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Talking Politics

Sorry Sin, wasn't referring to you about my Dan is good comment.

I can't disagree with what you say about the health system. It's broken with no solution in sight. Frustration all round.
No worries smoking.
The point really is that given the way it has always been funded it was never going to take much to break it.
My concern is that the politicians of all persuasions and the bureaucracy are in denial.
Throwing money at it now is only part of the solution
I guess worrying about our health system isn’t as important as dog parks or sponsoring a netball team. Maybe that’s too sexy? I guess you are ok with the way he spends our taxes.
Sin will correct me if wrong but health is mainly federally funded. Victoria has been stiffed on funding for years. The federal Libs like Victoria about as much as the AFL likes Richmond.
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I'm not gonna comment on the media reporting in recent days except to say that this is gonna backfire on them badly.

Of the 3 completed IBAC investigations into Andrew's during his tenure, none of them have found adverse findings against him. It's good that we have an authority who can look into these claims but there's been no corruption found in Andrew's government so far.

He certainly seems like a polarising politician. Unfortunately that means there's going to be a lot of butt hurt Victorians when he's voted back in again for a 3rd term.

Lets talk about one of the so-called IBAC investigations to provide an example of how the media works here.
- 60 minutes does report on branch stacking by VIC Labor.
- Andrews sacks the person responsible the next day (Somyurek).
- Andrews refers Somyurek to IBAC.
- Somyurek has a vendetta against Andrews after being sacked and referred to IBAC. Murdoch and Costello support an alleged corrupt politician that’s out to get Andrews by giving him a voice.
- Andrews appears at IBAC, as he was the reporting person. Media twist it to make it look like Andrews is under investigation.
- Dan critics froth at the mouth.
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Andrews supporters are Aussie MAGA lite. And he knows it, so smug.

Supporters are Unhinged and make it impossible to blame him for anything.

And the Libs can’t lay a finger on him. Useless.

He’ll get back in with a reduced majority.

One thing you have to bear in mind is the effect of the OTT coverage against Andrews
That's the issue, the Libs are hopeless and without strong competition, the incumbent know they don't have to fix the roads, improve the health system. All they have to do is throw a few bones (pardon the pun) with dog parks and logos on netball skirts and they'll get back in. This situation isn't good for any Victorian. By the way, the Libs being hopeless doesn't make Dan good. If I ran my household finances the way Dan runs the state's finances, I would have lost my house, my family and be living on the streets.
$15m has been given in sponsorship to Netball. $8billion has been promised to build more hospitals.
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Andrews supporters are Aussie MAGA lite. And he knows it, so smug.

Supporters are Unhinged and make it impossible to blame him for anything.

And the Libs can’t lay a finger on him. Useless.

He’ll get back in with a reduced majority.
yep, I can see a riot happening if the Libs win, with armed Labor supporters trying to take over parliament.

what a ridiculous comparison.
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$225 mlllion for a privately owned AFL stadium is what irritates the crap out of me.
Some of that $225m is actually going into the area outside the stadium- not sure how much. the upgrade then effectively bought the AFL GF for Melbourne for the next 30 years.
Andrews supporters are Aussie MAGA lite. And he knows it, so smug.

Supporters are Unhinged and make it impossible to blame him for anything.
Nonsense. Sure, all leaders have some unquestioning followers, and the #IStandWithDan crowd is a pushback to relentless media carping and *smile*. But MAGA? Come off it. The Freedumb protestors are closer to MAGA and they have a pathological hate for Andrews.

Some of us can see his faults but think overall he's doing a decent job and is vastly superior to the alternative. Bringing power back under state control is a great idea that will help everyone, ditto transforming the grid to renewables.
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Nonsense. Sure, all leaders have some unquestioning followers, and the #IStandWithDan crowd is a pushback to relentless media carping and *smile*. But MAGA? Come off it. The Freedumb protestors are closer to MAGA and they have a pathological hate for Andrews.

Well said.

While the Dan critics are small in number, they are vocal, and they really hate the guy. Not dislike… I mean really, really hate him (ie. pathalogical). Many of them wish violence upon him. Its cultist behaviour from people who can’t see reason due to their anger and brainwashing. And they are getting angrier because they are being fed garbage by a partisan media that is openly and unashamedly campaigning for the Premier’s demise at any cost. Whatever it takes.

The article on yesterdays HS front page was about 1 thing and 1 thing only… firing up the cookers.
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$15m has been given in sponsorship to Netball. $8billion has been promised to build more hospitals.
I get the complaints about netball sponsorship. It seems unnecessary.
15 Mil is good money, would fit nicely in my pocket.

However it's normal spending.
Some goes to hospitals, some to roads, some to trees, some to helping grow business and attract investment and tourism (part of growing business)

15m to promote the state and enable elite athletes to compete?
Sounds relatively simple stuff.

No household has marketing in their budget.
Every business has marketing in their budget.
This is a better comparison
Nonsense. Sure, all leaders have some unquestioning followers, and the #IStandWithDan crowd is a pushback to relentless media carping and *smile*. But MAGA? Come off it. The Freedumb protestors are closer to MAGA and they have a pathological hate for Andrews.
#istandwithdan was the most biased, vitriolic political party associated group I've seen in Australia. Dan has had so many dodgy deals that he is arms length from on purpose (smart) but would know about it. We were the most locked down city globally, was it warranted? Maybe, maybe not but he hasn't been held too account.

The media being so hard against him has worked for him in a way because the Libs can't lay a glove on them even with this basis. A decent opposition would've been able to make ground on such an advantage.

The Freedom fighters were a bunch of fringe loonies. Those types are associated with any issue.
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#istandwithdan was the most biased, vitriolic political party associated group I've seen in Australia. Dan has had so many dodgy deals that he is arms length from on purpose (smart) but would know about it. We were the most locked down city globally, was it warranted? Maybe, maybe not but he hasn't been held too account.

The media being so hard against him has worked for him in a way because the Libs can't lay a glove on them even with this basis. A decent opposition would've been able to make ground on such an advantage.

The Freedom fighters were a bunch of fringe loonies. Those types are associated with any issue.

The #IstandwithDan was, from what I could understand, started when the Vic population who reacted to the *smile* in the media, and more *smile* from Federal Government, that was blatantly biased against and attacking Victoria. Victorians didn't stand for it and fought back. The Murdoch plan backfired spectacularly.

This is what the Age and HUN need to be wary of here. They go too stupid (many would say they both crossed that line last week) and they will achieve the opposite of what they were hoping for.

But that's today. What happens when the media is still as biased and there isn't that big a gap between the parties? We get the government that Murdoch and Costello want rather than the one we choose after been exposed to unbiased media and reports from both parties? That's the risk now.
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He’ll get back in with a reduced majority.

Serious question: You say Andrews will win on a reduced majority, but where are the losses coming from?

They are likely to lose Hawthorn to the Teals and Nepean to the Libs.

There is talk of disgruntlement in the west. I think there will be a swing against Labor in the west, but will it be enough to unseat any of them? I guess a couple of independents might have a chance in a couple of seats (including PRE's own Joe Garra in Point Cook). The Liberals don’t.

Then you have Northcote that may fall to the Greens. And the Liberals might have a chance in Ashwood (2.0% swing needed), Pakenham (2.2%) and Ripon (2.7%). Anything else required a 3% swing or higher.

The Nationals may take Mildura.

At best I can only see the Libs/Coalition winning 4-5 seats (they need 18 to form government).

Now lets look at the other side. The Libs have 9 seats with a margin of 1.3% or less.

Hastings is 0.0% after redistribution and Paul Mercurio is running for Labor. Both Labor and Teals believe they can take Caulfield. The Teals can win Brighton and Labor will think Sandringham, Bass, Glen Waverley and Bayswater are winnable.

Teals will almost certainly win in Kew and an independent is a very good chance in Benambra.

Based on this, the Liberals will take a few, but will lose a few. No real net gain.
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#istandwithdan was the most biased, vitriolic political party associated group I've seen in Australia. Dan has had so many dodgy deals that he is arms length from on purpose (smart) but would know about it. We were the most locked down city globally, was it warranted? Maybe, maybe not but he hasn't been held too account.
You won't win many firends here questioning anything Dan does.
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The #IstandwithDan was, from what I could understand, started when the Vic population who reacted to the *smile* in the media, and more *smile* from Federal Government, that was blatantly biased against and attacking Victoria. Victorians didn't stand for it and fought back. The Murdoch plan backfired spectacularly.

This is what the Age and HUN need to be wary of here. They go too stupid (many would say they both crossed that line last week) and they will achieve the opposite of what they were hoping for.

But that's today. What happens when the media is still as biased and there isn't that big a gap between the parties? We get the government that Murdoch and Costello want rather than the one we choose after been exposed to unbiased media and reports from both parties? That's the risk now.

Spot on Baloo. It arose as a direct ersponse to the Murdoch press and the lack of support from The Federal Government.
Group or hashtag?

You won't win many firends here questioning anything Dan does.
I'm a swinging voter, I'll vote for who's right at that time. No doubt Andrews is a better option than what the Libs are offering but he should be questioned for a lot of things. He's put himself in a position of complete power across the state and some of the party behavior enters that grey area. He pushes boundaries as all good pollies do. But he's not untouchable, he's not Churchill.
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Churchill, untouchable? Who do you think came up with the great idea to invade Turkey via the Dardanelles in 1915?

Anyway, I don't think anyone here will disagree that the way Dan Andrews concentrates power in himself and his office is not good, but he is the lesser of 2 evils and anyway I'd never vote for the tories.

While we're on the topic of the local tories, I prefer to keep the nutcases out of government: They're in danger of being taken over by fundies. In fact, both major parties have such low membership these days they are vulnerable to take overs.

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