swearing and the like for inadequate performance.

If you want a less boistorous atmosphere go to a classical concert, don't get me wrong I sometimes go to classical concerts, but the footy crowd is not the same. Don't expect the footy crowd, especially in areas like the Punt Rd end or anywhere there are a lot of passionate fans, to be all well mannered and inoffensive.

KnightersRevenge said:
As much as I hate the phrase "stay in your lane" that's precisely what the AFL needs to be doing here. From the perspective of the fans, footy can be an outlet. You've slogged through the week and listened to the the sh!t from your boss or your co-workers and you're letting off a bit of steam. You don't get violent or get into punch-ups but you do get loose. That is part of the spectacle for some supporters and I reckon that is okay, in the main.

I understand that the swearing puts some people off, especially with kids but that's a pretty small price to pay I reckon. Some have a poetic flair I don't mind. The genuine bogun who snuck in a half of JD and is being a complete lout can be hard to put up with too but as long as he/she doesn't violent or racist, let him have his go. A few swear words won't kill anyone.

DavidSSS said:
I sit in M1 or M2 this year and the Grog Squad have great chants and songs. I really don't get this problem with swearing, this is Australia, people regularly swear. Wouldn't want to watch comedy on TV or just about any Australian TV, or even some cooking shows if you have a problem with this.

Vilifying umpires for being crap at what they do is completely different to vilifying someone for their race. You can improve your performance, the umpires in the AFL are supposed to be the best, they're not showing it. You can't change your race. I have no problem with calling out those who boo for racist reasons or any other discrimination, I also have no problem with booing someone because of their actions (eg, Ablett elbowing people week after week, thugs have always been booed no matter how talented they are). I have no problem with people swearing and the like for inadequate performance.

If you want a less boistorous atmosphere go to a classical concert, don't get me wrong I sometimes go to classical concerts, but the footy crowd is not the same. Don't expect the footy crowd, especially in areas like the Punt Rd end or anywhere there are a lot of passionate fans, to be all well mannered and inoffensive.


I agree with this.

I reckon if the AFL made a family section for Protestants and kids could be a viable compromise (this possibly exists in the DRY sections, but I've never sat there so im not sure)?

You can't even mutter 'bloody hell' under you're breath in there.

But I bet you still get the majority of parents still planting their kids amongst the real people as part of their education.

in terms of protest, the media couldn't get enough of the lady who put black duct tape over her mouth for about 15 seconds.

seems very simple and effective if people want to keep the foot on Gil's throat.
Back in the old days the Northern Stand was the Dry Area. As far as I recall it was less boisterous in that section. Even as a kid I was amongst the great unwashed so rarely ventured into the dry area.

Mind you, some of those suburban grounds in the 1970s didn't really have a less boisterous section, hard to think of one at Vic Park, Moorabbin, Western Oval or the like.

I'm entering into this late, and its a pretty good week for us, so not really going to distract myself or anyone else from my excitement and hope.

However, since the win on Friday I've been absorbing Richmond and Aussie Rules material non-stop (you know, YouTube Videos and so on). One of the videos I came across was the post-match ANZAC Day presentation when the Essendon fans let loose with jeers and Buckley had a sook. Now that shocked me, because what is this world coming to when you can't boo and when that is the most violent thing you can do?

Of course I don't condone anything that touches on real abuse. But, for one, they are handsomely paid athletes in a competitive sport that exploit fans who are emotionally invested in supporting a particular team collectively.

Now, I don't want to get too political here, but unfortunately, it is all political! Let's not forget that Collingwood, Richmond, Fitzroy, Carlton (historically predominantly working class areas/clubs) all agreed to play in 1916. A large part of this was in response to nationalistic fervour and war, where working class people were sent off to experience some of the most horrible conditions imaginable -

Please realise, I'm am not here having a go at anyone that braved those conditions. However, have a look at why those communities were against the war, as they, the working class, were used a cannon fodder for the rich and powerful, and I find it interesting how much history is reshaped by the powerful, whether that is social history or sporting history.

On a side note, I think its interesting the different perceptions of things. In response to an earlier post, I wouldn't say the AFL is Socialist, and wouldn't say the media propaganda is communist. I would agree that there is this liberal and subtle totalitarianism and increasing social control enforced on us all. Whether left or right, they are different sides of the same controlling coin that wants to monitor and control our behaviours at all times.

You may be wondering why I am bringing all of this up, but I think it is all connected. It is an ongoing assault on all of us. An equally authoritarian left/right, and institutions that socially engineer and pacify any expressions from people who spend all week working and want to go and enjoy their love of Aussie Rules. Yep, it ain't the 20s or 70s', but its an outlet for us, for someone that has spent the entire week breaking their back and recycling e-waste for a measly 24 bux an hour.

So it is no surprise to me that the AFL can get away with this, with the support of all Governments/Police etc.

Now, I don't want to go to the game and feel as if I would be beaten up for wearing different colours etc. But, I do want to go to the game and be able to freely express my passions, to have a go at opposition players/umpires when needed, to stand up, to jump around in celebration from a goal, to support my team with fellow supporters who emanate from diverse backgrounds.

I already know all the arguments, what about the families, what about the kids. Well, how about they do what used to happen at Liverpool, where as you were young you would start at one part of the ground and then move around the ground to different sections as you got older? Why not? Families aren't the only supporters by far.

I'm honestly not left or right BTW. I'm off that scale. I just try to get by and live my life the best I can. But I think everything is political, football included. If it wasn't at all, then why would MP's be using taxpayer money to attend AFL games so they can mingle with corporate elites and increase investment opportunities etc? Why would they want fans to be organised, when they'd rather you get a $8 hot dog and a beer for $20, haha.

Long story short, I would love to see an organised movement against the AFL and all those that are continuing to destroy, sanitise, corporatize and push the loyal, grassroots supporters from being able to openly and passionately support their teams. Unfortunately, I don't have too much hope.

There are some good ideas in here, that is for sure. I think even supporter clubs holding up banners with slogans against the AFL could be good.
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