Terrorist attacks in Paris | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Terrorist attacks in Paris

LeeToRainesToRoach said:
And others besides.

You know very well that the ones causing concern hail from one specific region.

Which region is that? Syria?

In which case all Muslims from all other countries should be OK yeah?
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
I can say with confidence that people who look like this...


...are more likely to murder you at random than others.

That specific couple - yes - although they are dead now, so I feel safe. More generally I see people like that in the street in Newport most days and so far I remain unmurdered at random. Just been lucky I guess.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Middle East/northern Africa.

Don't play simpleton with me.

I'm only a simpleton, and that's a big region, but pleased to hear that Muslims from all other parts of the world are just hunky dory by you. Open the gates!
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
I can say with confidence that people who look like this...


...are more likely to murder you at random than others.

more specifically, if you are a woman then scum like this are more likely:
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Not condoning it... but not even the collective insanity of mob mentality resulted in death.

True. White people don't kill people. Only Muslims kill people.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Not condoning it... but not even the collective insanity of mob mentality resulted in death.

White folk are so much more cultured when it comes to expressing their emotions.

Sintiger said:
wrong again.

How about " those who don't judge people by their religion but as human beings and refuse to put labels on people based on the stupidity of a few" ?

Pity the religious don't adopt that attitude? Unfortunately when you follow a doctorine made up by an illiterate war mongerer you're unlikely to display much independent thought.
antman said:
That specific couple - yes - although they are dead now, so I feel safe. More generally I see people like that in the street in Newport most days and so far I remain unmurdered at random. Just been lucky I guess.

Let's hope this never changes hey.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
I can say with confidence that people who look like this...


...are more likely to murder you at random than others.
you are a stats man.

Trawl through the 1041 other mass murders committed in the US since Sandy hook which has taken over 1400 lives and 3000 injuries and tell me what percentage were carried out by people who looked like that ?

The Boston marathon bombing would be one, I'll give you a head start
millar time said:
Pity the religious don't adopt that attitude? Unfortunately when you follow a doctorine made up by an illiterate war mongerer you're unlikely to display much independent thought.
I assume you are talking about Mohammed ? That's not the way my muslim friends see his teachings but whatever.

Illiterate ? It's doctrine not doctorine
sorry for the spelling mistakes. Still waiting for someone to point out the flaws in Hitchens logic.

millar time said:
Pity the religious don't adopt that attitude? Unfortunately when you follow a doctorine made up by an illiterate war mongerer you're unlikely to display much independent thought.

True, I was shocked to hear the Bible advocated stoning and cutting off people's hands.

millar time said:
Let's hope this never changes hey.

Yes, I feel much safer knowing that white nationalists are here to restore harmony to the world.

millar time said:
Let's hope this never changes hey.

Let's hope. I know, let's demonise the half million Australians who are Muslim as terrorists who can't be trusted. That will make Australia much safer, for sure.
antman said:
Let's hope. I know, let's demonise the half million Australians who are Muslim as terrorists who can't be trusted. That will make Australia much safer, for sure.

"[Malik] stayed home rather than worked. She opted not to drive. He didn't want her talking to men, and she dutifully avoided their company. Even to other men in his family, her face was hidden."


Why do they come here? WHY? The tension created by trying to function in a modern Western country must be incredible.

Marginalised my arse. *smile*ing insane.

"After a couple of years in college, she started becoming religious. She started taking part in religious activities, and also started asking women in the family and the locality to become good Muslims," the family member said.